CMAA Guide E-L Flashcards
ECG or EKG monitors
the -electrical activity of the heart-electrocardiogram
removal of all or part of an organ
monitors the electrical activity of the brain (measures brain waves)–
Emancipated minor
a person younger than the age (usually 18 -21) who is married,
in the armed forces, living apart from parents or guardians or self-supporting (they
can refuse care). they are responsible for themselves and their debts
within, inner Example: endoscope (instrument used to look inside the body)
– within the heart
inflammation of the heart
Explanation of Benefits – a record of patient’s fees – if a patient wanted to see
what was charges, paid, allowed etc. - it would all be on the EOB
end stage renal disease – qualifies for Medicare at any age
Established patient –
an active patient who has been with the practice awhile
Eupnea –
normal, good, unlabored breathing, sometimes known as quiet or resting
respiratory rate
– outside, outward Example :(exogenous (originating outside the body)
Flexible Spending Account –
employer takes an amount of money out of the
employee’s paycheck in order to pay for medical treatments, if a patient uses this to
pay a medical bill, this is allowed and posted as a credit to the patient’s account
making false statements or representations of material facts to obtain some
benefit or payment for which no entitlement would otherwise exist – if the CMAA
sees a co -worked co
Gastr/o –
stomach – Doctor – Gastroenterologist
– gastroesophageal reflux disease – this is there is an issue with the
esophageal sphincter – doctor is gastroenterologist
Good Samaritan Law
– A law that exempts from legal liability a person who
attempts to give reasonable aid to another person who is ill and injured or in peril
but a consequence occurs – Example: rib broken during CPR
an instrument used to record – Example: electrocardiograph
the number of pregnancies
Guarantor –
the person financially responsible for the payment – person or entity
responsible for payment of services after insurance has paid
Hardship Plan
– used when patient owes money but has been recently ill or death in
family or in situation where their financial ability to pay has changed – if a patient
has been laid off from work discuss payment option
codes used for Medicare billing – Healthcare Common Procedure Coding