CLIPP case 3. 3yo well-child visit (anemia, eczema) Flashcards
Socio-emotional milestones
3yo: dresses and feeds self
4yo: know gender and age; friendly to children; plays with toys/fantasy play
5yo: listens and attends; can tell between real-life and make-believe; shows sympathy for others
Communication milestones
3yo: 2-3 word sentences, 75% understandable
4yo: States first and last name; sings a song; most speech clearly understandable
5yo: Articulates; Tells simple story with full sentences; Appropriate tenses and pronouns; Counts to 10; Follows simple directions
Cognitive milestones
3yo: Knows name and use of “cup, ball, spoon, crayon”
4yo: Names color; Aware of gender; Plays board games; Draws person w/ 3 parts; Copies a cross
5yo: Draws person w/ 6 parts; Prints some letters and numbers; Copies squares and triangles; Ask about school!
Physical milestones
3yo: 6-8 cube tower; Throws ball overhand; Rides tricycle; Copies circle
4yo: Hopes on one foot; Balances for 2 sec; Pours, cuts, mashes own food; Brushes teeth
5yo: Balances on one foot; Hops, skips; Ties knot; Mature pencil grasp; Undresses/dresses w/ min assistance
Eczema treatment
- Lubrication
- High dose hydrocortisone in short bursts for outbreaks, low-dose for minor bouts
- Loratidine and cetirizine (non-sedating) or diphenhydramine and hydroxyzine (nighttime)
- Treat associated infections
Bottle use
DC by 12-15 months of age, due to caries
Child TB screening
Has this child had prolonged exposure to anyone homeless, incarcerated, resident of a nursing home, user of illicit drugs, HIV patient, migrant farm worker?
Anemia screening
- At 12 months, and again at preschool or kindergarten entry, anytime if risk factors
- Fingerstick Hb
- Important to treat bc of CNS and cognitive defects
Lead screening
- Young children (<3?) mouthing objects
- At-risk housing (pre-1970s)
- Certain immigrant groups
- Housing near busy interstate
Anemia differential
- Iron deficiency: Give elemental iron 2–4 mg/kg divided once or twice daily
- Chronic blood loss (food allergies, gluten enteropathy)
- Lead poisoning
- Chronic illness (collagen vascular disease, malignancy, HIV)
- Hemoglobinopathy (thalassemia, G6PD, SCD; Mediterranean, Asian, African)
- Decreased marrow production
- Increased destruction of red cells or precursors
- Atopic dermatitis vs. psoriasis
Allergic diathesis
- Atopic dermatitis
- Allergic rhinitis
- Asthma
Atopic dermatitis
- Thickening and inflammation of skin
- Tends to be familial, but with multifactorial inheritance
- Often environmental (allergic) triggers
- Anything leading to itching can exacerbate
Vitamin deficiencies in kids
- Vitamin D: Children should receive supplementation
- Iron: Predominant sources in toddlers are meat, legumes, and iron-fortified cereals
First dental visit
-AAP: all children should be screened by six months for risk of caries
Toddler safety
*Car seats: Kids older than 24 months or who have outgrown height/weight limits on their
car seat -> use forward-facing car seat in car’s back seat. Older children stay in a booster seat until they reach a height of 4 feet 9 inches.
*Firearms in the home: Preferably remove. If cannot, use safety lock, store in locked cabinet, keep ammunition in separate locked cabinet. Study showed that 52% of parents who owned guns think their children are “too smart” or “know better”; also showed that, when given the opportunity, boys 8–12 years will handle a gun (76%) and pull the trigger (48%). Consider potential suicide risk for teenagers.
*Other: Fire safety, poison control, car accidents, risk of lead poisoning
Toddler behavior/temperament
*Temper tantrums
*Toilet training: Requiring assistance toileting at age 3 years is not a clear sign of
developmental delay, but may preclude attendance at child care or preschool.
*Eating habits: Food rewards and punishment may promote obesity by interfering with children’s ability to regulate their own food intake.
ASD screening
*Modified Checklist for Autism in Toddlers (M-CHAT) is a validated tool for screening toddlers 16-30 months of age
Hirschberg light reflex
Screening test for strabismus (eyes not properly aligned with each other)
Cover tests
Determines presence and amount of ocular deviation
Child gait variants
- In-toeing is most common variant seen at this
age: Usually due to tibial torsion, +/- femoral anteversion. Tibial torsion usually spontaneously resolves by age 8 years. - If in-toeing does not resolve by age 4 years, referral to orthopedic surgeon may be warranted
Psoriasis in toddler
- Can occasionally look like eczema
- Rare in children this young
- When present, occurs as a generalized rash known as guttate (droplet-shaped) psoriasis
- Usually precipitated by strep infection
Allergy testing
Radioallergosorbent test (RAST)