Clitocyboids Flashcards
The goblet
Psudoclitocybe cyathiformis
Cyathiformis = goblet shaped
Giant funnel
Aspropaxillus giganteus
Giganteus = gigantic
Tawny funnel
Paralepista flaccida
Flaccida = limp, slack
Trooping funnel
Infundibulicybe geotropa
Geotropa = pointing to the ground
Common funnel
Infundibulicybe gibba
Gibba = humped
Club foot
Ampulloclitocybe clavipes
Clavipes - club shaped foot
White domecap
Leucocybe connata
Connata - joined together
Chickenrun funnel
Singerocybe phaeophthalma
Phaeophthalma - dusky eye
Frosty funnel
Clitocybe phyllophila
Phyllophila - liking leaves
Fools funnel
Clitocybe rivulosa
Rivulosa - having fine lines or grooves
Mealy funnel
Clitocybe vibecina
Vibecina - striped
Fragrant funnel
Clitocybe fragrans
Fragrans - with a pleasant smell
Aniseed funnel
Clitocybe odura
Odura - with noticeable odour
Clouded agaric
Clitocybe nebularis
Nebularis - clouded
Two tone funnel
Clitocybe metachroa
Metachorus - changing colour
Psudoclitocybe cyathiformis
The goblet
Aspropaxillus giganteus
Giant funnel
Paralepista flaccida
Tawny funnel
Infundibulicybe geotropa
Trooping funnel
Infundibulicybe gibba
Common funnel
Ampulloclitocybe clavipes
Club foot
Leucocybe connata
White domecap
Singerocybe phaeophthalma
Chickenrun funnel
Clitocybe phyllophila
Frosty funnel
Clitocybe rivulosa
Fools funnel
Clitocybe vibecina
Mealy funnel
Clitocybe fragrans
Fragrant funnel
Clitocybe odura
Aniseed funnel
Clitocybe nebularis
Clouded agaric
Clitocybe metachroa
Two tone funnel