CM Midterms Flashcards
The driving force behind every organization is its
management team
the owner is usually the
he has daily contact with all people of his organization, he’s the one who establish policies
owner/ manager
a group of indiv who are cooperating willingly and effectively for a common goal
seeks to know who is to do and what is to be doe
structured to promote better managemtn
ideal setup
combi of good org and good executive
formal arrangements that are established to coordinate all activities in order to implement a given strategy
structural organization
reflects the anatomy of a firm through its focus on mechanisms and processes that link both vertically and horizontally the various parts of an org.
structural elements of org
men, materials, machine, methods, money
major elemets of org structure
distribution of functions, vertical and horizontal authority relationships, comm and decision process, policies
common failure of management
failure to adapt its org strcutur, policies and procedure to the growth and size complexity of the enterprise
diff members of org starting from the very top of the last workman in the enterprise
represents the mats necessary in the distrubution of functions or in the attainment of its objectives
the tools necessary in producing its desired output
the procedures and ways used in the course of actions
the financial resources of organization
the functions to be performed, the groupings of functions, and the vertical and horizontal task relationship among functions
distribution of functions
who are the authority to do what
vertical and horizontal authority relationships
the manner in which formal decisions are made and by whom
comm and decision processes
the decision, rules, or guidelines established
acc to ___, Traditional structures are no longer adequate for today’s complex orgs.
Peter Drucker
has conditions peculiar to itself
business organization
Principles of Good Organization
Principle of Objective, Analysis, Simplicity, Functionalism, Departmentalization, Centralization of Authority and responsibility, Limited Span of Control
a clear and complete definition of the objective must be known
principle of objective
a sound business judgement attempts to build an org thorugh full knowldge of the reqs of business. there should be a study as to whether the proj could be finished at the right time and at the right price the client will be able to pay.
the simplest org that will serve to attain the desired obj is considered the best
the org should be built around the main function of the business and not thru indivs
in org, scope of operation can be broad, necessisating ____ to achieve a smoother flow of operations. ___ can be thru functions, products, location, or by projs of the org.
in every org there should be centralized exec control or command authority
Centralization of Authority and responsibility
the number of subordinates and exceutive can manage effectivrly
Limited Span of Control
had been defined as an org of ppl with varied skills, whixh uses capital and talents to produce goods or services which can be sold to others more than their cost
the process of directing and facilitating the work of people who are organized for a common purpose.
management is a process
it is the function of getting things done thru the efforts of others. it is the application of authority and assumption of responisbility.
management is a function
management to be effective must be___. Things can be done better by means of plan and action.
managment to be successful must be ___.
management must be ___. where machine may
acc to Webster, to check or regulate.. to keep within limits
no two companies are
creative force for exec cntrl
long range planning
important element of executive cntrl
effective comm system
most difficult and highest degree of responsibility
manager as executive
specific function of manager
to plan
to organize
to direct
to control
job of making things happen otherwise not occur
-an intellectual process
-direction of action
guiding and overseeing subordinates
in directing, two prcess enter the pic:
leadership and coordination
process by which an imaginative directs, guides or influence the work of others in choosing and attaining particular ends
process whereby an executive develops an orderly pattern of group effort among the subordinates
defined as the process by which an exec gets the performance of his subordinates to correspond as closely to chosen plans, orders, objectives, policies
general statements which guide or channel the thinking and action of members of an org
reflection of policy.
bridge between objective and result
Executive Leadership
crowning glory of success
human progress
to achieve objectuve, leader must use ___ style when he is the expert or when there is emergency situations
autocratic style
when ppl is capable of functioning independently, leader must use ___ kind of leadership
democratic or participatory kind
a confederation of five indigenous nation which is now the US
Iroquois League
US adopted a constituion known as
Great Law of Peace
former Swedish Prime Minister
Ingvar Carlson
___ is the key to effective management
delegation of authority
ppl who constantly seek authority but evade responsibility
buck passing
propounded the machine model, scientific or task management theory
Frederick W, Taylor
father of scientific managemt
frederick taylor
introduced to the world the use of research mathematics
Carl G. Barth
contributed to the recognition of worker psychology, the development of bonus plan, and charts used in scheduling
Henry Gantt
founder of Panasonic
konosuke matsushita
3 management philosophies by matsushita
a goal
an ideal
a vision
the next key to success is to think of an enterprise as an ___. the obj of any enterprise is to improve life in community
public instution
the thrid key to success is___. does not give the manager to do something dishonest with impunity
open management
the 4th key to success
collective wisdom of all its employees
a specific msg conveyed by a leader to a follower
either written or verbal
4 disticnt category of order:
request, suggestion, asking for volunteer, direct order
effective guiding principles how to phrase orders effectively
clear, concise, complete, acceptable
to make an order ___, phrase it in simple terms
to make an order ___, answer all the questions who, when, what why
to make an order ___, should be short enough fot he receiver to be able to repeat
to make an order __, receiver should sees it as justified
yo make an order __, when u explain why the action mjst be taken
YOU MAKE an order ___ when you deliver it in a way thst will not adversley affect ur relationship with the receiver
you make an order __, when u present it as a way that he sees it as a worthwhile challnege
the most important resiurce in any organization is
human resource
is complex and includes a high degree of uncertainty and mbiguity
knowldege work
acc to Drucker, for manual worker we only need
the avility to do thungs right rather than the ability to get the right things done
style of management of samsung
hierarchical style
planning may be classified as
objective of the enterprise, policies, program, budget, procedures
bridge bet objective and result
executive leadership
power of an administor to delegate function
ability to motivate subordinates
basic human desire and incentive for further achievement
___ and __ must got tgt
authority and responsibilty
bring tgt people with diverse knowledge and skills
project construction
industrial engineering functional task
Incentive standard, methids analysis, quality cntrl, production cntrl, material handling
history have proven that ___ were effective executives
to be ___ is the job of executive
every order has 3 meaninf
the meaning u think u cinvey, u do convey, the receiver thinkc u cinvey
Chairman of Samsung
Lee Hun Hee
Fundamental process of management
Decision making
A judgement. A choice between alternatives
First rule of decidion making, one doesnnot make andecision unless there is
knowledge work is defined by its
untested hypotheses
the focal point of the process, solution must address the prob rther than symptoms
identifying the problem
often benwfits from the use of mathematical or statistical techniques
analyzinf and comparing alternatives
will depend on the objectives of decision maker and criteria
selection of the best alternative
simply mwan carrying out the action indicated by the chosen alternative
implementing the chosen solution
the manager’/ ___ can be anfactor. due to series of successful
a term which refers to the limit as control on making decisions because of cost, human abilities, time , technology
bounded rationality
result from each diff dept attempt to reaching a solution that is optimum for their dept.
ffectobe manager know that ___ is a limiting factor
fhe scarcest sourde
another common time waster is mal organization
the one secret of effectiveness
concentration (first things first)
most important element in the success of any effort
means that a management uses to bring employees under control