how to calculate fogging lens for clock dial?
1/2 A + 0.5 DS ( whole thing in plus sphere)
*note that if VA is 6/6 or better, fogging lens is +0.50DS
Astig: L/9
where L is the snellen denominator of BVS VA
why do we need fogging lens?
shift the COLC in front of the retina to bring out any hidden astig
what are the instructions given for CD?
can you tell me which lines appear the darkest and clearest
how to find axis of cyl?
take the lesser hour x 30
how to find cyl power and what is the end pt?
add cyl lenses
all lines are equally clear
what results should be obtained from duochrome before JCC?
1 step on green or R=G
what is the target for JCC?
cluster of dots
if VA worse than 6/12, use rounded letters eg O or C
how to determine axis in JCC
- put handle at axis found in BVS
- i am gg to show u 2 lenses, tell me which lens makes the dots rounder and clearer.
- adjust handle towards the red line by 20-10-5 deg
- repeat until end pt (both lenses are same)
how to determine power in JCC? what is the end point?
- place the axis found in JCC into trial frame
- align the red or black markings to the axis
- i am gg to show u 2 lenses, tell me which lens makes the dots rounder and clearer.
4.if px prefers black, take away 0.25DC
if px prefers red, add -0.25 DC
end pt: when both lenses are same
when to carry out bracketing?
done when no cyl is found in ret
what is the general rule for JCC? (about adding the lenses)
for every +/- 0.50 DC added, we put +/- 0.25 DS in oppo sign