CME Content Flashcards
Glucose - sugar in the blood
Normal: 70-99 mg/dL
Sodium (Na) - electrolyte
Normal: 135-145 mEq/L
Chloride (Cl) electrolyte
Normal: 96-106 mmol/L
Potassium (K) - electrolyte
Normal: 3.5-5.5 mEq/L
Carbon Dioxide (CO2) - gaseous waste product
Normal: 20-29 mmol/L
Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN) - waste product of the liver carried to the liver and excreted through urine
Normal: 7-20 mg/dL
Creatinine - chemical waste product of muscle metabolism
Normal: 0.8-1.4 mg/dL
can be tested in blood or urine
Calcium (Ca) - mineral stored in the bones
Normal: 8.5-10.9 mg/dL
Magnesium (Mg) - electrolyte
Normal: 1.8-2.6 mEq/L
Protein (Total) - chains of amino acids essential for growth and repair of cells
Normal: 6.3-7.9 g/dL
Albumin - protein that keeps fluid from leaking out of blood vessels and that nourishes tissues
Normal: 3.9-5.0 g/dL
Globulin - alpha, beta, and gamma proteins
Normal: 2.0-3.5 g/dL
Bilirubin - pigment in bile, a digestive fluid produced b the liver
Normal: 0-0.3 mg/dL
Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP) - enzyme found in liver and bones
Normal: 50-160 IU/L
Alanine Amino-transferase (ALT) - enzyme found mostly in the liver
Normal: 8-37 IU/L
Aspartate Amino-transferase (AST) - enzyme found in the liver, muscles, and other tissues
Normal: 10-34 IU/L
Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR) - checks how well the kidneys are working by estimating how much blood passes through the glomeruli each minute
Normal: 90-120 mL/min/1.73 m2
Body System 1
Body System 2
Body System 3
Body System 4
Body System 5
Body System 6
Body System 7
Body System 8
Body System 9
GU (including hernias)
Body System 10
Body System 11
Body System 12
Neurological (including reflexes)
Body System 13
Body System 14
DUI - alcohol (as prescribed under State law)
1st offense = 1 year 1st offense (hazardous materials) = 3 years 2nd offense = life
DUI - alcohol (blood concentration >= 0.04)
1st offense = 1 year 1st offense (hazardous materials) = 3 years 2nd offense = life (possible reinstatement after 10 years after completion of state-approved rehab program)
DUI - controlled substance
1st offense = 1 year 1st offense (hazardous materials) = 3 years 2nd offense = life (possible reinstatement after 10 years after completion of state-approved rehab program)
Refusing to take an alcohol test
1st offense = 1 year 1st offense (hazardous materials) = 3 years 2nd offense = life
Leaving the scene of an accident
1st offense = 1 year 1st offense (hazardous materials) = 3 years 2nd offense = life
Using CMV to commit a (non-drug-related) felony
1st offense = 1 year 1st offense (hazardous materials) = 3 years 2nd offense = life
Driving with a revoked, suspended, or disqualified license
1st offense = 1 year 1st offense (hazardous materials) = 3 years 2nd offense = life
Causing a fatality through negligent operation of a CMV
1st offense = 1 year 1st offense (hazardous materials) = 3 years 2nd offense = life
Using CMV in the commission of a felony involving the manufacture, distribution, or dispensing of a controlled substance (whether hauling hazardous material or not)
1st offense = life (permanent)
Moving violations (speeding in excess of 15 mph over the limit, reckless driving, improper lane changes, tailgating, driving without CDL in possession, driving without proper class of CDL, texting while driving)
2nd offense = 60 day suspension
3 or higher offense = 120 day suspension
Stage 1 HTN (140-159/90-99)
Certify: 1 year
Recertify: 1 year if BP < 140/90 or 3 months if not
Stage 2 HTN (160-179/100-109)
Certify: 3 months (refer to specialist)
Recertify: 1 year if BP < 140/90
Stage 3 HTN (>=180/110)
Recertification: never more than 6 months and only if BP < 140/90
Monocular vision
Certify 1 year with exemption (renew exemption q 2 years)
Meniere’s disease
Uncontrolled vertigo
Labyrinthine fistula
Nonfunctioning labyrinth
Secondary HTN
if not treated through surgery - use guidelines for essential HTN
Waiting period: 3 months after surgical correction of underlying disorder
Certify: 1 year
Recertification: annual
Anticoagulant therapy
Waiting period: >= 1 month stabilized on Tx
Certify: 1 year (must provide documentation of INR results at exam with at least monthly INR testing)
Recertification: annual
Abdominal aortic aneurysm (< 4 cm 4-5 cm with clearance, or any size but repaired)
Waiting period: 3 months post-surgical repair
Certify: 1 year
Recertification: annual
Abdominal aortic aneurysm (symptomatic, recommended for repair, increased > 5 cm in size in 6 months, or > 5 cm)
Acute DVT
Waiting period: until etiology has been confirmed and Tx initiated
Certify: 1 year (if well managed, under supervision, and on prescription medications)
Recertification: annual
Chronic thrombotic venous disease
Certify: 2 years (if stable and asymptomatic)
Recertification: biannual
Intermittent claudication
Waiting period: do not certify if pain at rest
Certify: 1 year
Recertification: annual
Pulmonary emboli
S/S: sharp pain with cough
Waiting period: 3 months post-surgical repair OR without PE (do not certify if symptomatic - dyspnea, chest pain, SOB)
Certify: 1 year
Recertification: annual
Thoracic aneurysm (< 3.5 cm)
weakened and bulging area in upper part of aorta
Waiting period: 3 months post-surgical repair
Certify: 1 year
Recertification: annual
Varicose veins
Waiting period: do not certify until etiology confirmed and Tx effective - can be harmless but painful or sign of pulmonary/vascular disorder => refer to specialist
Certify: 2 years
Recertification: biannual
Implantable cardioverter-defibrillators (ICD)
Disqualify (do not certify driver with pacemaker/ICD, even if ICD not activated) - treat cardiac arrest, ventricular tachycardia, and ventricular fibrillation through delivery of rapid electrical shocks (treat, but do not prevent arrhythmias)
Pacemaker (sinus node dysfunction/AV block)
Waiting period: 1 month post-implantation
Certify: 1 year (documentation of regular checks)
Recertification: annual
Pacemaker (neurocardiogenic syncope/hypersensitive carotid sinus w/syncope)
Waiting period: 3 months post-implantation
Certify: 1 year (documentation of regular checks)
Recertification: annual
Atrial fibrillation
Waiting period: 1 month with adequate anticoagulation or ablation
Certify: 1 year (do not certify if symptomatic)
Recertification: annual
Ventricular arrhythmia
Waiting period: 1 month after Tx
Certify: 1 year (do not certify if driver has LVEF < 40%, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, long QT interval, Brugada syndrome)
Recertification: annual
Acute MI
Waiting period: 2 months (LVEF >= 40%)
Certify: 1 year (do not certify if resting angina, ETT < 6 METs, ischemic change on rest ECG, intolerance to therapy)
Recertification: annual (with biennial ETT)
Angina pectoris
Waiting period: 3 months with no resting angina or change in pattern (satisfactory ETT with cardiovascular evaluation q 2 years)
Certify: 1 year (do not certify if driver has unstable angina within 3 months of exam)
Recertification: annual
Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) risk-equivalent (DM, PVD, Framingham risk 20% CHD in next 10 years, over age 45 with multiple risk factors for CHD)
Certify: 1 year
Recertification: annual
Coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) surgery
Waiting period: 3 months post-surgery (or until sternum has healed)
Certify: 1 year (only if LVEF >= 40% - do not certify if driver is symptomatic, has LVEF < 40%, not cleared by cardiologist, unhealed sternum)
Recertification: Annual (annual ETT 5 yrs. Post-CABG)
Percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI)- angioplasty
Waiting period: 1 week
Certify: Initial certification = 6 months (driver should bring results of ETT 3-6 months post intervention) then 1 year
Recertification: annual (if ETT normal)
Ebstein anomaly
congenital downward displacement of the tricuspid valve
Certify: 1 year
Recertification: annual
Heart transplantation
Waiting period: 1 year
Certify: 6 months (evaluation should be done by cardiologist)
Recertification: 6 months
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
Disqualify - left ventricle or septum between ventricles enlarges (heart cannot relax properly between beats and fills with less blood = insufficient blood flow to body)
Restrictive cardiomyopathy
loss of consciousness
Waiting period: identify and treat underlying disorder
Certify: 1 year
Recertification: annual
Heart murmurs
Waiting period: 3 months after valve repair
Certify: 6 mos. w/o valve repair and 1 yr. w/valve repair (ECG every 2-3 years)
Recertification: annual
Mitral Stenosis
Mild: mitral valve area (MVA) >= 1.6 cm (certify)
Moderate: MVA 1.0-1.6 cm
Severe: MVA < 1.0 (disqualify)
Waiting period: 4 wks. (post-percutaneous balloon valvotomy)/3 mos. (Post-surgery)
Certify: 1 year (annual CXR, ECG, 2D echocardiography with Doppler)
Recertification: annual
Mitral Valve Prolapse
Certify: 1 year
Recertification: annual (with Echo if mitral regurgitation)
Prosthetic valves
Waiting period: 3 months post-surgery
Certify: 1 year
Recertification: annual
Pulmonary valve stenosis
Waiting period: 1 mo. (post-balloon valvuloplasty)/3 mos (post-surgical valvotomy)
Certify: 1 year
Recertification: annual
do not certify: symptomatic, pulmonary valve peak gradient > 50 mm Hg, right ventricular pressure > 50%, > mild RV hypertrophy/dysfunction, > moderate pulmonary valve regurgitation, main pulmonary artery diameter > 5 cm
Antihistamine therapy use
Certify: 2 years (must wait 12 hours before operating vehicle)
Recertification: biennial
Certify: 2 years (do not certify if asthma is poorly controlled)
Recertification: biennial
Hypersensitivity pneumonitis (immune-mediated granulomatous interstitial pneumonitis)
Certify: 2 years (CXR can reveal extent of interstitial disease)
Recertification: biennial
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
Certify: 2 years (do not certify w/hypoxemia at rest, chronic respiratory failure, Hx of cough with syncope)
Recertification: biennial
Acute respiratory disease
Certify: 2 years (wait 12 hours after taking sedatives)
Recertification: biennial
Atypical TB
Certify: 2 years
Recertification: biennial
Pulmonary TB
Certify: 2 years (do not certify with chronic TB, noncompliance with therapy, incomplete streptomycin therapy)
Recertification: biennial
Chest wall deformity
Certify: 2 years (do not certify if hypoxemia at rest, chronic respiratory failure, Hx of cough with syncope, < spirometry, unstable)
Recertification: biennial
Interstitial lung diseases (ILDs)
Certify: 2 years (do not certify if hypoxemia at rest, chronic respiratory failure, Hx of cough with syncope)
Recertification: biennial
Traumatic or Spontaneous Pneumothorax
Certify: 2 years (confirm recovery with CXR)
Cor pulmonale (enlargement of the right ventricle secondary to lung disease)
Certify: 2 years (do not certify if dyspnea at rest, dizziness, hypotension, PaO2 < 65 mm Hg)
Recertification: biennial
Pulmonary hypertension (pulmonary artery pressure greater than 50% systemic systolic blood pressure)
S/S: chest pain, swollen ankles, SOB
Certify: 1 year (do not certify if dyspnea at rest, dizziness, hypotension, PaO2 < 65 mm Hg)
Recertification: annual
Anticonvulsant therapyfor pain
Certify: 2 years (do not certify if Tx used to prevent seizures)
Recertification: annual
Provoked (1 time seizure)/childhood febrile seizures
Certify: 2 years
Recertification: biennial
Unprovoked Seizure (mild without early seizure)
Waiting period: 1 year seizure free and off anticonvulsant medications
Certify: 1 year
Recertification: annual
Unprovoked Seizure (moderate without early seizure)
Waiting period: 2 years seizure free and off anticonvulsant medications
Certify: 1 year
Recertification: annual
Unprovoked Seizure (moderate with early seizure) or single unprovoked seizure
Waiting period: 5 years seizure free and off anticonvulsant medications
Certify: 1 year
Recertification: annual
Unprovoked Seizure/Hx of Epilepsy (2 or more unprovoked seizures)
Waiting period: 10 years seizure free and off anticonvulsant medications
Certify: 1 year
Recertification: annual
Certify: 2 years
Recertification: biennial
Benign positional vertigo/Acute and chronic peripheral vestibulopathy
Waiting period: 2 months asymptomatic
Certify: 2 years
Recertification: biennial
do not certify: use of benzodiazepines/phenothiazines for treatment
Aseptic meningitis
Certify: 2 years
Recertification: biennial
Bacterial meningitis or Viral encephalitis without early seizures
Waiting period: 1 year seizure free and off anticonvulsant medications
Certify: 2 years
Recertification: annual
Bacterial meningitis with early seizures
Waiting period: 5 years seizure free and off anticonvulsant medications
Certify: 2 years
Recertification: annual
Viral encephalitis with early seizures
Waiting period: 10 years seizure free and off anticonvulsant medications
Certify: 2 years
Recertification: annual
Autonomic neuropathy (affects the nerves that regulate vital functions)
Certify: 2 years (do not certify with resting tachycardia or orthostatic BP)
Recertification: biennial
Isaac’s syndrome (rare neuromuscular disorder that is characterized by progressive muscle stiffness; continuously contracting or twitching muscles [myokymia]; and diminished reflexes)
Stiff-man syndrome
Congenital myopathies
Metabolic muscle diseases(conditions affecting the energy metabolism of muscle)
Motor neuron disease(spinal muscular atrophy, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis)
Muscular dystrophy
Neuromuscular junction disorders (myasthenia gravis, myastenic syndrome)
Disqualify (easy fatigability)
Peripheral neuropathy
Disqualify (interferes with sensation) - protein in the urine is often the first sign
Brain tumors (infratentorial meningiomas, acoustic neuromas, pituitary adenomas, spinal benign tumors)
Waiting period: 1 year post-surgical removal
Certify: 1 year (with no evidence of new tumors)
Recertification: annual
CNS tumors (benign supratentorial tumors, spinal tumors)
Waiting period: 2-4 years post-surgical removal
Certify: 1 year (with no evidence of new tumors)
Recertification: annual
Dementia (Alzheimer’s/Pick’s disease)
Stroke/intracerebral and subarachnoid hemorrhage/TIA
Waiting period: 1 yr. (no risk for seizure)/5 yrs. (risk for seizure)
Certify: 1 year (no risk for seizure - cerebellum or brainstem vascular lesions/risk for seizure - cortical or subcortical deficits)
Recertification: annual