Cluster A Flashcards
What are the 2 types in cluster A?
Paranoid (suspects)
Schizoid (distant)
Features of paranoid PD
Cluster A SUSPECTS: - Suspicious of others - Unforgiving (bears grudges) - Spouse fidelity questioned - Perceives attack - Envious/jealous - Criticism not liked + Cold affect - Trust in others reduced (distrust) - Self-reference (self-importance)
Features of schizoid PD
Cluster A - think of a depressed person DISTANT: - Detached (flattened) affect - Indifferent to praise or criticism - Sexual drive reduced - Task done alone - Absence of close friends - No emotion (cold) - Takes pleasure in few activities (little pleasure)
Which will be cold and not interested in relationships?
What do people with PD’s tend to have a hx of?
Neglect and sexual abuse
In the exam what should you think about as likely PD answer?
either BPD (W>M) or Dissocial/antisocial (W
What are the sub categories of cluster B?
- Emotionally unstable (borderline)
- Emotionally unstable (impulsive)
- Histrionic
- Dissocial
- Narcissistic
Features of borderline PD (emotionally unstable)
Cluster B AM SUICIDE - Abandonment fear - Strive to avoid being abandoned - Mood instability (unpredictable affect) - Suicidal behaviour - Impulsivity - Unstable relationships - Intense relationships - Disturbed sense of self (self-image disturbed) - Deliberate self-harm (or threats) - Emptiness (Charlie)
Features of emotionally unstable (impulsive)
Cluster B
- Impulsiveness (not thinking of consequences)
- Quarrels/conflicts
- Inability/poor control of anger
- Angry or violent outbursts
- Unstable mood
- Need immediate reward, otherwise struggle to complete task
Features of histrionic
Cluster B - red
- Provocative behaviour
- Real concern for physical attractiveness
- Attention seeking
- Influenced easily
- Shallow + seductive inappropriately
- Egocentric (vain) + exaggerated emotions (self-dramtisation)
- Centre of attention
Features of antisocial/ dissocial PD
Cluster B
- Callous
- Others blamed
- Reckless disregard for safety
- Remorseless (lack of guilt)
- Underhanded (deceitful)
- Poor planning (impulsive)
- Temper
- Tendency to violence
Features of narcissistic
Cluster B - a bad medic
- Sense of self-importance
- Exaggerates achievements
- Expects to be recognised as superior
- Lacks empathy
- Arrogant
- Envious or believes other are envious of them
- Sense of entitlement
What are the subcategories of cluster C?
- Dependent
- Anxious (avoidant)
- Anankastic
Features of dependent PD
Cluster C Adam - Reassurance required - Expressing disagreement is difficult - Lack of self-confidence - Initiating projects is difficult - Abandonment feared - Needs others to assume responsibility - Companionship sought - Exaggerated fears (heights)
Features of anxious/avoidant PD
Cluster C - ellie du frense
- Tension
- Insecure
- Timid
- Certainty of being liked needed before becoming involved w/ people
- Restriction to lifestyle to maintain security
- Inadequacy felt
- Embarrassment potential prevents involvement in new activities
- Social inhibition
Features of anankastic PD
Cluster C - me a bit (amber/ananber kryst)
- Excessive doubt
- Indecisiveness
- Perfectionism
- Rigidity + stubborn
- Everyone has to do things their way
- Obsessed w/ rules and details
What do they do in BPD?
o They say they want to die so therefore need to look for evidence of future planning (asked them about their plans next week)
o “Splitting”: see people as all good or all bad (e.g. healthcare team – try and create ½ team on their side and other 1/2 on other side)
o Counter transference: the pt transfer’s their emotions to the other person (e.g. Dr)