Cloud Concepts (25-30%) Flashcards
Cloud Computing
The ability to rent computing services of all types (compute, storage, networking, database, machine learning, etc.)
Public Cloud
cloud services provided over the public facing internet to anyone who wants to sign up for them. Azure owns the hardware, you rent it from them.
Private Cloud
- Cloud services offered only to select users.
- Sometimes called internal cloud
- Looks and acts like cloud computing, but uses resources and servers available only to your company/organization.
Hyrbid Cloud
a mixture between your own private network/servers, and using the public cloud for some things.
Capital Expenditure (CapEx)
a large amount of money invested in an asset spent up front, and it returns profit slowly over time.
Operating Expenditure (OpEx)
an amount of money spent every month as an operating expense; hopefully you earn more money in revenue from it than you spend.
Consumption Based Model
paying for something based on how much you used as opped to paying for something no matter if you use it or not.
Cloud Pricing models
- Free Services
- Pay for Time
- Pay per GB
- Pay for Operations
- Pay per execution
what percentage of time does a system respond to request, expressed as a percentage
High Availability
a system specifically designed to be resilient when some component of the system fails
the ability of a system to grow its capacity “easily” when a system reaches its max capacity
Vertical Scaling
keeping the same number of resources but giving them more capacity
Horizontal Scaling
increasing or decreasing the number of resource instances
resiliency and availability, to restore the systems and applications after a failure occurs and provide consistent access to the systems and applciations
Disaster Recovery
the ability to recover from a big failure within an acceptable period with an acceptable amount of data lost
performance predictability or cost predictability
to protect applications and data from threats
the policies and procedures of your company that protect your account and your data
the ability of a system to automatically grow when max capacity is reached and shrink to minimize waste
the ability to respond to change “rapidly” based on changes to market or environment
Managment in the Cloud
to manage cloud environment and resources via web portal, CLI, API or Powershell
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
this is the computing paradigm where Azure provides you the virtual hardware and you can have complete control over that.
- (VM, Load balancer, application gateway, virtual network)
Platform as a Service (PaaS)
you lose some control over the hardware, generally you upload your own code and just configure the environment in Azure to run it.
- (App Services, Web Apps, SQL Database)
Serverless Compute
Removes both the need to manage the infrastructure and the need to configure the environment that runs your code.
Software as a Service (SaaS)
you lose even more control over the hardware and the software, Azure will provide you an application that they developed, and you just configure it to your usage.