CN Name Category Function Pathway Flashcards
Special sensory (special somatic afferent)
f(x): vision
P: Optic canal ->orbit
special sensory (special visceral afferent)
f(x): smell
P: cribiform plate of ethmoid
somatic motor
f(x): extraocular eye muscles
f(x): muscles around lens of eye
P: Cavernous sinus -> superior orbital fissure -> orbit
Somatic Motor
f(x): eye muscle
P: Cavernous sinus -> Superior orbital fissure -> Orbit
Trigeminal (just categories and f(x)s)
Brachial Motor (V3 only)
f(x): Muscles of mastication and a few others
General Sensory V1
General Sensory V2
General Sensory V3
f(x): Sensory to practically all of the head
Trigeminal Pathways Brachial Motor (only V3) General Sensory V1 General Sensory V2 General Sensory V3
Brachial Motor (only V3)
P: Foramen ovale -> infratemporal fossa -> muscle
General Sensory V1
P: Cavernous Sinus -> superior orbital fissure -> orbit
General Sensory V2
P: Cavernous sinus ->foramen rotundum -> pterygopalatine fossa -> inferior orbital fissure -> infraorbital canal ->infraorbital foramen -> branch
General Sensory V3
P: Foramen ovale -> infratemporal fossa -> branch
Somatic Motor
f(x): eye muscle
P: Cavernous sinus -> sup. orbital fissure
Branchial Motor f(x): stylopharangeus muscle Parasympathetic (Visceral motor) f(x): lacrimal and mucous gland of palate Parasympathetic (Visceral motor) f(x): submandibular and sublingual glands General Sensory f(x): small areas around the ear Special Sensory f(x): taste from anterior 2/3 of tongue
Facial (pathways)
Branchial Motor (muscles of facial expression and three others)
Parasympathetic (Visceral motor) (lacrimal and mucous gland of palate)
Parasympathetic (Visceral motor) (submandibular and sublingual glands)
General Sensory (small areas around the ear)
Special Sensory (taste from anterior 2/3 of tongue)
Branchial Motor
P: Internal acoustic meatus -> facial canal -> stylomastoid foramen -> muscle
Parasympathetic (Visceral motor)
P: IAM -> facial canal (greater petrosal n.) -> pterygoid canal -> pterygopalatine fossa (all things maxillary)
Parasympathetic (Visceral motor)
P: IAM -> facial canal (chorda tympani n.) -> petrotympanic fissure -> infratemporal fossa -> hooks up with V3 (all things mandibular)
General Sensory
P: IAM -> facial canal -> stylomastoid foramen -> branches
Special Sensory
P: IAM -> facial canal (chorda tympani) -> middle ear -> petrotympanic fissure -> infratemporal fossa ->tongue
Special Sensory
f(x): hearing and balance
P: internal acoustic meatus
Branchial motor f(x): stylopharangeus muscle general sensory f(x): posterior 1/3 of tongue and pharynx visceral sensory f(x): carotid body/sinus parasympathetic f(x): parotid gland general sensory f(x): middle ear special sensory f(x): taste - posterior 1/3 of tongue
Glossopharyngeal (pathways)
Branchial motor f(x): stylopharangeus muscle
general sensory f(x): posterior 1/3 of tongue and pharynx
visceral sensory f(x): carotid body/sinus
parasympathetic f(x): parotid gland
general sensory f(x): middle ear
special sensory f(x): taste - posterior 1/3 of tongue
Branchial motor P: Jugular foramen -> stylopharyngeus m. General Sensory P: JF -> tongue and pharynx Visceral Sensory P: JF -> carotid body and sinus Parasympathetic P: JF -> tympanic canal into temporal bone -> middle ear -> back out through foramen ovale -> infratemporal fossa general sensory P: JF -> tympanic canal into temporal bone -> middle ear special sensory P: JF -> tongue
Branchial Motor
f(x): pharynx, larynx and soft palate
Parasympathetic (Visc. Motor)
f(x): Smooth muscle and the glands of the pharynx, larynx, throat and abdomen
Visceral Sensory
f(x): Visceral sensation from thorax and abdomen
General Sensory
f(x): small area of ear and tympanic membrane, dura mater of post. cranial fossa, larynx
Special Sensory
f(x): taste - epiglottis
Vagus (pathways)
Branchial Motor f(x): pharynx, larynx and soft palate
Parasympathetic (Visc. Motor) f(x): Smooth muscle and the glands of the pharynx, larynx, throat and abdomen
Visceral Sensory f(x): Visceral sensation from thorax and abdomen
General Sensory f(x): small area of ear and tympanic membrane, dura mater of post. cranial fossa, larynx
Special Sensory f(x): taste - epiglottis
Branchial motor P: JF -> muscle Parasympathetic (Visc. Motor) P: JF -> muscle Visceral Sensory P: JF -> thorax and abdomen General Sensory P: JF -> small area of ear and tympanic membrane, dura mater of post. cranial fossa, larynx Special Sensory P: JF -> epiglottis
Branchial Motor
f(x): Neck muscles
P: foramen magnum -> jugular canal
Somatic Motor
f(x): tongue muscles
P: hypoglossal canal
Special Sensory
1 2 7 8 9 10
Somatic Motor
General Sensory
Branchial Motor
Visceral Sensory