Cloning Flashcards
When was the first animal cloned
Dolly, the sheep in 1997
Why are their low birth rates and/or survival rates in cloning
due to many offspring suffering frm deformities
What is animal cloning?
a form of duplicating an organism with the use of human intervetnion
what are the types of animal cloning
Somatic cell nuclear transfer(SCNT)
embyro splitting
Somatic cell nuclear transfer(SCNT)
a type of cloning where the nucleus of the somatic cell is placed into an unucleated unfertiliseg egg cell.
describe the porcess of Somatic cell nuclear transfer(SCNT)
- enucleation-remove hte nucleus from te egg cell to produce an enucleated egg cell
- extraction-remove nucleus from somatic cell
- insertion-fuse the nucleus and the enucleated egg cell with the use of an electric pulse
- development-embyro develops and is inserted into the surogorate mother to produce a clone
Is it legal to clone humans, what is somatic cell nuclear transfer used for sepicall what orgnaism,s and what complications are faced when cloning by researhceers
- illegal to clone humans
- SCNT is carried out in sheep, dogs and monkeys
- complicated faced are animal suffering and premature aging
What is embyro splitting
a type of cloning where fertilised egg beingspilt inot 2 by humans during the ealry stages of embyronic development and is transfered into the uterus of the mother.
In embyro splitting, what is IVF used for, how can it be used in livestock breeding programs andwhy
IVF is used to selecetviely choose eggs and sperm from the desirable traits of the parents
Can be used in lifestock breeding progams to increase the number of offpspring,resulting in decreased genetic variation
What is cloning in plants/what happens
you take part of a healthy plant and plant that fragment in soil, resulting in the development of roots and shoots and finally a new plant that is seperated into its own pot
what are the 2 types of cloning in plants?
Plant cutting
Plant grafting-joining 2 plants into one
What is cloning plantsused to produce, what can it be used to consereve and and what does it lack what does it mean for te plants to be lacking
1.used in horticuluture industry to rapidly produce plants
- can be used to conserve rare or endangered plant specifies
- lacks genetic diveristy-suspecitable to disease, pests and environmental changes
differnec between germentation and vergative propgation
Plant propagation is the process of creating new plants from different sources and the distribution while seed germination is the process by which plants grow.
what process causes genetic variation
meiosisi and the 2 process within meiosis that cause genetic variation are crossing over and independent assortnemt
What organism can do through both asexual and sexual reproduction
fungi which can go through parthengoenisis
In clonining why do heart problems, artheriitis and other conditiions frequently occur
when the clones are produced, their telomeres shrink overtime
what kind of DNA does an egg cell contain and what happens to this DNA
the egg cell contains mitochondrial DNA which ONLY the female passes onto her offpsring
Benefits of cloning
- Harvesting organs
- Farms being able to clone animals that produce of dairy products
- Farmers cloning good crops
Disadvantages of cloning
The animals have no genetic variation, meaning that they have a small gene pool, and as result if a disease hits them or a natural disaster occurs they do not have the immune system or abilty to fight it, this can lead to existintion
Animals sufferand die quickly and premature aging
differneces between somatic cell nuclear trasfer and embyro splitting
somatic cell nuclear transfer in there is only one clone produced and that indiviudal clone is idenitcal to the parent, whereas in mebyro splitting mutiple offspring are produced but these offpsring are not identical to the parent rather indentical to eachother
Why do we use somatic cells instead of sex cells(gametes) in cloning
we use somatic cells and not sex cells in cloning because sex cells(gametes) have 23 chromosmes which does not allow cloning to occur, whereas somaitc cells have 46 chromsomes. and iwe always need our cells to hvae 46 chormsoemsto clone/rerpoduce becaues our chromsomes exist in mathcing pairs
Difference between extraction and enucleation
In enucleated we keep the egg cell, wherweas in extraction we get rid of the somaitc cell
Disadvantage of cloning humans
Cloning a certain indvidaiul for traits and looks is an ethical complication due to not variety in features or personality because people would breed children to fit society’s standards of attractive and perfect
- If there was a celebtryeveryone lovedand that person was cloned mutiple times then everyone wouldnt view that person to have feelings or feel the need to treat them right so theyd mistreat them and abuse them which would have massive mental affects on the clones
Process of embyro splitting
- Sperm is removed from the father
- Female is artifically inseminated with sperm
- Zygote develops into emybro
- Embyros spilt into smaller sereveral embyros
- Embyros are placed inot the uteruus of the suroggrate mothers and a clone is produced
Complications of embyro splitting
- Ethical complication because religious people argue that embyros should not be forcefully spererated and if it was in god wills it would happen without force.
- ==
Reproductive techniques for plants
Plant cutting
plant grafting
Plant cuttinga
A fragment of the plant e. root or stem is cut then that frgamenet is planted under soil and grown and nurutred the smae way a normla lmat would be –with optoum light temperature and soil PH
plant grafting
the joining together of plant parts by means of tissue regeneration
process of plant grafting
- get rid of the scion and attatch it to the rootstock
advantages vs disavantages of plant cloning
expensive and labour intensive,
no genetic varation
, more suspectitbailt to disease due to lack of vairaiton and smaller gene pool
Faster than reproducting plants the tradiation way using seeds,
it can prevent extinctsion of species and increase food porduction
, also being able to produce produce throughut the year not in a select season
Differinate between the root stock and the scion
the rootstokc is an underground part of the plant that is there to absorb nutrients and support the plant, whereas the cion detaches from one plant to attach to the rootstock for grafting, it grows and provides nutrients into the plant.
Advantages vs disadvantgaes of plant gradting
plant varaiton
perservation of rare nad engangered species
faster growth and fruiting
can cause reduaction in food quality/pnat quality
limited number of plants can be produced
requires skilled workers for this process to be succesful
theraputic cloning
clone is produced in order to harvest the cells of the clone for treatement or research of the disease
plant culuturing
also know am micropropgation is a method og plant clong where you take a cell fromthe plant ad=nd place it inota nutirent cutlure mediu eg. a break under optium levls ofsunlight, water nad temperatue
Suggest an advantage of embryo splitting over traditional selective breeding techniques.
Embryo splitting is advantageous when compared with selective breeding because multiple genetically identical offspring can be produced instead of only a single offspring.1
Describe the mechanisms in meiosis that help to increase genetic diversity.
In meiosis, individual chromosomes are independently assorted between the four gametes.1Also, genetic material is transferred between homologous chromosomes during recombination.2 Both of these processes help create novel genotypes which increase the genetic diversity of a population.3
descirbe a scenairio where aseuxal reprduction should slow down
asuexl reprpduciton producing too muchfuni reuslting in lack of food and resources
somatic cell nucelar trnafser process explain
- enucleation so the nucleus is rmeoved from the egg cell to produce an enucleated egg cell
2.extraction- nucleus from the somatic cell is removed - insertion-the nucleus of the somitc cell isfused with the enucleated egg cell
- The cell with the somatic cell made earlier is placed into the uterusu of the suggroate mother and devleopsinto a lcone