CM 3 Flashcards
collective disciplines - pure free trade to state practices
“optimal trade regime”
optimises gains from exchange
maximises population’s well-being
“pure” free trade is nonexistence
states moderate market by providing industries with protections in visible/tolerated manner
need for collective disciplines - institutions & rules to regulate exchanges
combination of market action & public interventions justifies existence of collective disciplines
in their absence - certain actors tempted to divert gains to sole advantage
rules guaranteeing freedom
Henri Lacordaire, Dominican - “between strong & weak, rich & poor, master & servant, freedom oppresses & law liberates
Bretton Woods doctrine
before end of war : allies agreed on principles of cooperation to govern monetary, financial, & commercial relations
several international organisations planned : IMF, IBRD, ICO
goal : rules to discipline state behaviours
establishment of international commercial order harder than that of collective disciplines
International Trade Organisation
US lead negotiation that led to Havana Charter
56 countries agreed on principles of future OIC
would promote economic growth, production increase & stimulate economic development
US congress hostile, fearing it would limit commercial policy
considered too American by Europe & visa versa
opposition between democratic president & republican majority
Birth of GATT
2nd negotiation in parallel with 23 states
established set of rules to liberalise trade
non-discrimination, reciprocity, abolition of quantitative restrictions & fairness in trade
organised negotiations which lowered level of global customs protection
principle 1 of WTO : non-discrimination
reciprocity : each party reduces barriers in equal proportion to advantages granted by others
most favoured nation clause (CNPF) : advantages that 2 countries mutually grant each other extended to all (consolidation)
rule of national treatment : market access conditions identical for all, producers & importers treated same
GATT : reduction of customs duties
transparency of customs duties make them a favoured intervention tool
GATT organised negotiations (Rounds) to obtain the reductions in custom duties on manufactured products
substitution of tariff barriers by non-tariff barriers
neo-protectionism : sneaky protections (difficult to fight)
GATT rounds
Torquay (1950/51 in UK) - sparked by application of FRG
Dillon (1961/62) - sparked creation of EEC
Kennedy (1963/67 in Geneva) - prompted by JFK
Tokyo (1973/79) - instigated by US
Uruguay (1986/94) - longest & most important, covered many domains, led to WTO
principle 2 of WTO : elimination of quantitative trade restrictions
through blockades, prohibitions, quotas
eliminate not just reduce restrictions
exceptions allowed when country suffers from :
- productivity delay (recession/unemployment)
- serious disproportion in payment balance (threat to foreign exchange reserves)
principle 3 of WTO : intervention against unfair trade practices
ban on dumping - allows country accused of dumping to defend itself by applying anti-dumping laws
prohibits selling abroad below domestic rates in normal business operations
subsidies reduce produce production costs, distorting competition
internal subsidies that reduce imports must be notified to GATT
external subsidies that support exports are prohibited for manufactured goods & tolerated for basic products
fight against dumping
2 complementary meanings
against price predation
against price discrimination
dumping - against price predation
selling product at lower than cost price to eliminate competition
“predatory pricing”
abuse of dominant position - company occupies large market share
dumping - against price discrimination
selling in another country at price lower that one charged in origin country
results from subsidies granted by good’s state of origin
consumer state has right to apply countervailing anti-dumping customs duty to defend domestic producers
notions of ‘dumping’ & ‘anti-dumping’ - history
Brussels Commission (1998) : imports of tv receivers from Asia were being dumped, causing a serious prejudice
EEC must establish anti-dumping measures
1991: imposed on exports from Hong Kong & China to Europe
exceptions to WTO regime - Article XII
equilibrium of balance of payments
allows WTO member to apply restrictions to safeguard external financial position