Clocks and Whistles Flashcards
Alec is due at my place this afternoon. [beat] He might take me to a film. [beat] Well, I know what you think of Alec. [beat] Frappy?
I don’t think anything about Alec.
I don’t like him much, either.
I know too little about him to have an opinion either way. As you know.
Do you know what I hate? I hate super models, minor royalty, and finely featured English actresses with dead - or alive - French husbands…
Do you want another one?
Do I? No, no more.
This is very rude.
Writing in your diary, while you’re with me. I’m bored.
Have another drink. I won’t be long - you’ve never minded before.
What does it say?
That’s not an answer. Stuff. Have you written things in there about Alec? I bet you have. You hate Alec.
Tell me about him. No, I don’t. Hate him.
What does it say, there? I shouldn’t let you do this. I should be the one writing in my diary, being all creative, showing off in public, while you sit staring into thin air-
I’m not… showing off…
Heigh ho. [beat] Go back a few pages.
Go on, go back, tell me what’s written on… March the fourth…
‘Meet Anne… lunch. Palaminos. Happy? That’s you. You’re in it.
I know it’s not an appointments diary.
It’s that too.
I’m not going there any more, it’s revolting. I said to you, cannelloni has meat in it, you said, ‘Um, I don’t know… I think cannelloni has whatever you want to put in it, it doesn’t have to be meat. What’s it say on the menu?’ We look at the menu and it just says ‘Cannelloni.’ Cannelloni has mean in it, Frappy. I’ve never ever known cannelloni not to have meat in it. And I tasted the gelatine in my pudding. I’m not going there any more.
All right. That’s fine with me.
The waiters aren’t what they were, anyway.
No, they’re not…
Very nice once, I remember.
Me too.
[beat] There was a film on last night with a friend of mine in it, did you see it? She was ghastly.
Are you sure you don’t want another one?
I’ll finish yours. Don’t you like me any more Henry?
Of course… what’s the matter?
Nothing, except you’re not taking any notice of me. [beat] Here’s to two-bit little south London theatres. [drinks] Uuuurgh, it’s cold.
It isn’t two-bit.
It is. The only thing I liked about that place was the smell.
That incredible backstage smell. The floor boards… old adrenalin. What does it say in your diary about it, bumping into me?
I think I thought of Sibyl Vane.
Who’s that?
Dorian Gray.
Yes, right. You in a box watching me…
…playing who?- Rosalind… your white, soft skin, with flushes of pink on the cheek bones, glowing radiantly…
You’re sweet, Frappy, but-
… your pouting lips, your piercing eyes, your powerful, bony figure that spoke ‘actress’, not like Sibyl Vane at all, more like forties movie star. Hepburn in Holiday.
Oh, Hepburn… why can’t I be like her? Don’t laugh.
You’ll get work.
Guess what. I had an audition.
Oh Anne! You didn’t tell me? Is it a film, what?
A play. You won’t believe it. Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?
Elizabeth Taylor?
No, of course not Elizabeth Taylor, I’m not a hundred and five, I went for Honey, you know the other one, the wimp. That was made in the thirties.
Fuck it. Should I have another drink?
I really don’t care now.
I can’t afford it today.
Please. I offered anyway.
I’m not besieging you, am I?
It’s just… Who’s new?
No one.
There is somebody, I can tell. That’s why you’re being so distant- I know you- sitting there with your diary, not even getting a drink, having a bloody cappuccino on a Saturday afternoon…
What’s wrong with that…?
There is somebody.
There’s not.
There is.
No, there’s not.
Well, that’s a shame.
Oh, Anne.
What about that primitive guy you were talking about? A few weeks ago you were talking about someone you met in a club. You said he was primitive. [beat] Do you want to know the painting I like most in the National Gallery?
Umm… no.
It’s very pedestrian to people in the know, I bet.
Probably. Come on… have another drink…
The people who really know about art. But it’s my favourite, favourite, favourite. ‘Ophelia Among the Flowers’.
I know that one…
It was ruined for me the other day when an American couple started looking at it though.
We shouldn’t share our art with the Americans. Maybe there should be prescribed American days.
Alec’s American.
He’s not American really.
Alec’s not American?
He has the accent because he lived there. I’m hungry.
They have nuts.
Do they have ice cream?
No… I don’t think so.
I’ll have zabaglione!
Gelati, Frappy. Zabaglione gelati.
There’s none, Anne. They don’t have it.
Well they should.
I’m really surprised to hear that Alec isn’t American.
My audition was a calamity. I was very bad. W.I. stuff, church hall.
I bet it was fine.
I was bad. Fine isn’t good enough, anyway. Critics say that. Oh, bloody hell, don’t start writing again. Oh sod bucket pooh shit. I know you’re seeing someone. I’ll have another drink. Gin. Another gin.