CMM 501 Unit 3 Flashcards
What is the action of the palatoglossus muscle?
Elevates tongue, constricts posterior opening of oral cavity
What is the action of the palatopharyngeus muscle?
Elevates pharynx/larynx during swallowing and speaking
What is the action of the levator veli palatini?
Elevates soft palate during swallowing
What is the action of Tensor veli palatini?
Tenses soft palate during swallowing
What is the action of Salpingopharyngeus?
Elevates pharynx/larnynx during swallowing/speaking
What is the action of the pharyngeal constrictors?
Assists in moving bolus inferiorly to esophagus during swallowing
What is the action of the cricothyroid muscle?
Increases tension in vocal folds to produce a higher pitch
What is the action of the intrinsic muscles of the larynx?
Moves cartilages of larynx to produce speech
What midline cavity muscles are innervated by CN X (Vagus)? (5 muscles)
Palatoglossus, Palatopharyngeus, Levator veli palatini, Salpingopharyngeus, Pharyngeal Constrictors
What nerve innervates the tensor veli palatini?
CN V3 (Trigeminal - Mandibular)
Which midline cavity muscle helps to open the auditory (eustachian) tubes?
What is the function of genioglossus?
Protrude, depress, and elevates sides of tongue
What is the function of styloglossus?
Retract and elevate sides of tongue
What is the function of geniohyoid?
Pulls hyoid anteriorly which shortens floor of mouth and widens pharynx
What is the function of digastric?
Elevates hyoid during swallowing and speaking. Can depress mandible.
What is the action of mylohyoid?
Elevates hyoid, tongue, floor of moth during swallowing
What is the action of hyoglossus?
Depresses tongue