CM07 Mental Health Flashcards
Section 4
No Discrimination
- Political
- Sexual
- Substance abuse
- Criminal behaviours
Define Mental Disorder
An abnormal state of mind continuous or intermittent, delusions, mood, perception, volition, cognition
- posses a serious danger to health/safety
- Unable to take care of him/herself
Restricted Patients
- Subject to compulsory orders
- considered danger to public
- Return at anytime
Special Patients
- Court order = criminally insane unfit to plea
- Return at anytime
Section 109
Mentally disordered people in Public places
Section 109 ELEMENTS
- Any members of police may apprehend
- Any person wandering at large in a public place
- Behaving in a manner that gives a reasonable belief that he/she many be mentally disordered
- The member believes it is in the interest of the person or public to do so
Section 41
Assisting a DAO
Section 41 Assisting a DAO
- Enter premises by force if necessary
- Take person to place nominated by DAO
- 6 hours MAX
Section 110
Assisting a Medical Practitioner
Section 110 C
Power of entry when urgent assistance required
Transporting Patients
- DAO or doctor decides
- MUST be accompanied
- Consider clinical condition, violence, vehicle type, personnel available
What to do when you locate a person with a mental disorder?
Check alerts
- restricted patient?
- Special patient?
- Compulsory treatment order patient
What to do when you are called to a PRIVATE PLACE?
Only enter if
- Requested by DAO (section 41)
- Requested to assist doctor (Section 110)
What to do when you are called to a PUBLIC PLACE?
Apprehend under section 109 and take them to surgery, station or other appropriate place.
- Request a DAO examines them
When detained under enactment what is your search power?
Section 85
- don’t forget obligations under 125
Use of force
Section 122B
States the if you are exercising the following powers in an emergency you can use force
- Power to take person or patient/proposed patient
- Power to detail a person, patient/proposed patient (sections 41, 109, 110)
- Powers to enter premises in section 41 or 110
Under what section can you use force?