Agency means a private school, organization or individual approved by ___ to provide a continuing education course and a certification training program for nurse asst.
- The Facility
- The Department
- Any School
- None of the above
- The Department
Clinical training means that portion of the orientation program and the certification training program which includes instruction and ___ on a pt of pt care skills by a DSD or other instructor for return demo of competence.
- Education
- Completion
- History
- Demonstration
- Demonstration
Continuing education means provision of structured courses for CNA’s by an agency, public educational instate or health care setting other than the ___.
- Facility of employment
- Department
- None of the above
- All the above
- Facility of employment
Core Curriculum means a description of each category of study within ___ which covers the minimum knowledge/skills needed for CNA’s.
- A Program
- A Facility
- A Department
- None of the above
- A Program
Director of Staff Development means a ___qualified and employed with a nursing facility.
- Director of Nursing
- Licensed Nurse
- Certified Teacher
- None of the above
- Licensed Nurse
Gross Negligence means ___ of a person to exercise any or so little care that it is apparent the person is indifferent to consequences of conduct.
- Plan
- Permission
- Failure
- None of the above
- Failure
An education hour means ___ minutes of participation in organized learning.
- 45
- 50
- 60
- None of the above
- 50
Immediate supervision means that a supervisor shall not only be in the building but also present while the person being supervised ___.
- Demonstrates skills
- Explains skills
- Provides skills
- None of the above
- Demonstrates skills
Incompetence means a CNA fails to exercise knowledge or skill exercised by a reasonable CNA under similar circumstances. TRUE OR FALSE