CN1: Genetics II (Mendelian Disorder and Chromosomal Disorder) Flashcards
● Humans have a mere 20,000 to 25,000 genes that code for proteins.
● Each gene is composed of one copy originating from the paternal side and the other from the maternal side.
○ Genes are composed of DNA, and the ultimate products of most genes are proteins.
○ A gene is a functional unit of DNA from which RNA is copied (transcribed).
○ Each gene is composed of a linear polymer of DNA.
DNA has several remarkable features that make it ideal for the transmission of genetic information:
○ It is relatively stable, at least in comparison to RNA or proteins.
○ The double-stranded nature of DNA and its feature of strict base-pair complementarity permit faithful
replication during cell division.
○ Complementarity also allows the transmission of genetic information from DNA → RNA → protein.
○ Messenger RNA is encoded by the so-called sense strand of the DNA double helix and is translated into proteins by ribosomes.
The presence of four different bases provides genetic
○ In the protein-coding regions of genes, the DNA bases are arranged into Codons, a triplet of bases that specifies a particular amino acid.
○ It is possible to arrange the four bases into 64 different triplet codons (4^3).
○ Each codon specifies 1 of the 20 different amino acids, or a regulatory signal, such as stop translation because there are more codons than amino acids, the genetic code is degenerate: That is, most amino acids can be specified by several different combinations and in various lengths, it is
possible to generate the tremendous diversity of primary protein structure.
● The human genome is divided into 23 different chromosomes, including 22 autosomes (numbered 1-22) and the X and Y sex chromosomes.
● Adult cells are diploid, meaning they contain two homologous sets of 22 autosomes and a pair of sex
○ Females have two X chromosomes (XX), whereas males have one X and one Y chromosome (XY).
● The genome is estimated to contain about 30,000-40,000 that are divided among the 23 chromosomes.
● Historically, genes were identified because they conferred specific traits that are transmitted from one generation to the next.
● Human DNA is estimated to consist of about 3 billion base pairs (bp) of DNA for a haploid genome.
● DNA length is normally measured in units of 1000 bp (kilobases, kb) or 1,000,000 bp (megabases, Mb).
● Not all DNA encodes genes.
○ In fact, genes account for only about 10 to 15% of DNA.
○ Much of the remaining DNA consists of highly repetitive sequences the function of which is poorly understood.
○ These repetitive DNA regions, along with non-repetitive sequences that do not encode genes, may serve a structural role in the packaging of DNA
into chromatin (DNA bound to histone proteins) and chromosomes.
What is a functional unit that is regulated by transcription and encodes a product; either RNA or protein that exerts activity within the cell?
Every nucleated somatic cell in the human has a complete genome of about 6 x 10^9 base pairs of DNA,
with an uncoiled total length of
approximately 2 meters.
It is packaged by supercoiling into 46
chromosomes, consisting of 22 pairs of homologous chromosomes (identical in regard to morphology and constituent gene loci) and 1 pair of sex chromosomes (X and Y), one partner of each pair being derived from the mother and one from the father.
The 46 chromosomes in metaphase vary in length from
2 to 12 μm
The genes are arranged along the chromosomes in
linear order, with each gene having a precise position or locus
Genes that have their loci on the same chromosome are
said to be
genes that are close together on the same chromosome and tend to travel together during meiosis (little crossing-over) are said to be linked.
Alternate forms of a gene that occupy the same locus are
Any one chromosome bears only a single allele at a given locus, although in the population as a whole there may be multiple alleles, any one of which can occupy that specific locus.
Genetic information in DNA is transmitted to daughter
cells under two different circumstances:
○ Somatic cells divide by mitosis, allowing diploid (2n) genome to replicate itself completely in conjunction with cell division; and
○ Germ cells (sperm and ova) undergo meiosis, a process that enables the reduction of the diploid (2n) set of chromosomes to the haploid state (n)
when both members of a pair of alleles (alternative forms of a gene found at a given locus in the chromosome) are identical
○ genetic information defining the phenotype;
○ an individual’s full set of genes
○ describes the specific alleles at a particular locus.
when alleles at a given locus are different.
Overview: Transcription Factors
● The transcription of genes is controlled primarily by the transcription factors that bind to DNA sequences in the regulatory regions of genes.
● Gene expression requires a series of steps including mRNA processing, protein translation, and post-translational modifications, all of which are actively regulated.
● The regulatory regions most commonly involve sequence upstream (5’) of the translation start site, although there are also examples of control elements within introns or downstream of the coding regions of a gene.
○ The upstream regulatory regions are also referred to as the promoter.
○ The minimal promoter usually consists of a TATA box (which binds TATA-binding protein, TBP) and initiator sequences that enhance the formation of an active transcription complex.
○ Transcriptional termination signals reside downstream, or 3’, of a gene.
○ Specific groups of transcription factors that bind to these promoter and enhancer sequences provide a
combinatorial role for regulating transcription.
○ The transcription factors that bind to DNA actually represent only the first level of regulatory control.
○ Other proteins – coactivators and corepressors – interact with the DNA-binding transcription factors to generate large regulatory complexes.
● These complexes are subject to control by numerous cell-signaling pathways, including phosphorylation and acetylation.
○ Ultimately, the recruited transcription factors interact with and stabilize components of the basal transcription complex that assembles at the site of
the TATA box and initiator region.
○ This basal transcription complex that assembles at the site of the TATA box and initiator region, consists of > 30 different proteins.
○ Gene transcription occurs when RNA polymerase begins to synthesize RNA from the DNA template.
Transcription activation can be divided into 3 main
■ Events that alter chromatin structure can enhance the access of transcription factors to DNA.
● e.g. histone acetylation opens chromatin structure and is correlated with transcriptional activation.
■ Post-translational modifications of transcription factors
● such as phosphorylation, can induce the assembly of active transcription
■ Transcriptional activators can displace a repressor protein.
● This mechanism is particularly common during development when the pattern of transcription factor expression changes dynamically.
Overview: Epigenetic Events
● Includes X-inactivation and genomic imprinting, processes in which DNA methylation is associated with the silencing (i.e. suppression) of expression.
● Suppression of gene expression is as important as gene activation.
● Some mechanisms of repression are the corollary of activation.
○ For example, repression is often associated with histone and acetylation or protein dephosphorylation.
● For nuclear hormone receptors, transcriptional silencing involves the recruitment of repression complexes that contain histone deacetylase activity.
Prevents the expression of most genes on one of the two X-chromosomes in every cell of a female.
Gene inactivation occurs on selected
chromosomal regions of autosomes, leading to preferential expression of an allele depending on its parental origin.
Genomic imprinting
Overview: Variations in Gene Expression
● Some genetic conditions segregate sharply; that is, the normal and abnormal phenotypes can be distinguished clearly.
● In ordinary experience, however, the clinical expression of a disorder may be extremely variable, the age of onset
may be late or variable, or the expression may be modified by other genes or by environmental factors.
● The problems are particularly characteristic of autosomal phenotypes and can lead to difficulties in diagnosis and confusion in pedigree interpretation.
Skipping of Generation (Penetrance and
● When the frequency of expression of a trait is below 100 percent, that is, when some individuals who have the
appropriate genotype fail to express it, the trait is said to exhibit reduced penetrance.
○ A dominant gene is said to have full penetrance when the character it controls is always evident in an individual possessing the gene.
○ A gene controlling a recessive characteristic is fully penetrant if the characteristic is invariably manifest
when the gene is present in a double dose.
● If on the other hand, a trait takes different forms in different members of a kindred, it is said to have variable
○ Expression may range from mild to severe and members of the same kind may express the same gene in different ways as well severity.
○ A slight abnormality may not be obvious to the casual observer and may explain an apparent skipping of generation.
○ In other instances, the abnormality may be present in a mild form.
○ Some cases of gout or chronic familial hemolytic anemia are without symptoms and are discovered only when tests are made.
Pleiotropy: One Gene, Several Effects
● Multiple phenotypic effects produced by a single mutant gene or gene pair are called pleiotropic effects.
● Each gene has only one primary effect in that it directs the synthesis of a polypeptide chain.
● From this primary effect, however, many different consequences may arise.
● In any sequence of events, interference with one early step may have ramifying effects.
● Thus a single defect occurring early in development can lead to various abnormalities in fully differentiated
● In some cases a primary gene product might participate in a number of unrelated biosynthetic pathways, possibly at different times.
● In galactosemia, lack of enzyme galactose 1-phosphate uridyl transferase is the primary effect of homozygosity for the recessive gene concerned but there are multiple
secondary effects including mental retardation, cirrhosis of the liver, cataracts and galactosuria.
Genetic Heterogeneity: Several Genes, One Effect
● If mutations at different loci can independently produce the same trait, that trait is said to be genetically heterogenous.
● For example, congenital deafness can be caused by genes located at different loci.
● Thus a man with congenital recessively inherited deafness may marry a woman with congenital recessively inherited deafness, yet all offspring may be normal.
● A possible explanation is that the patient’s deafness is caused by different recessive genes and that each has normal alleles at the locus for which the other has only abnormal genes.
● Is also seen in osteogenesis imperfecta, an inherited disorder, or more specifically a group of disorders that have in common generalized connective tissue abnormality that leads to easy fracturing of bones with little trauma.
● Other defects seen in patients with osteogenesis imperfecta are blue sclerae, conductive hearing loss
relatively early in life, joint laxity and defective dentition.
Four major clinical types of osteogenesis imperfecta have
been defined
○ Type I, the autosomal dominant form
○ Type 2, the perinatal lethal form
○ Type 3 with fractures present at birth
○ Type 4 with propensity to fractures but with normal sclera.
Osteogenesis imperfecta shows clinical heterogeneity, reflecting even greater biochemical heterogeneity that results from heterogeneity in the types of alteration present in the genes for the pro 1 (I) and pro 2 (I) procollagen chains of the collagen molecule that is the major structural protein of bone and other fibrous tissues.
● The term anticipation is used for the apparent worsening and earlier onset of a disease in successive generations.
● The pattern is often observed in myotonic dystrophy families, but it can be explained by bias in ascertainment
of the families rather than by any biological mechanism.
● Families with early-onset, more severe cases are more likely to be ascertained, but patients with mild, late-onset disease are more likely to have offspring.
● Examination of a family at a single point in time thus favors finding children with severe disease whose affected parents and grandparents have milder form.
Variable Age of Onset
● Many genetic diseases are not present at birth but manifest later in life, some at a characteristic age and others at variable ages throughout the life span.
● Genetic disorders are, of course, not necessarily congenital nor are congenital disorders necessarily
● To classify a disorder as genetic means that genes are plainly implicated in its etiology; to say that a disorder is
congenital means only it is present at birth.
● Some genetic disorders have prenatal onset.
● Dysmorphic conditions of many kinds originate during embryological development, and are recognized
postnatally as “birth defects”.
● Some genetic diseases like phenylketonuria and galactosemia are expressed only postnatally or after
● However, some genetic diseases may manifest at variable ages later, such as:
○ Tay-Sachs disease at 4 to 6 months
○ Neurofibromatosis at puberty
○ Huntington’s chorea at a variable age of 15 to 65 years
Sex-limited Traits
● A trait which appears in only 1 sex is said to be sex-limited.
○ An example to illustrate this is testicular feminization.
○ In this condition, a male who has inherited the trait may be reared either as male or f emale since external genitalia are not obviously male at birth.
○ In either case the patient undergoes feminization at puberty.
● Sex-limited traits have to be differentiated from sex-influenced traits.
○ Traits are said to be sex-influenced when they are expressed in both sexes, but with widely varying frequencies.
○ Expressions of autosomal phenotypes with unequal expression in males and females are baldness, congenital adrenal hyperplasia, Legg-Calvé-Perthes
disease, hemochromatosis, etc.
Environmental Effects
● Environment plays an important role in the manifestation of some hereditary diseases in which only a “tendency” is
genetically transmitted.
● Here the person manifests the disease only if he encounters certain environmental conditions.
● For example, a person might have glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency but symptoms will not occur
unless he takes in agents like fava beans, primaquine, acetanilamide, sulfonamides.
● In allergy, the tendency is inherited but it needs exposure to specific antigens for allergic manifestations like asthma and hives to occur.
Incompatibility of Parental Genetic Factors
● This is exemplified by hemolytic disease of the newborn, such as erythroblastosis fetalis.
● In this condition, both parents and infant have normal genes.
● The interaction of these normal genes, however, may lead to pathologic conditions which may be fatal to the baby.
What is a dse caused in whole or in part by a “variation” or “mutation” of a gene?
Genetic disorder
An unusual form
An alteration
What are those derived from one’s parents and are transmitted in the germline through the generations and are therefore familial?
Hereditary disorders
What is a permanent change in the DNA of a gene that results in an abn protein that fxns poorly or not at all?
What are transmitted to the progeny and may give rise to inherited disease?
Mutations that affect the germ cell
They do not cause hereditary dses but are important in the genesis of cancers and some congenital malformations:
Mutations that arise in somatic cells
What involves loss or gain of whole chromosomes giving rise to monosomy or trisomy?
Genome mutations
What can results from rearrangement of genetic material and give rise to visible structural changes in the chromosome?
Chromosome mutations
Mutations involving changes in the number or structure of chromosomes are transmitted only infrequently because most are incompatible?
Chromosomal mutations
Chromosomal mutations: The vast majority of mutations associated with hereditary dses are what?
What may result in partial or complete deletion of a gene or, more often, affect a single base?
Gene mutations
What can be an example of gene mutations?
A single nucleotide base may be substituted by a different base –> POINT MUTATION
What can be an example of gene mutations?
A single nucleotide base may be substituted by a different base –> POINT MUTATION
Gene Mutations
Less commonly, 1 or 2 base pairs may be inserted into or deleted from the DNA; leading to alterations in the reading of the DNA strand:
Frameshift mutations
Here we briefly review some general principles relating to the effects of gene mutations.
○ Genome mutation - loss or gain of whole chromosome; monosomy, trisomy
○ Chromosome mutation - rearrangement of genetic material structural changes in the chromosome;
changes in chromosome number or structure; most are incompatible with life
○ Gene mutation - partial or complete deletion of a gene or more often affect a single base;
■ Point mutation - missense, nonsense, silent
■ Frameshift mutation
Point mutations within coding sequences
● A point mutation (single base substitution) may alter the code in a triplet of bases and lead to the replacement of one amino acid by another in the gene product.
○ Because these mutations alter the meaning of the genetic code, they are often termed missense mutations.
● An excellent example of this type is the sickle mutation affecting the B-globin chain of hemoglobin.
○ Here the nucleotide triplet CTC (or GAG in messenger RNA [mRNA]), which codes for glutamic acid, is changed to CAC (or GUG in mRNA), which codes for valine (see Fig. 5-2).
● This single amino acid substitution alters the physicochemical properties of hemoglobin, giving rise to sickle cell anemia.
○ Besides producing an amino acid substitution, a point mutation may change an amino acid codon to a chain terminator, or stop codon (nonsense
○ Taking again the example of β-globin, a point mutation affecting the codon for glutamine (CAG) creates a stop codon (UAG) if U is substituted for C (Fig. 5.1).
○ This change leads to premature termination of β-globin gene translation, and the short peptide that is produced is rapidly degraded.
○ The resulting deficiency of β-globin chains can give rise to a severe form of anemia called β-thalassemia.
● Point mutations or deletions involving these regulatory sequences may interfere with binding of transcription
factors and thus lead to a marked reduction in or total lack of transcription.
○ Such is the case in certain forms of hereditary hemolytic anemias.
○ In addition, point mutations within introns lead to defective splicing of intervening sequences.
○ This, in turn, interferes with normal processing of the initial mRNA transcripts and results in a failure to form mature mRNA transcripts.
○ Therefore, translation cannot take place, and the gene product is not synthesized.
Deletions and Insertions
● Small deletions or insertions involving the coding sequence lead to alterations in the reading frame of the DNA strand; hence they are referred to as frameshift
mutations (see Figs. 5-3 and 5-4).
● If the number of base pairs involved is three or a multiple of three, frameshift does not occur (Fig. 5-6); instead an
abnormal protein missing one or more amino acids is synthesized.
Trinucleotide Repeat Mutations
● Trinucleotide repeat mutations belong to a special category because these mutations are characterized by
amplification of a sequence of three nucleotides.
● Although the specific nucleotide sequence that undergoes amplification differs in various disorders, almost all affected sequences share the nucleotides guanine (G) and cytosine (C).
● For example, in fragile X syndrome, prototypical of this category of disorders, there are 250 to 4000 tandem repeats of the sequence CGG within a gene called FMR-I.
● In normal populations, the number of repeats is small, averaging 29.
● It is believed that expansions of the trinucleotide sequences prevent normal expression of the FMR-I gene, thus giving rise to mental retardation.
● Another distinguishing feature of trinucleotide repeat mutations is that they are dynamic (i.e., the degree of
amplification increases during gametogenesis).
● These features, discussed in greater detail later, influence the pattern of inheritance and the phenotypic
manifestations of the diseases caused by this class of mutations.
Mutation Summary
● To summarize, mutations can interfere with protein synthesis at various levels.
● Transcription may be suppressed with gene deletions and point mutations involving promoter sequences.
● Abnormal mRNA processing may result from mutations affecting introns or splice junctions, or both.
● Translation is affected if a stop codon (chain termination mutation) is created within an exon.
● Finally, some point mutations may lead to the formation of an abnormal protein without impairing any step in
protein synthesis.
How many genes that code for proteins do humans have?
20,000 - 25,000 genes
What is the ultimate products of most genes?
What is a fxnal unit of DNA from which RNA is copied (transcribed)?
What is encoded by the so-called sense strand of the DNA double helix and is translated into proteins by ribosomes?
Messenger RNA
In protein-coding regions of genes, the DNA bases are arranged into what?
In each codon, it specifies ____, or _____, because there are more codons than AA.
1 of the 20 AA
a regulatory signal (s/a stop translation)
What are adult cells; haploid or diploid?
The genome is estimated to contain about _____ that are divided among 23 chromosomes.
DNA length is normally measured in units of ______ or ______
1000 bp (kilobases, kb)
1,000,000 bp (megabases, mb)
True or False.
Not all DNA encodes genes.
Every nucleated somatic cell in the human has a complete genome of about 6x10^9 base pairs of DNA, with an uncoiled total length of approx. how many meters?
2 meters
The 46 chromosomes in metaphase vary in length from:
2 to 12 um
Genes that have their loci on the same chromosome are said to be what?
Genes that are close together on the same chromosome and tend to travel together during meiosis (little crossing-over) are said to be what?
What are alternate forms of a gene that occupy the same locus?
Genetic information in DNA is transmitted to daughter cells under what circumstances?
(2) Germ cells
(1) Somatic cells
What cells divide by mitosis, allowing the diploid (2n) genome to replicate itself completely in conjunction with cell division?
Somatic cells
What can undergo meiosis, w/c is a process that enables the reduction of the diploid (2n) set of chromosomes to haploid state (1n)?
Germ cells
When both members of a pair of alleles (alternative forms of a gene found at a given locus in the chromosomes) are identical
When alleles at a given locus are different
> Genetic information defining the phenotype
> An individual’s full set of genes
> Describes the specific alleles at a particular locus
What is an observable trait that has an outward expression of these genes manifested as physical, biochemical, or psychological traits?
What is controlled primarily by transcription factors that bind to DNA sequences in the regulatory regions of genes?
Transcription of genes
The upstream regulatory regions are also referred to as?
What enhances the formation of an active transcription complex?
Minimal promoter consisting of a TATA box and initiator sequences
What signals resides downstream, or 3’, of a gene?
Transcriptional termination
The transcription factors that bind to DNA actually represent only what?
First lvl of regulatory ctrl
What interacts with the DNA-binding transcription factors to generate large regulatory complexes?
co-activators and co-repressors
What occurs when RNA polymerase begins to synthesize RNA from the DNA template?
Gene transcription
Transcription activation can be divided into 3 main mechanisms:
(1) Events that alter chromatin structure can enhance the access of transcription factors to DNA (e.g., histone acetylation opens chromatin structure and is correlated with transcriptional activation)
(2) Post-translational modifications of transcription factors, s/a phosphorylation, can induce the assembly of active transcription complexes
(3) Transcriptional activators can displace a repressor protein. This mechanism is particularly common during development when the pattern of transcription factor expression changes dynamically.
What includes epigenetic events?
> X-inactivation
> Genomic imprinting
What are the processes in wc DNA methylation is associated with silencing (i.e., suppression) of expression?
Epigenetic events
Repression is often associated with:
Histone and acetylation or protein dephosphorylation
For nuclear hormone receptors, transcriptional silencing involves the recruitment of repression complexes that contain:
Histone deacetylase activity
What prevents the expression of most genes on one of the 2 X-chromosomes in every cell of a female?
What occurs on selected chromosomal regions of autosomes, leading to preferential, expression of an allele depending on its parental origin?
Gene inactivation
Variation in Gene Expression includes:
- Skipping of generation (Penetrance and Expressivity)
- Pleiotropy
- Genetic heterogeneity
- Anticipation
- Variable age of onset
- Sex-limited traits
- Environmental effects
- Parental genetic factors
When the frequency of expression of a trait is below 100% (i.e., appropriate genotype fail to express it), the trait is said to exhibit what?
Reduced penetrance
What is said to have full penetrance when the character it ctrls is always evident in an individual possessing the gene?
Dominant gene
A gene ctrlling a recessive characteristic is fully penetrant if the characteristic is invariably manifest when the gene is what?
Double dose
A trait that takes different forms in different members of a kindred is said to have what?
Variable expressivity
A slight abnormality may not be obvious to the casual observer and may explain an apparent what?
Skipping of generation
What are multiple phenotypic effects produced by a single mutant gene or gene pair?
Pleiotropic effects
What is the only one primary effect of each gene?
Directs synthesis of a polypeptide chain
What is the primary effect of homozygosity for the recessive gene concerned in galactosemia but have secondary effects including mental retardation, cirrhosis, cataracts, and galactosuria?
Lack of enz galactose 1-phosphate uridyl transferase
What are mutations at different loci that can independently produce the same trait?
What is an example of genetic heterogeneity?
Congenital deafness can be caused by genes located at different loci
What can also be a genetic heterogeneity that has an inherited group of disorders that have in common generalized CT abnormality that leads to easy fracturing of bones w little trauma?
Osteogenesis imperfecta
What are other defects seen in px with osteogenesis imperfecta?
- Blue sclerae
- Conductive hearing loss relatively early in life
- Joint laxity
- Defective dentition
Type 1: OI
Autosomal dominant form
Type 2: OI
Perinatal lethal form
Type 3: OI
With fractures present at birth
Type 4: OI
With propensity to fractures but with normal sclera
What shows clinical heterogeneity, reflecting even greater biochemical heterogeneity that results from the heterogeneity in the types of alterarion present in the genes for the pro 1 and 2 procollagen chains?
What is used for the apparent worsening and earlier onset of a dse in successive generations?
Tay Sach’s dse manifest at what month or age?
4-6 months
Neurofibromatosis manifest at what month or age or stage?
Huntington’s chorea manifest at what month or age?
15-65 years
What is an example of a trait which appears in only 1 sex that is said to be sex-limited?
Testicular feminization
In what condition states wherein a male who has inherited the trait may be reared either as male or female since external genitalia are not obviously male at birth?
Teticular feminization
What are traits when they are expressed in both sexes, but with widely varying frequencies?
Expressions of autosomal phenotypes with unequal expression in males and females are:
- Baldness
- CAH (congenital adrenal hyperplasia)
- Legg-perthe’s dse
- Hemochromatosis
What is exemplified by hemolytic dse of newborn s/a erythroblastosis fetalis?
Incompatibility of Parental Genetic Factors
What may alter the code in a triplet of bases and lead to the replacement of one AA by another in the gene product?
Point mutation (single base substitution)
Because point mutations alter the meaning of the genetic code, they are often termed as what?
Missense mutation
What is an example of missense mutation?
Sickle mutation affecting the B-globulin chain of Hb
What codes for glutamic acid and is changed to CAC (or GUG in mRNA), which codes for valine?
Nucleotide triplet CTC (GAG in mRNA)
The single AA substitution alters the physicochemical properties of Hb, giving rise to what?
Sickle cell anemia
A point mutation may change an AA codon to what?
1) chain terminator
2) stop codon (nonsense mutation)
Point mutations or deletions involving these regulatory sequences may interfere with binding of transcription factors and thus lead to what?
Marked reduction in or total lack of transcription
What interferes w normal processing of the initial mRNA transcripts and results in a failure to form mature mRNA transcripts therefore cannot take place, and the gene product is not synthesized?
Point mutations within introns lead to defective splicing of intervening sequences
Small deletions or insertions involving the coding sequence lead to alterations in the reading frame of the DNA strand; hence are referred to as what?
Frameshift mutations