Closed Economy: The Goods Market (topic 2) Flashcards
Interaction between demand, production, and income (how does fiscal policy affect output?) Equilibrium can be: o Production = demand o Investment = saving
What are the interactions between demand, production, and income?
Changes in demand lead to changes in production –> changes in production lead to changes in income –> Changes in income lead to changes in demand for goods.
What is an exogenous variable?
A variable that is taken as a given.
What is an endogenous variable?
A variable that is explained within the model.
What happens when the IS relation is in equilibrium?
Firms investments is equal to public and private savings.
What determines output/production in the short run?
Demand determines output in the short run.
What does the function of Y show?
The decomposition of GDP. The sum of consumption, investment, government spending and export minus imports.
Y = C + I + G + X - IM
What does the determinant C show?
Services and goods purchased by consumers.
What does the determinant C depend on?
C depends on income Y and taxes T.
How is disposable income (YD) determined?
Y - T = YD
C =c0+ c1 * (Y – T)
How does C depend on disposable income? and how does changes in Y and T affect C?
Depends positively on YD, when it goes up, C goes up.
T increases or Y decreases: YD decreases and therefore C decreases.
Y increases or T decreases:
YD increases and therefore C increases.
What does the determinant c1 show?
The effect that an additional euro of disposable income has on consumption.
The propensity to consume.
What is the natural restriction of c1?
c1 will be smaller than 1 (c1 < 1) because people won’t spend all of their disposable income, they will save some of it.
What does (1 - c1) show?
The propensity to save.
How much of the additional euro of income will be saved (under the assumption that c1 < 1)
What does c0 show?
Consumer confidence.
What would people consume if their disposable income in the current year = 0.
What is the natural restriction of c0?
C will be positive with or without income (people need to eat) - instead of consuming through their disposable income, people will dissave or borrow.