Clue Cues Flashcards
Wadsworth: Yvette?
Monsieur! I didn’t hear you come in! You frightened me half to death!
Wadsworth: Is everything ready?
Wadsworth: Ah. Right on time. You have your instructions?
Wadsworth: Not to worry, Colonel. It’s just the maid, in the Hall, with the champagne cork.
Mustard: Oh, uh, don’t mind if I…
Zis way Monsieur.
White: We’ve never met.
Wadsworth: Oh, yes.
Bonjour Madame. Pleaze, come in from ze rain.
Peacock: Don’t be ridiculous, I’ve never seen this woman before in my life.
Peacock: What is that smell? It’s something…familiar.
Shark’s fin soup.
Cook: I know.
Bon appetit!
(Opening in the Study)
Coffee? Brandy?
Wadsworth: Thank you, Yvette. That will be all.
Oui, Monsieur.
Green: Unless she dies too.
Wadsworth: Who’s in there? Who’s screaming?
C’est moi!
Wadsworth: Yvette?
Mustard: Yvette, are you all right?
Mustard: Yvette, are you alive?
Of course, I’m alive, you ee-diot!
No zanks to you - Wadsworth! You’ve locked us up in zis house wiz a murderer!
White: So the murderer is here?
Green: Where?
Where? Here! We are all looking at him…
…or her.
Peacock: It’s amazing I’m anywhere!
I heard you all in ze Study - one of you is ze killer!
Plum: How could you hear us in ‘ze’ Study?
I was listening! I have a tape recorder in ze Billiard Room connected to ze Study!
Monsieur Boddy asked me to record your converzation.
Plum: Why would he ask you to do that?
For more evidence, of course! Wadsworth revealed your secrets in ze Lounge, now zey are all recorded.
Plum: What a snake! I’ve got to destroy them! Where are the tapes?
Who cares about ze tapes, what about ze body?!
Mustard: What body?
Boddy’s body!
White: But, Yvette, why were you screaming in there, all by yourself?
Because I was frightened! I also drank ze Cognac. Maybe I am poisoned too!
Plus, one of you is ze killer! Monsieur Boddy is dead!
White: Who else is in this house?
Only ze Cook.
Peacock: In the Study. Any one of us could have picked it up.
(adlib) I never even saw ze Dagger.
Mustard: Was there anyone else in the house?
Scarlet: Have you all forgotten the evidence against us?
Ze evidence!
Mustard: Evidence against us aside, first things first. We’re in a room with two dead bodies.
And ze cops are on zeir way!
Plum: Some party this is turning out to be.
Help me, Monsieur Green.
Wadsworth: There! Locked!
Mustard: What are you going to do with the key to the safe, Wadsworth?
Oh yes! Ze key!
Wadsworth: I’ve an idea - we’ll throw it outside.
Oui! A l’exterieur! (lex stereouh)
Plum: But if we split into pairs, whichever one of us is paired with the killer might get killed!
Mon dieu!
All: Gone?
I have an idea!
Plum: Stand back! I’m a doctor!
Stand back! I’m a woman!
Scarlet/Mustard: adlibbing - What was that, etc.
I will help you!
I’m done shooting at you! Ze door is open! You can come out now!
Mustard: Why were you shooting at us?
To open ze door!
Mustard: But you could’ve killed us!
I said stand back!
Plum: Say, Frenchy - where did you get that gun anyway?
Ze zafe. It was unlocked!
Wadsworth: No I haven’t! It’s gone!
Wadsworth: The Parker Brothers.
(adlib) What should we do? Mon dieu!
Green: I’m going to open the door.
Cop: Did a motorist stop by for help, by any chance?
Cop: Can I come in and use the phone?
Wadsworth: It’s because our chandelier fell down.
(adlib) Zat was my bad.
Wadsworth: Because it’s…all too shocking!
Hello, Officer! Welcome to ze party!
Cop: Excuse me.
You are excuzed!
Cop: Pardon me.
Good night, Officer!
Wadsworth: All’s clear! You can come out now. Well done, all of you. Impressive!
(adlib) So proud.
Cop: Hello? Hello? Are you still there? Is this phone working?
E-lo? Oo turned out ze lights? E-lo?!
Oh, it’s only you. You scared me! I zought you were ze killer!
Cop: Did somebody cut the line? Hello?
Oh, did you find a clue? What is zat in your hand?
Wadsworth: Indeed. I’ll be with you in a moment.
Follow me, Colonel.