CMA Glossary2 Flashcards
Ability to convert an asset into cash quickly. [CMA]
Loan Covenants
Clauses in a loan agreement that require one party to do, or refrain from doing, certain things. [CMA]
Local Area Network (LAN)
A computer communications system limited to no more than a few miles and using high-speed connections.
Lockbox System
A system where a financial entity collects and deposits payments on behalf of an entity thereby reducing the mail and processing float. [CMA]
Long Position
The purchase of a security with the expectation that the security will rise in value. [CMA]
Long Run
A time period of sufficient length to enable decision makers to adjust fully to a market change; the period of time in which all costs are variable. [CMA]
Long-Term Debt to Equity Ratio
Measure of the financial leverage of a firm. [CMA]
Long-Term Liabilities
Debts due for repayment more than one year in the future or beyond the normal operating cycle. [CMA]
Lower of Cost or Market Rule
A method of valuation that results in an asset being valued at either acquisition cost or market value, whichever is lower. [CMA]
Expenditures necessary to achieve the originally anticipated useful life of a fixed asset. [CMA]
Make Versus Buy
The decision either to produce a good or service with an entity’s own resources or to buy it from an outside supplier. [CMA]
Software designed to infiltrate or damage a computer system; short for malicious software.
Managed Floating Exchange Rates
An exchange rate that is mostly allowed to change (float) as demand in currency supply and demand changes but is often altered (managed) by governments through their buying and selling of certain currencies. [CMA]
The process of leading and directing all or part of an organization, often a business, through the deployment and organization of resources. [CMA]
Management Accounting
The process of identification, measurement, accumulation, analysis, preparation, interpretation, and communication of financial information used by internal decision makers in order to plan, evaluate, and control an entity and to assure appropriate use of and accountability for its resources. (Also called Managerial Accounting.) [CMA]
Management by Exception
The management practice of focusing on areas that deserve attention and ignoring areas that seem to be running smoothly. [CMA]
Management Control
An organized, integrated process and structure through which management attempts to achieve enterprise goals effectively and efficiently. [CMA]
Management Discussion and Analysis
A discussion of Management’s views of an entity’s performance, required by the US Securities and Exchange Commission to be included in the Annual Report on Form 10-K. [CMA]
Management Information System
A system that provides past, present, and prospective information about internal operations and external intelligence. [CMA]
Management Override of Internal Controls
Situation where management evades or overrides the organizational internal controls, typically in financial reporting.
Management-by-objective (MBO)
A system in which a manager and an employee agree upon a set of specific performance goals, or objectives, and jointly develop a plan for reaching them.
The transformation of raw materials into finished goods. [CMA]
Manufacturing Cost
The costs incurred to transform materials into other goods through labor and factory facilities. [CMA]
Manufacturing Overhead
Indirect factory-related costs that are incurred when products are manufactured, usually contain both variable costs and fixed costs.
Margin of Safety
The excess of budgeted sales over the break-even volume. [CMA]
Marginal Cost
Cost resulting from the production of one additional unit. [CMA]
Market Comparables
Estimating the price of an asset by comparing to recent sales prices of assets with similar characteristics. [CMA]
Market Equilibrium Price
The price of a good or service that will balance the supply and demand. [CMA]
Market Penetration
A measure of an entity’s sales of a given product or service compared to the total sales of all suppliers in the market. (Also called Market Share.) [CMA]
Market Price
The current price for which a good or service is offered in the marketplace. [CMA]
Market Price Method
A method of transfering price that sets the transfer price equal to the normal selling price of the seller when it sells the product externally.
Market Risk
The portion of stock price (or portfolio) movement that is attributable to the movement of the market as a whole. (Also called Systematic Risk.) [CMA]
Market Skimming Pricing
Charging a relatively high price for a short time when a new, innovative, or much-improved product is launched onto a market. [CMA]
Market Structure
The organizational and other characteristics of a market, in particular those that affect the nature of competition and pricing. [CMA]
Market Value
The value of a good, a service, or a security as determined by buyers and sellers in an open market. [CMA]
A characteristic of a security that allows it to be sold at a reasonable price in a short period of time. [CMA]
Marketable Securities
- Liquid securities that can be converted into cash quickly. 2. A balance sheet classification for negotiable financial instruments. [CMA]
Market-Based Transfer Price
When the price for goods or services charged by one division of a company to another is based on the market price. [CMA]
Market-to-Book Ratio
Current stock price divided by book value per share, where “book value” equals common shareholders’ equity. (Also called Price-to-Book Ratio.) [CMA]
Master Budget
A budget that consolidates all budgets into an overall plan and control document, for a budgeted period. (Also called a Comprehensive Budget.) [CMA]
Master Budget Capacity
The expected level of capacity utilization for a budgeted period.
The process of recognizing expenses in the same accounting period as that in which the related revenues are recognized. [CMA]
Material Requirements Planning (MRP)
A system that translates a production schedule into requirements for each component needed to meet that schedule. [CMA]
The concept that accounting should separately recognize only those events that are relatively important for understanding an entity’s statements. [CMA]
Maturity Date
The date on which a debt becomes due for payment. [CMA]
Maturity Matching
The matching of asset and liability maturities; i.e., financing long-term assets with long-term sources and short-term needs with short-term sources. [CMA]
Maximum Possible Loss
The most pessimistic view of possible loss; when referring to insurance of a building, for example, the risk that the entire structure, its immediate surroundings, and all the building’s contents will be destroyed. (Also called Extreme or Catastrophic Loss.) [CMA]
The combining of two or more companies. [CMA]
Mission statement
A brief formal outline of the purpose and scope of activities of a company or organization.
Mix Variance
A variance that results when actual proportions of the components of revenues or costs are different from the proportions used in arriving at the budgeted or planned revenue or cost, or the standard cost. [CMA]
Mixed Cost
A cost composed of fixed and variable elements. [CMA]
Monetary Items
Money or a claim (an obligation) to receive (or pay) a sum of money, the amount of which is fixed or determinable without reference to future prices of specific goods and services. [CMA]
Under COSO Framework, a component of internal control that covers the external oversight of internal controls by management or third parties; or the application of independent methodologies, like customized procedures or standard checklists, by employees within a process.
Monopolistic Competition
A situation where there are a large number of independent sellers, each producing a differentiated product in a market with low barriers to entry. [CMA]
A market structure characterized by a single seller of a well defined product for which there are no good substitutes and by high barriers to the entry of any other firms into the market for that product. [CMA]
Monte Carlo Technique
An analytical technique in which a large number of simulations are run to infer the most likely result, using random quantities for uncertain variables. [CMA]
A claim given by the borrower to the lender against the borrower’s property. [CMA]
Moving Average
A method of calculating central tendency over time in an attempt to identify long-term trends. The average is calculated over a specific time period (e.g. years). For each time period after the initial one, the earliest value is dropped from the calculation and the most recent one is added in, to make an average over the same length of time. [CMA]
Moving Averages
One way to smooth data and also averages a recent set of data, but without the weighting.
A multiple regression equation is flawed because two variables thought to be independent are actually correlated to be independent.
Multinational Company
Company operating in several countries. [CMA]
Multiple Regression
A statistical method used to model the relationship between one dependent (or response) variable and one or more independent (or explanatory) variables by fitting a linear equation to observed data. (Also called Multiple Linear Regression.) [CMA]
Mutually Exclusive Project
Competing investment projects in which accepting one project eliminates the possibility of undertaking the remaining projects. [CMA]
Negotiable CD
A Certificate of Deposit with a very large denomination, usually $1 million or more. They are usually in bearer form, considered low risk and highly liquid. (Also called Jumbo CD.) [CMA]
Negotiated Price
In transfer pricing, the price charged by one segment of an organization to another for a product or service that is determined by negotiation between the segments. [CMA]
Negotiated Price Method
A method of transfering price that sets the transfer price equal to a price agreed upon by the buyer and seller through a negotiation process.
Net Cash Flow
The difference between the inflows and outflows within a given period.
Net Income
Income for a period after subtracting expenses from all sources for that period. (Also called Net Earnings.) [CMA]
Net Present Value (NPV)
The difference between the present value of all cash inflows from a project or investment and the present value of all cash outflows required to obtain the investment, or to undertake the project at a given discount rate. [CMA]
Net Profit Margin
A financial ratio where net income is divided by sales. (Also called Net Profit Margin Percentage.) [CMA]
Net Realizable Value
- The estimated selling price in the ordinary course of business less the reasonably predictable cost of completion and disposal. 2. Accounts receivable less allowance for bad debts. [CMA]
Net Working Capital
Current assets less current liabilities. [CMA]
Net Working Capital Ratio
A liquidity financial ration that measures net working capital as a percent of total assets. [CMA]
In data communications, a configuration in which two or more locations are physically connected for the purpose of exchanging data. [CMA]
Network Controls
Internal controls to insure accurate and secure flows of data in computer and communication systems. [CMA]
Network Security
The protection of networks and their services from unauthorized modification, destruction, or disclosure.
A term signifying that a value has not been adjusted for inflation. [CMA]
Non-monetary Exchange
The exchange of goods or services between entities for which no monetary instruments are involved. (Also called Barter.) [CMA]
Non-price Competition
Methods firms use to attract customers other than price reductions, including advertising, free gifts, special packaging, etc. [CMA]
Nonrecurring Items
One-time occurrences for an entity involving unusual income or expense. [CMA]
Non-value Added
An activity that increases a good’s costs without increasing its value to the consumer. [CMA]
No-par Stock
The shares of a company that carry no nominal or par value. [CMA]
Normal Capacity
The level of capacity utilization which is less than 100% of practical capacity which will satisfy average customer demand over time (accounting for seasonal and cyclical trends).
Normal Cost System
A costing system whereby cost objects are assigned the sum of direct materials and labor resources consumed plus an allocation of overhead based on normal capacity. [CMA]
Normal Profit
The net earnings for an enterprise that recognizes that a reasonable return on capital (both debt and equity) is one of the costs of the enterprise. [CMA]
Normal Spoilage
Inherent product deterioration that is expected even under the best operating conditions. It is unavoidable in the short run. [CMA]
Notes Payable
A short-term debt instrument whereby the issuer promises repayment on or before a specified date. [CMA]
Objective Function
In Linear Programming, the variable to be maximized (profit) or minimized (cost). [CMA]
A trait of financial reporting that emphasizes the verifiable, factual nature of events or transactions and minimizes personal judgment in the measurement process. [CMA]
The loss in usefulness of an asset caused by technological or market changes. [CMA]
Off-Balance Sheet Financing
Financing from sources other than debt and equity offerings that are not reflected on an entity’s balance sheet, such as joint ventures, partnerships, and operating leases. [CMA]
A market situation in which a small number of sellers comprise the entire industry. [CMA]
Operating Budget
Detailed projection of all estimated revenue, expenses, and income based on forecasted sales revenue during a given period (usually one year). (Also called Operational Budget.) [CMA]
Operating Cycle
The average time between the acquisition of materials or services and the final cash realization from the sale of products. [CMA]
Operating Expenses
Expenses incurred in the course of ordinary activities of an entity. [CMA]
Operating Income
Earnings before Interest and Taxes. [CMA]
Operating Lease
A lease that does not meet the criteria for capitalized a lease; accounted for as rental payments. [CMA]
Operating Leverage
The percent of fixed costs in a company’s cost structure. [CMA]
Operating Profit
The profit from a firm’s core ongoing business operation. [CMA]
Operating Profit Margin
A financial ratio represented as operating profit divided by sales. (Also called Operating Profit Margin Percentage.) [CMA]
Operational Audit
A process of obtaining and evaluating evidence about operating procedures and events as compared with established criteria of good performance. [CMA]
Operational Budget
A plan for the revenues and expenses associated with operating activities of a given period. (Also called Current Budget.) [CMA]
Operational Risk
Risks resulting from breakdowns in internal procedures, people and systems. [CMA]
Activities of an entity that deal with producing, delivering and selling goods or services. [CMA]
Opportunity Costs
The value of the forgone alternatives. [CMA]
A legal right to buy or sell something at a specific price within in a specified time. [CMA]
Ordering Cost
The cost of preparing a purchase order, and the special processing and receiving costs related to the number of orders processed. [CMA]
Organization Structure
The arrangement of responsibilities within an entity. [CMA]
Organizational Culture
The set of key values, beliefs, understanding and norms of an organization. [CMA]
Organizational Goals
A desired future state that the organization attempts to attain. [CMA]
Output Controls
Output controls ensure that a complete and accurate audit trail of the results of processing is reported to appropriate individuals for review. [CMA]
The process of purchasing goods and services from outside vendors rather than producing the same goods or providing the same services within the company. [CMA]
A facility (usually at a bank or other financial institution) enabling an account holder to borrow up to an agreed amount, often for an agreed time. [CMA]
Indirect costs. [CMA]
Overhead Allocations
Methods used to assign overhead costs to products, activities, or processes [CMA]
Overhead Budget
The estimated or planned expenditures of an entity for overhead costs (costs other than those directly related to products or services). [CMA]
Overhead Rate
The ratio of overhead costs for a specific period related to the amount of some measurable causal factor during the same period. (Also called Burden Rate.) [CMA]
Paid-In Capital
The amount paid by investors in exchange for stock. (Also called Contributed Capital.) [CMA]
Par Value
- The dollar amount printed on the face of some stock certificates. 2. The face value of a bond. [CMA]
Parallel Testing
Testing procedure where new software is compared on new and old system simultaneously.
A type of budgeting that allows managers to participate in the preparation of budgets. (Also called Bottom-Up.) [CMA]
Participative Standards
Budget standard developed with a great deal of input from the employees charged with meeting the standard.
Participatory Budgeting
Budgeting where top management and operating managers develop budgets through joint decision-making.
The period of time necessary to recover the cash cost of an investment from the cash inflows attributable to the investment. [CMA]
Payroll Cost
- Payments to employees for labor services. 2. Taxes and tax-like payments an employer incurs as a legal condition of employment such as unemployment insurance paid to state and federal governments. [CMA]
Penetration Pricing
Pricing technique of setting a relatively low initial price to attract new customers (a price usually lower than the market price.) [CMA]
An amount given to a person usually after retirement. [CMA]
Percentage-of-Completion Method
A method of accounting for long-term construction contracts where revenue and gross profit are recognized each period based upon the progress of the construction. [CMA]
A general term applied to part or all of the conduct or activities of an entity over a period of time, often with reference to some standard. [CMA]
Performance Evaluation
A management process of reviewing an employee’s performance over a period of time, comparing that performance to expectations or standards, and communicating the results to the employee. [CMA]
Performance Measurement
A quantification of the effectiveness and efficiency with which the objectives of a responsibility center have been accomplished. [CMA]
Period Cost
An expenditure or loss that is charged to the current period rather than as a cost of the products produced in that period. [CMA]
Physical Inventory
A physical count of all inventories on hand. [CMA]
Pilot Testing
Preliminary testing or study to try out software or process and make any needed changes or adjustments.
Planned Value
The amount of work you planned to have accomplished by now, in dollars or hours; also called budgeted cost for work scheduled (BCWS).
The act of drawing up plans for an organization’s future direction to attain its goals.
Land, buildings, machinery, equipment, furniture and other fixed assets used to produce products. [CMA]
Plant-Wide Overhead
A single overhead rate for an entire plant used to allocate overhead costs to products produced in the plant. [CMA]
Political Risk
The risk of loss when investing in a given country caused by changes in a country’s political structure or policies, such as tax laws, tariffs, expropriation of assets, or repatriation of profits restrictions. [CMA]
A group of investments held by an institution or individual. [CMA]
A set of procedures for evaluating the results of a capital budgeting project. [CMA]
Post-Retirement Benefits
Payments to which former employees may be entitled once they are no longer employed, including pension benefits, death benefits, health benefits, and life insurance. [CMA]
Practical Capacity
Measure of capacity that is the maximum level at which the plant or department can operate efficiently. [CMA]
Preferred Stock
Capital stock that provides a fixed dividend paid before any dividends are paid to common shareholders. It takes precedence over common stock in the event of liquidation. [CMA]
The extra amount paid for a security over and above its intrinsic or par value. [CMA]
Premium Pricing
The practice of setting a price artificially high in order to encourage a perception of exclusivity or status appeal. [CMA]
Prepaid Expenses
Payments made for services to be received after the date of payment. [CMA]
Present Value
The value today (or at some specific date) of an amount or amounts to be paid or received later (or at other, different dates), discounted at some discount rate. [CMA]
Prevention Costs
Costs incurred by an entity to prevent defects in the products or services it produces. Examples include inspection, design, and quality training. [CMA]
Preventive Controls
Controls designed to discourage or pre-empt errors, irregularities, or improper outcomes from occurring.
Price Elasticity of Demand
The percentage change in the quantity of a product demanded divided by the percent change in its price. It indicates the degree of consumer response to a variation in price. [CMA]
Price Variance
The difference between actual price and budgeted price multiplied by the actual quantity of input. (Also called Rate Variance or Sales Price Variance.) [CMA]
Price Variance (Direct Costs)
Price variance = (actual input price ? budgeted input price) x actual input quantity.
Price/Earnings (P/E) Ratio
Current Market Price per share divided by Earnings per share. [CMA]
Price-to-Book Ratio
Current Market Price per share divided by Net Book Value per share. (Also called Market-to-Book Ratio.) [CMA]
The process of determining the amount to charge customers for products or services. [CMA]
Prime Cost
The cost of direct materials and direct labor. [CMA]
Pro Forma Balance Sheet
The statement that shows the estimated assets, liabilities, and stockholders’ equity at a particular point in time. The stockholders’ equity is equal to the assets minus the liabilities.
Pro Forma Income Statement
The statement that shows the budgeted revenues and budgeted expenses for a period of time, along with the budgeted net income (net profit), which is equal to the budgeted revenues less the budgeted expenses.
Pro Forma Statement of Cash Flows
The statement that shows the projected inflows and outflows of cash during a period of time, along with the projected increase or decrease in the company’s cash during that period.
Pro Forma Statements
- Financial statements that have one or more assumptions or hypothetical situations built into the data. 2. Budgeted balance sheets and income statements are sometimes referred to as pro forma statements. [CMA]
The likelihood or chance of occurrence of an event. [CMA]
Probability Distribution
A collection of data that shows all the values that the random variable can take and the likelihood that each will occur. [CMA]
An activity or group of inter-related activities that adds value to inputs and provides outputs to customers.
Process Analysis
The review of business processes including definition, monitoring, measurement, and reporting with the goal of improving processes to meet customer requirements profitably. [CMA]
Process Costing
A method of allocating manufacturing cost to mass-produced identical or similar products to determine an average cost per unit. Each unit receives the same manufacturing input as every other unit. Refineries, paper mills, and food processing companies are examples that use process costing. [CMA]
Processing Controls
Controls on the processing stage of an information system, including Run-to-Run controls, Operator Intervention controls, and Audit Trail controls. [CMA]
Procurement Policies
Rules and regulations to govern the process of acquiring goods and services needed by an organization in order to function efficiently. [CMA]
Product Cost
The direct material, direct labor, and production overhead cost of a product. [CMA]
Product Life-Cycle
The time span between the initial concept of a product or service and the time when the entity no longer produces the product. Stages are Introduction, Growth, Maturity, and Decline. [CMA]
Product Line
A grouping of similar products. [CMA]
Product Mix
The array of products offered for sale by a company. [CMA]
Product Profitability Analysis
Analysis that reviews the profitability performance of a given product or products.