Clipp Flashcards
Adam is a 2-hour-old infant born at 32 weeks’ gestational age via spontaneous vaginal delivery to a healthy mother with negative group B streptococcus status. There was no premature rupture of membranes and no meconium in the amniotic fluid. His Apgars were 8 at one minute and 9 at five minutes. Over the last two hours he has become progressively tachypneic. On physical examination he is large for gestational age. His vital signs are respiratory rate 75, temperature 36.5 C and heart rate is 130 beats per minute. His lung exam is remarkable for intercostal and subcostal retractions, grunting, and equal breath sounds. His heart exam reveals normal rhythm, normal S1 and S2, no murmurs, and normal peripheral pulses and capillary refill. Which of the following is the most likely cause of the patient’s condition?
Single Choice Answer: A Transient tachypnea of the newborn (TTN) B Pneumothorax C Congestive heart failure D Respiratory distress syndrome E Sepsis
D has been selected by the expert.
A. Transient tachypnea of the newborn (TTN) is much more common in infants born to diabetic mothers. TTN is unlikely because he is 32 weeks, very premature, and was born via NSVD. RDS is much more likely, although TTN is still a possibility and would need to evaluated with a CXR.
B. Pneumothoraces are uncommon, but should always be considered in an infant with respiratory distress. Good bilateral air entry argues against this diagnosis.
C. Congestive heart failure is an important cause of tachypnea. Adam has a normal cardiovascular exam, with no murmur, normal pulses, and good capillary refill. Infants with congestive heart failure usually present with the triad of tachypnea, tachycardia, and hepatomengaly.
D. Respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) causes tachypnea and is therefore an important consideration in this case. RDS is more common in premature infants. Given the lack of history of maternal diabetes, an NSVD birth, and few risk factors for sepsis other than prematurity, Adam is likely to have RDS.
E. Infants may present with respiratory distress from sepsis or from pneumonia. In this case, Baby Adam has a normal temperature, good blood pressure, and normal perfusion. While less likely, this diagnosis should always be considered in infants with respiratory distress.
A 3-hour-old infant boy, born by C-section at 36 weeks to a 30-year-old G1P1 with Apgars of 8 and 9 at 1 and 5 minutes, respectively, is found to be tachypneic in the newborn nursery. His mother has a history of Type II diabetes that was poorly controlled during her pregnancy. She was compliant with prenatal vitamins and took no other drugs during her pregnancy. Prenatal labs, including GBS, were negative. The mother’s membranes ruptured 9 hours prior to delivery, she was afebrile, and the amniotic fluid had no meconium. On physical exam, the infant is large for gestational age. He has good air movement through the lungs bilaterally, without retractions or nasal flaring. He appears well perfused with normal cardiac exam. He is not in a flexed posture and has a weak suck reflex. A screening test at 3 hours of life reveals blood glucose of 39 mg/dL. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A Hypoglycemia B Transposition of the great arteries C Transient tachypnea of the newborn D Neonatal sepsis E Pneumothorax
A has been selected by the expert.
A. Hypoglycemia is a common presentation in an infant born to a diabetic mother with poor glucose control during her pregnancy. The increase in maternal serum glucose stimulates fetal pancreatic beta cells to increase insulin production, and this hyperinsulinemic state leads to hypoglycemia when the placental glucose supply is discontinued after delivery. At 18 hours prior to delivery), preterm delivery, and chorioamnionitis. Infants may present with fever, trouble breathing, jaundice, and lethargy. Our infant is premature and tachypneic, but he is afebrile with normal Apgars and no evidence of altered level of alertness. Furthermore, mother was GBS negative, afebrile (no chorioamnionitis), with no premature rupture of membranes, making this diagnosis less likely.
E. Pneumothorax is collapse of lung tissue secondary to air accumulation in the pleural space. Risk factors for pneumothorax in an infant include previous intubation or underlying lung disease (such as severe respiratory distress syndrome). Characteristic physical exam findings include asymmetric breath sounds or decrease in breath sounds on one side. This infant has good air movement in bilateral lung fields, making this diagnosis less likely.
A male infant weighing 3200 grams is born to a G1P1 female at 39 weeks gestational age via planned C-section. Maternal PMH is unremarkable, and GBS status is unknown. Apgars are 7 and 8 at 1 and 5 minutes of life, respectively. The delivery is uncomplicated, and the infant initially appeared in good condition. However, one hour following delivery the infant develops increasing respiratory distress. RR is assessed as 90 bpm. All other vital signs are within normal limits. On exam, the infant is acyanotic with rapid respirations and robust capillary refill. Chest x-ray shows bilateral lung fields with the appearance of “a radio-opaque line of fluid in the horizontal fissure of the right lung.” No air bronchograms are noted. What is the most likely etiology of the infant’s respiratory distress?
Single Choice Answer: A Transient tachypnea of the newborn (TTN) B Respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) C Neonatal sepsis D Meconium aspiration
A has been selected by the expert.
A. Transient tachypnea of the newborn (TTN) is the most likely underlying etiology. This condition is caused by residual fluid in the infant’s lungs following delivery, and usually resolves within several days. It is more common in babies delivered via C-section, as the normal mechanical force of labor that helps expel fluid from the lungs is lacking. Babies with TTN and other forms of respiratory distress are often unable to nurse and require feeding via NG tube until respiratory status stabilizes.
B. Respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) is less likely than TTN in this case. RDS is more common in premature infants and infants born to diabetic mothers. On chest x-ray, RDS is characterized by a ground-glass appearance and air bronchograms.
C. Neonatal sepsis is possible, especially given the mother’s unknown GBS status, but relatively unlikely compared to the other options, especially given the mode of delivery. Sepsis can certainly cause respiratory distress, and if suspected, should be promptly evaluated with screening labs and blood cultures. Neonatal sepsis is also more common with prolonged rupture of membranes (PROM) > 18 hours prior to delivery.
D. Meconium aspiration can lead to respiratory distress, but seems less likely in this case given the infant’s delivery via C-section. Additionally, meconium aspiration is more common when meconium is found in the amniotic fluid and/or products of conception. No mention of this was made in the above case description.
Adam is a newborn male who was just born to a G2P1 mother at 36.2 weeks’ gestation via a vaginal delivery. The mother reports that she did not receive prenatal care because she did not have insurance. She says that she thinks her “water broke” about two days ago, but she did not have any contractions after that, so she decided not to come to the hospital. She did not start having contractions until 19 hours before she delivered. After delivery, Adam did not cry vigorously, was tachypneic, cyanotic, and febrile to 100.5 F. Amniotic fluid did not contain meconium. His chest x-ray is normal. Given Adam’s birth history, what is the most likely cause of his symptoms?
Single Choice Answer:
A Transient tachypnea of the newborn (TTN)
B Sepsis secondary to prolonged rupture of membranes
C Meconium aspiration syndrome
D Hypothermia
E Pneumothorax
B has been selected by the expert.
A. Transient tachypnea of the newborn (TTN) is a benign, self-limited condition caused by delayed clearance of lung fluid after birth. Patients with TTN usually have a classic chest x-ray that shows coarse fluffy densities that represent fluid-filled alveoli and/or fluid in the pleural space and a small amount of fluid in the fissures on the lateral view. Given Adam’s normal chest x-ray and fever, it is unlikely that Adam has TTN.
B. Prolonged rupture of membranes (PROM) is when the chorioamniotic membrane ruptures before the onset of labor. The main risks associated with PROM are preterm labor and delivery and neonatal sepsis. Adam’s mom said that her “water broke” two days ago, which indicates that she had PROM. Adam’s mother also did not receive prenatal care; therefore, she did not receive any of the prenatal screening tests that she should have, which increases the likelihood that she has an infection that could have potentially been transferred to Adam after the rupture of her membranes. Adam’s history of PROM along with his fever and respiratory distress make this answer choice the best choice.
C. Meconium aspiration syndrome occurs when the baby passes meconium in utero and aspirates the meconium either in utero or at the time of delivery. Since it was noted that the amniotic fluid did not contain meconium, it is less likely that Adam is suffering from meconium aspiration syndrome, even though he has symptoms of respiratory distress that can often be seen in meconium aspiration syndrome.
D. Hypothermia can cause tachypnea of the newborn, especially premature newborns. However, hypothermia is less likely in Adam given his fever of 100.5 F.
E. Pneumothorax is less likely in this case because of Adam’s normal chest x-ray, but is important to consider in a tachypneic newborn. The presence of Adam’s fever also makes pneumothorax less likely to be the sole cause of his symptoms.
A newborn baby boy is born at 30 5/7 weeks’ gestation after induction of labor for the severe maternal preeclampsia. He is noted to have subcostal and intercostal retractions, grunting, nasal flaring, persistent cyanosis, and tachypnea 30 minutes after delivery. Apgars were 6 (–2 for color, –1 for breathing and –1 for tone) and 7 (–2 for color and –1 for breathing) at 1 and 5 minutes, respectively. Due to lack of prenatal care and the mother’s presentation with severe preeclampsia, betamethasone x 1 was given during induction, but she did not receive a second dose prior to delivery. A chest x-ray is obtained, which reveals diffuse ground-glass appearance and air bronchograms bilaterally. What is the most likely diagnosis?
Multiple Choice Answer:
A Meconium aspiration syndrome (MAS)
B Respiratory distress syndrome (RDS)
C Persistent pulmonary hypertension (PPHN)
D Transient tachypnea of the newborn (TTN)
E Bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD)
B has been selected by the expert.
A. This choice is incorrect. Although the presence or absence of meconium was not noted in the case, it is known that from 20 to 34 weeks’ gestation, the fetus will pass meconium infrequently. Most cases of MAS are in term or post-term infants. On chest x-ray, we might see overdistention of the lung or other sequelae, such as pneumothorax.
B. This choice is correct. The baby boy is preterm, and his mother received only one dose of betamethasone, which puts him at increased risk for developing infant RDS, which is caused by insufficient surfactant. His physical exam and chest x-ray findings are consistent with RDS.
C. This choice is incorrect. PPHN generally occurs in babies born after 34 weeks. There are several causes for PPHN: underdevelopment, maldevelopment, and maladaptation. Underdevelopment of the lungs can be secondary to congenital diaphragmatic hernia, oligohydramnios in utero, IUGR, or renal agenesis. The underdevelopment causes increased pulmonary vascular resistance and has a poor prognosis. Maldevelopment involves remodeling of pulmonary vasculature and is associated with post-term delivery and meconium aspiration syndrome. Maladaptation can be caused by infection with GBS. Vasoactive mediators are activated by bacterial phospholipids, causing an increase in pulmonary vascular resistance.
D. This choice is incorrect. TTN is a disorder of delayed reabsorption of fluid in the newborn’s lungs. Prematurity, delivery by C-section, being large or small for gestational age, or having a diabetic mother are all risks. In order to be diagnosed with TTN, the baby would need to show improvement within several hours. Although this is on the differential for the newborn baby’s condition based on clinical presentation, a chest x-ray should have shown perihilar streaking and other evidence of interstitial fluid.
E. This choice is incorrect, because BPD is the result of prolonged mechanical ventilation. Our patient is at risk for developing this syndrome if he requires intubation. Chest x-ray may show atelectasis, inflammation, or pulmonary edema. With severe disease, the chest x-ray may reveal fibrosis and hyperinflation.
You are called down to the nursery to evaluate a newborn girl who is ready to be discharged. The mom is concerned because this 3-day-old has become lethargic and doesn’t want to feed. She has vomited twice and is showing no interest in feeding. On physical exam you note a lethargic infant with an enlarged liver and worry about an inborn error of metabolism. Which test would be diagnostic for an ornithine transcarbamylase (OTC) deficiency?
Single Choice Answer: A Hypoglycemia B Hyperammonemia and elevated urine orotic acid C Elevated 17-OH progesterone D Elevated TSH E Hyponatremia
B has been selected by the expert.
A. Although infants with an inborn error of metabolism may have hypoglycemia, it is not diagnostic of OTC.
B. Both hyperammonemia and elevated urine orotic acid are diagnostic of OTC deficiency, an x-linked condition, the most common urea cycle disorder.
C. Elevated 17-OH progesterone would be expected and diagnostic of a patient with congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) and would likely be associated with virilization in a female infant.
D. Elevated TSH is diagnostic of congenital hypothyroism, not OTC.
E. Infants with congenital adrenal hyperplasia may have low sodium, but not patients with OTC deficiency.
Jade is a 2-week-old female who was born at home and received no newborn screenings for congenital disease. Her mother brought her to the pediatrician’s office concerned that her daughter appeared to be jaundiced and was constipated, tired, and not feeding well most of the time. Physical exam was notable for enlarged fontanels, jaundice without bruising, hypotonia without tremor or clonus, and an umbilical hernia. There was no sign of virilization, no abnormal facies, and no history of vomiting. Review of systems was otherwise negative except as stated above. Which of the following is the most important next step in Jade’s management?
Single Choice Answer:
A Glucose and electrolyte supplementation
B Glucocorticoid and mineralocorticoid supplementation
C No treatment needed
D Consult with pediatric endocrinologist and start treatment with 10 to 15 mcg/kg/day of crushed levothyroxine in liquid, and follow up every 12 months
E Empiric antibiotics after collection of blood, urine, and CSF cultures.
D has been selected by the expert.
A. This choice is incorrect because this is the treatment of choice for acutely ill children with dehydration, hypoglycemia, and perhaps infants with congenital adrenal hyperplasia, not congenital hypothyroidism as is most likely in this infant.
B. This is the recommended treatment for corticoid and mineralocorticoid deficiency as seen in congenital adrenal hyperplasia. Clinical evaluation of this patient does not show virilization of this female infant, commonly seen in congenital adrenal hyperplasia. However, it would still be important for our patient in this case to undergo newborn screening, which includes screening for this disorder.
C. This choice is incorrect because congenital hypothyroidism requires treatment within 2 weeks of onset of symptoms to mitigate severe brain damage and cognitive impairment. No treatment is needed for children born with hypothyroxemia of prematurity without TSH elevation.
D. This choice is correct because the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends this treatment regimen for infants age 0 to 6 months old. Dosing is based upon age and weight. It would also be important to consult with a pediatric endocrinologist to evaluate the short and long-term treatment plan. In addition, the specialist could also recommend screening for other autoimmune disorders.
E. This choice is incorrect. Although sepsis must always be considered in a neonate with jaundice, there is no indication of bacterial infection in this infant with other signs and symptoms of congenital hypothyroidism.
A 6-week-old infant girl whose family recently immigrated from Mexico is brought to clinic for “excessive sleepiness.” The mother states the infant is not easily aroused for feedings and is not as active as she was previously. She is also concerned about her daughter’s large “outtie” belly button. On exam, the patient is afebrile and jaundiced, with a puffy myxedematous face. The fontanels are large but flat. There is a large umbilical hernia. When asked about the results of a newborn screening exam, mom states that the screening was never performed. What would be an expected abnormal lab value(s) associated with her condition?
Single Choice Answer:
A Low sodium, high potassium
B Glucose
D has been selected by the expert.
A. A low sodium and high potassium in a lethargic infant would suggest the diagnosis of congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH), characterized by a decreased production of cortisol and aldosterone. Low aldosterone results in decreased stimulation of the H/K exchange in the collecting duct, hence loss of sodium, retention of potassium, and dehydration. In combination with low cortisol levels, patients in adrenal crisis may progress to shock, and death is not treated. The usual age of presentation is 1 to 2 weeks of age. Initial laboratory studies would include serum electrolytes, renin, cortisol and cortisol precursors, androgens, and glucose levels. Note that low cortisol will also impact gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis. This diagnosis would be less likely in a non-viralized female.
B. Symptoms of hypoglycemia in the neonate may include jitteriness, tremors, hypotonia, poor feeding and seizures. Management includes STAT glucose levels and intervention with parenteral or oral glucose, as indicated. The work up will include laboratory studies to rule out hyperinsulinism (IDM, insulinoma, prematurity), increased metabolic demand (polycythemia, sepsis, asphyxia), and inborn errors of metabolism (galactosemia, glycogen storage diseases, maple syrup urine disease). This patient did not present with jitteriness, tremors, or seizures.
C. Sepsis should always be considered in lethargic neonates. While septic infants may present with fever or hypothermia, they may also be afebrile. This child did not appear to be acutely ill or toxic in appearance.
D. Congenital hypothyroidism may present with poor feeding, constipation, jaundice (longer and more persistent than physiologic jaundice of newborn), mottled skin, large fontanels, hypotonia, hypothermia and an umbilical hernia. Later findings include a hoarse cry, macroglossia, and myxedematous facies. Patients usually remain asymptomatic until after 6 weeks of age, as maternal thyroid hormones may still be in younger infants. Patients with primary hypothyroidism will have high TSH and low T4 levels. The most common cause of primary hypothyroidism will be aplasia or hypoplasia of the thyroid gland, and—much less commonly—inborn errors of metabolism. Secondary or tertiary hypothyroidism (HPA dysfunction) will have both low TSH and low T4, and are relatively rare causes of hypothyroidism in infants.
A 45-day-old infant is brought in by his mother due to lethargy, constipation, and yellow skin color noted since birth. The mother and the baby moved to the U.S. from a foreign country that does not screen its newborns. The baby has been fed only formula since birth. Physical exam of the neonate reveals additional findings of large fontanelles, umbilical hernia, a large tongue, and abdominal distension. What is the next best step in diagnosis?
Single Choice Answer: A Phototherapy B Exchange transfusion C TSH D Head ultrasound E Obtain a family history of jaundice to rule in or out a defect in bilirubin metabolism
C has been selected by the expert.
A. Phototherapy is the treatment for physiologic jaundice, which peaks at three to four days and resolves by the fourth or fifth day of life. Lethargy, macroglossia, and umbilical hernia are not known to be caused by or associated with physiologic jaundice. This constellation of physical exam findings is more consistent with untreated congenital hypothyroidism.
B. This choice is incorrect because this is the management of infants with hyperbilirubinemia approaching levels of concern for kernicterus.
C. This choice is correct because the constellation of baby’s problems is best accounted for by untreated congenital hypothyroidism. Unfortunately, severe mental retardation is unavoidable at this point because this condition should have been treated since birth. In the U.S., it would have been detected on the newborn screen.
D. This choice is incorrect as there is no indication of hydrocephalus or concern for bleeding.
E. This choice is incorrect because—although defects in biliary metabolism such as Gilbert’s syndrome, seen in 5% of the population, can cause harmless jaundice—this patient has many other findings in addition to jaundice. Of the answer choices given, only congenital hypothyroidism fully accounts for the entire constellation of findings.
A two-month-old female presents to clinic for a well-baby checkup. Mom has been happy because the “baby rarely cries and sleeps all the time.” On exam, the baby has yellowing of the skin, decreased activity, appears to have decreased tone, and a large anterior fontanel. What is the most likely diagnosis?
Single Choice Answer: A Sepsis B Congenital adrenal hyperplasia C Congenital hypothyroidism D Shaken baby syndrome E Neonatal lupus
C has been selected by the expert.
A. Sepsis is a blood infection of the infant. Signs and symptoms may include body temperature change, changes in respiration, increased or decreased heart rate, reduced movement, reduced feeding, low blood sugar, seizures, and jaundice.
B. Infants with congenital adrenal hyperplasia often have abnormal genitalia (females), poor feeding, vomiting, dehydration, and electrolyte changes.
C. Congenital hypothyroidism may not be clinically evident until 6 weeks of age due to circulating maternal thyroid hormone transmitted from the placenta. Signs and symptoms of congenital hypothyroidism include feeding problems, large fontanels, hypotonia, large tongue, coarse cry, and frequently an umbilical hernia. Congenital hypothyroidism should be picked up on routine neonatal screening.
D. Shaken baby syndrome may result in significant head trauma, including subdural hemorrhage, hypoxic/ischemic brain injury, and retinal hemorrhage.
E. Neonatal lupus should be considered when the infant’s mother has lupus. Cutaneous findings may be present at birth or may develop within the first 2 to 5 months of life. These findings include erythematous plaques, telangiectasias, or atrophic lesions. Affected infants may have cardiac abnormalities or conduction deficits. Hematologic disturbances may occur within the first 2 weeks of life.
The parents of 5-month-old Tiffany are concerned about Tiffany’s decreasing oral intake over the past 4 days. They report that she has been sleeping more but seems to tire out when feeding; in fact, mom’s breasts have become quite engorged and she needs to pump to relieve the pressure. In addition to the sleepiness and poor feeding they report that she has not had a bowel movement in 3 days. She has no fever or respiratory symptoms. You note a weak cry on your exam, and a floppy baby when you try to sit her up. What additional finding are you likely to find on your exam?
Single Choice Answer: A Vesicular rash on her scalp B Large tongue and umbilical hernia C III/VI systolic murmur D Absent deep tendon reflexes E Cataracts and hepatosplenomegaly
D has been selected by the expert.
A. A vesicular rash may be seen in neonatal HSV infection, which can be a cause of encephalitis. It is less likely in this older age group and would most likely present with fever and possibly seizure.
B. Although congenital hypothyroidism can present with lethargy, constipation, and poor feeding, the infant would be less likely to present with these symptoms as late as 5 months of age.
C. Congenital heart disease may present with poor feeding, but a large VSD would likely present earlier and would not be associated with constipation and hypotonia.
D. This infant likely has infant botulism which usually presents in the first year of life with hypotonia, lethargy, constipation, weak cry and can eventually lead to respiratory failure. These infants will have absent DTRs.
E. An inborn error of metabolism can present with lethargy and poor feeding—and hepatosplenomegaly and eye findings may also be present—but this infant presented more acutely and at an older age than would be expected for a metabolic disorder.
A 6-month-old female with normal birth and developmental history presents with fever for the past two days, fussiness, and decreased appetite. ROS is negative. No abnormalities are noted on the physical examination. A urinalysis from a bag specimen is positive for leukocytes and nitrite, which suggests the presence of a UTI; a culture from this sample is pending. The patient is ill-appearing, dehydrated, and unable to retain oral intake. She is hospitalized, receives a 20 cc/kg NS bolus and is placed on maintenance IV fluids with clinical improvement. What is the best next step for management of this patient?
Single Choice Answer:
A Urinary catheterization
B Renal bladder ultrasound
C Begin parenteral antimicrobials
D Midstream clean catch urine collection
E Increase intravenous fluid administration rate to flush the kidneys
A has been selected by the expert.
A. Urinary catheterization is correct . It is the best method for obtaining a specimen for culture that has not been contaminated by perineal bacteria, and for this ill child, you must determine the cause of the fever with accuracy.
B. Renal ultrasound may be indicated if the infant is found to have a urinary tract infection but is not indicated as part of the initial work up.
C. With a bag culture pending, you may have a contaminated/confusing culture result and may have to rely solely on clinical criteria to treat this presumed UTI.
D. Midstream clean catch specimen is incorrect because it is not ideal in a patient who has not been toilet-trained and cannot void on demand.
E. While it is important to provide hydration, this patient has responded well to the initial fluid administration, and there is no evidence that increasing this beyond normal recommendations is helpful.
A 6-month-old infant arrives in the ED with a 12-hour history of poor feeding, emesis, and irritability. On exam, she is ill-appearing with T 39.2 C, P 160 bpm, R 40 bpm, BP 80/50 mmHg. CBC shows WBC 11.2, Hgb 13.5, Plt 250. Urinalysis shows > 100 WBC per hpf, positive leukocyte esterase, and positive nitrites. She has no history of prior urinary tract infection. Chest x-ray is negative. Urine and blood cultures are pending. After bringing her fever down, she was still uninterested in drinking, but her exam improved, and you were confident she did not have meningitis, so an LP was not performed. Which of the following is the best next step in management?
Single Choice Answer: A Oral ampicillin B Oral ampicillin + gentamicin C Intravenous ciprofloxacin D Intravenous ceftriaxone E Intravenous piperacillin + tazobactam
D has been selected by the expert.
A. This patient is too sick for oral treatment, so oral ampicillin would be insufficient. Also, there is rising resistance of E. Coli to ampicillin, so secondary coverage with gentamicin or some other aminoglycoside would be needed unless cultures proved the organism was sensitive to ampicillin alone.
B. Although parenteral and oral treatment produce similar outcomes in high quality RCTs, this patient is ill and refuses to drink and so requires parenteral antibiotics. IV ampicillin and gentamicin could be an appropriate choice for empiric coverage.
C. Ciprofloxacin could be used for complicated UTIs, but it has the potential for adverse reactions in young children so is reserved for patients > 1 year with complications such as resistant organisms or urinary tract anomalies
D. This patient’s presentation is suggestive of a UTI. Given the ill appearance, vital signs, and white count, Upper tract disease (pyelonephritis) should be strongly considered. A parenteral (IV/IM) third-generation cephalosporin is the best choice of those listed for pyelonephritis, given its excellent gram negative coverage (except for Pseudomonas).
E. IV piperacillin + tazobactam has excellent gram negative coverage with added Pseudomonas coverage, but it is highly expensive and Pseudomonas is unlikely to be the cause of a UTI in a child who is not regularly catheterized.
A 3-month-old male presents to the ED with a fever that started the previous day. Mother reports that he was fussy and had decreased oral intake. He had had five fewer diaper changes than usual. He had no vomiting, diarrhea, or respiratory difficulty. On physical exam his temperature is 101.6 F, pulse 110 bpm, RR 24 bpm, and BP 95/67 mmHg. The baby seems irritable and is not consolable by the parent. HEENT exam was significant for dry mucous membranes. Other than his irritability, the rest of the physical exam was unremarkable. CBC showed WBC 3.5, but was otherwise normal. BMP was within normal limits. Urinalysis showed positive leukocyte esterase, positive nitrite, and WBCs > 10/hpf. An LP was performed, and urine and CSF culture results are pending. The patient is placed on IV fluids and is started on cefotaxime. What is the next best step in evaluation?
Single Choice Answer: A Renal bladder ultrasound B Kidney-ureter-bladder (KUB) x-ray C Intravenous pyelogram D VCUG E Oral ampicillin
A has been selected by the expert.
A. This infant has a fever without other respiratory symptoms. Meningitis and UTI must be considered in patients with fever. The only way to rule out meningitis is by lumbar puncture. This patient has a low WBC, suspicious for sepsis, and a UA that is highly suggestive of UTI. Empiric therapy should be started to cover common organisms including E.coli, P. mirabilis, and Klebsiella. Cefotaxime is reasonable empiric therapy. Renal ultrasound is recommended for all infants with pyelonephritis to assess for renal structural abnormalities or signs of obstructive uropathy (hydronephrosis).
B. KUB is not recommended for UTI.
C. Intravenous pyelogram would expose the patient to radiation and would not be recommended to screen for renal abnormalities.
D. VCUG screening is recommended only for recurrent UTI or when there is abnormal renal ultrasound.
E. The patient is already on parenteral antibiotics, so oral antibiotics would not be necessary. Also, ampicillin would not provide empiric coverage.
A 10-day-old boy is brought to the ED by his mother because of “fever.” Mom describes that the baby has been “sleepy” and feeding less vigorously than in the previous two days. She believes his urine output has also decreased. His birth history is notable for prolonged membrane rupture (about 32 hours), and maternal fever at the time of delivery. Prenatal and neonatal ultrasound revealed bilateral hydronephrosis. On exam, the infant is sleepy with a temperature of 38.5 C. A blood sample is sent for CBC, BMP, and culture. Attempts are made to obtain CSF and urine for analysis and culture, but only very small volumes of these fluids are obtained. Volume resuscitation is begun. Chest x-ray is performed with indeterminate results. What is the most appropriate next step?
Single Choice Answer:
A Send samples for gram stains and begin parenteral empiric antibiotic treatment
B Send the urine for urinalysis and the CSF for cell count, glucose and protein and begin parenteral antibiotic therapy
C Admit for observation and continue supportive care
D Send samples for culture and begin parenteral antiobiotic treatment
E Attempt to obtain larger samples. Antibiotics should not be started until all needed results are pending.
D has been selected by the expert.
A. Although sending samples for gram stain may give an indication of whether an infection is present, it will not give the same degree of information as would a culture with sensitivities.
B. Urinalysis and CSF profiles may help us make the diagnosis, but if positive in the absence of cultures, will commit us to a prolonged course of broad-spectrum and non-specific therapy.
C. Delay of therapy would not be indicated. In an infant younger than one month, fever with any suspicion of sepsis, whatever the source, requires immediate evaluation and initiation of antibiotic treatment.
D. Given the presentation of fever in a neonate who presents with sleepiness and poor feeding, samples should be sent for culture and the baby started on empiric antimicrobial therapy. This infant is likely to have a urinary tract infection, and urosepsis is certainly a possibility, especially given his known urinary tract anoamlies. We have no way of ruling out meningitis from this presentation, so antibiotics should be initiated at meningitic dosing. In an infant younger than one month, fever with any suspicion of sepsis, whatever the source, requires immediate evaluation and initiation of antibiotic treatment. Because infants at this age have immature immune systems, they do not localize infections as well as older children. An infection of the urinary tract may lead to bacteremia, which in turn may lead to CNS infection. Only cultures will give us the information required to determine the appropriate type length of antimicrobial therapy.
E. Given the consequences of significant bacterial infection in an infant this age, delaying therapy to obtain additional laboratory specimens is not appropriate.
A 6-month-old female is brought into the pediatrician’s office for three days of high fever, fussiness, and decreased appetite. The patient has not had any upper respiratory tract symptoms, vomiting, diarrhea, or rash. On physical exam the patient is fussy, has a RR of 28 bpm and a pulse of 160 bpm. She is febrile to 102.8 F (rectal). The patient is alert and fully moving all extremities. Apart from her vital signs, no other significant exam findings are noted. A CBC demonstrates leukocytosis of 17.0 cells x 103 / µL with elevated bands. What diagnosis is most likely?
Single Choice Answer: A Measles B Bacterial meningitis C Acute otitis media D Urinary tract infection E Roseola
D has been selected by the expert.
A. Measles typically begins with a “prodrome” period featuring the “3 Cs” (cough, coryza, conjunctivitis)—none of which this patient has—along with high fever, often > 104 F, and general malaise and anorexia. On the 2nd to 4th day a maculopapular erythematous rash appears starting on the face/upper neck and spreading downward. Although infants receive their first vaccination against measles (the MMR) at 1 year of age, infants are generally protected unless they are exposed to older, unimmunized children who have the disease.
B. This answer is incorrect in this situation for several reasons. First, this patient is not toxic appearing, nor is her physical exam positive for any findings suggestive of meningitis (such as bulging fontanel or extreme irritability). Unlike older children or adults, classic meningeal signs will often not be present or will be difficult to appreciate on an infant. The patient’s CBC is significant for leukocytosis with elevated bands, suggesting a bacterial infection. On exam the patient is alert and responding well to her environment and does not demonstrate lethargy, respiratory distress or signs of ICP. A definitive lumbar puncture may be ordered if there is more suspicion for meningitis or if the patient’s status deteriorates in any way, and caretakers should be given a follow-up appointment as well as clear indications of when to seek care.
C. This answer is incorrect because while fever and fussiness can be possible signs of AOM in infants, there is no evidence of infection on physical exam such as inflamed, erythematous tympanic membranes, with bulging of the membrane indicating an effusion.
D. UTI, the most common bacterial illness in a female infant, is consistent with her high fever, fussiness, and decreased appetite. Her CBC suggests that she has a bacterial infection (leukocytosis and elevated bands). A sample of her urine should be obtained by catheterization and sent for urinalysis and culture.
E. Roseola often presents with a high fever, but also often with a viral prodrome. It is a diagnosis of exclusion at this point and should not preclude obtaining a urine sample in this child.
A 3-year old girl comes to the clinic with a chief complaint of fever (104F) for over a week. Her mom reports that she has been fussy and inconsolable since she became febrile. She has a red tongue, with large papillae, conjunctivitis, a palmar rash, unilateral cervical adenopathy, as well as swollen feet. Given the most likely diagnosis, what is the most important follow-up for this patient over the next few weeks?
Single Choice Answer:
A Ophthalmology follow-up to determine extent of eye damage and determine need for corticosteroids
B Physical therapy follow-up to help prevent long-term joint deformities and ensure long-term functionality
C Cardiology follow-up to rule out presence of rheumatic fever
D Echocardiogram to look for coronary artery aneurysm
E Neurology follow-up to evaluate partial paralysis of lower extremities
D has been selected by the expert.
A. Choice A is incorrect because the patient likely has Kawasaki disease. Early referral to an ophthalmologist is important for patients diagnosed with other conditions, including Stevens Johnson Syndrome (SJS) to determine the degree of eye involvement and if treatment with topical steroids is needed. SJS is a mucocutaneous disorder defined by fever, severe stomatitis (inflammation of the mucous lining of any of the structures in the mouth), conjunctivitis, and a blistering rash. It is typically caused precipitated by medications or infections. Early referral to an ophthalmologist would also be important for patients diagnosed with juvenile idiopathic arthritis, because they can suffer from uveitis, which if left untreated, can lead to long-term problems such as cataracts, glaucoma, or blindness.
B. Choice B is incorrect because the patient in this case has Kawasaki disease. Early referral to physical therapy is important for patients diagnosed with systemic juvenile idiopathic arthritis, which is characterized by prolonged or spiking fever, rash, and arthritis. Early treatment and physical therapy can help prevent joint deformities and improve long-term functionality.
C. Choice C is incorrect because the patient in this case has Kawasaki disease. Patients who have scarlet fever could develop rheumatic fever or post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis, among other problems. Scarlet fever is characterized by a “erythematous, blanching, sandpaper-like rash” with very fine papules secondary to infection with Group A streptococcus. It may start in the groin, axilla, or neck, before spreading rapidly over the trunk and extremities. Fever can be high, but generally resolves within five days.
D. Choice D is correct because children with Kawasaki disease are at high risk for coronary artery aneurysm formation and should receive an echocardiogram within four weeks of the onset of their illness. Use of IVIG for the treatment of Kawasaki disease has decreased the risk of coronary artery aneurysms significantly. Kawasaki disease is diagnosed when there is a fever plus four of the following: changes in oral mucosa (e.g., strawberry tongue), extremity swelling or redness, unilateral cervical adenopathy, conjunctivitis, and rash. Infectious and rheumatologic causes must be excluded in order to make the diagnosis of Kawasaki disease.
E. Choice E is incorrect because the patient in this case has Kawasaki disease. Neurologic issues such as paralysis of a lower limb can occur in severe cases of Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, which is characterized by fever, myalgias, headache, and petechial rash classically starting on wrists and ankles and progressing centrally.
A 5-year-old male comes to the clinic with a chief complaint of four days of progressively worsening fever and that has been minimally responsive to acetaminophen. The patient complains of sore throat and decreased appetite. His sister had a positive rapid strep test and is now being treated with amoxicillin. Your concern is for Group A strep. What is the next best step in management?
Single Choice Answer:
A Start antibiotic treatment
B Send blood cultures
C Advise parents to give patient acetaminophen with return precautions
D Rapid strep test with back-up culture if negative
E Chest x-ray
D has been selected by the expert.
A. Choice A is incorrect. Although you may empirically treat this child for infection with Group A strep, a test to diagnose infection should be done prior to initiation of antibiotics.
B. Choice B is incorrect. There is no indication for a blood culture at this time.
C. Choice C is incorrect. As the patient has a history of being exposed to a sick contact with Group A strep, being sent home with acetaminophen is also not sufficient because the patient has already been treated at home with acetaminophen with no improvement.
D. Choice D would provide confirmation of your clinical suspicion and allow for correct diagnosis prior to empiric antibiotic treatment.
E. Choice E is incorrect because there is no indication of respiratory symptoms.
A 3-year-old male presents with fever to 103 F for the past week, injected eyes, and a refusal to walk for the past two days. On physical exam, you note conjunctival injection without pus or exudates bilaterally, prominent papillae of his tongue with redness as well as redness of his hands, and feet. He also has a new non-diffuse maculopapular rash on his torso that gets worse with fever. On examination of the swollen extremities, you are unable to elicit any tenderness or effusions in any joints. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
Single Choice Answer: A Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever (RMSF) B Bone or joint infection C Kawasaki disease (KD) D Scarlet fever E Systemic onset juvenile idiopathic arthritis
C has been selected by the expert.
A. Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever (RMSF) is a tick-borne disease caused by Rickettsia rickettsii. This tick is commonly found in southeastern parts of the U.S., and patients will often come from or have a history of travel to that region. The disease is characterized by headache, fever, myalgia, and a centrally progressing petechial rash originating on the wrists and ankles. The maculopapular rash, and constellation of other symptoms, as well as lack of any recent travel history, makes this diagnosis less likely in this patient.
B. Bone or joint infection should be on the differential given the patient’s refusal to walk, as up to 80% of these infections are in the lower extremities. The fever associated with septic arthritis and osteomyelitis typically are not as elevated as the one presented in this case, and the lack of localized symptoms of warmth and tenderness associated with the lower extremity erythema and swelling make this diagnosis somewhat less likely in this patient.
C. Kawasaki disease (KD) is one of the most common vasculitides of childhood. For diagnosis, in addition to fever of > 5 days, patient must meet four of the following criteria: rash, conjunctivitis, unilateral cervical lymphadenopathy, changes in oral mucosa, or extremity changes (redness/swelling). Our patient does not have lymphadenopathy, but often this is the least common finding in KD. If children have fever with fewer than four of the five clinical findings, they can have “incomplete KD” if they meet certain laboratory criteria.
D. Scarlet fever is caused by erythrogenic toxin produced by Streptococcus pyogenes. Symptoms can include sore throat, fever, “strawberry tongue” and a blanching, erythematous rash with desquamation of the affected areas about six to seven days later as the rash begins to disappear. While our patient does have a “strawberry tongue,” fever, and rash, the description of the rash and other physical exam findings are more consistent with KD than with scarlet fever.
E. Systemic onset juvenile idiopathic arthritis, also known as Still’s disease, is a subset of JIA describing patients with intermittent rash, fever and arthritis. While our patient does present with rash and fever, as well as refusal to walk (potentially a sign of arthritis), systemic onset JIA tends to present with a history of spiking fevers and “salmon” rash occurring when the child is febrile, and disappearing as the fever fades. This is inconsistent with the description of the findings seen in our patient, who does not demonstrate tenderness or effusion in any joint.
A 2-year-old girl presents to the urgent care clinic with a 7-day history of high fever to 38.5 C, a maculopapular rash that began on the palms and soles of her feet, red eyes without discharge, and unilateral cervical adenopathy. What other symptom/sign might you discover on further history and exam?
Single Choice Answer: A Tonsillar exudates B Headache C Erythematous and edematous feet D White spots on buccal mucosa E Dysuria
C has been selected by the expert.
A. Tonsillar exudates would be present in strep pharyngitis or tonsillitis. Given the prolonged fever, rash, lymph node involvement, and conjunctivitis, the disease process is more widespread than a simple tonsillitis. You should recognize this constellation of symptoms as Kawasaki disease.
B. Headache would be present in Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever. This seems reasonable, given the fever and rash that began on the palms and soles. However, the other findings suggest Kawasaki disease, so this is not the best answer.
C. The constellation of symptoms described suggests Kawasaki disease. The other two classic signs not mentioned are erythematous tongue (“strawberry tongue”), and erythema/edema of the extremities, which is the best answer here.
D. White spots on the buccal mucosa are also known as Koplik spots, which are pathognomonic for measles. The fever and conjunctivitis could be measles, but there is no cough or coryza. In addition, the rash typically starts at the head and moves downward, rather than starting on the hands and feet.
E. Although children with Kawasaki disease can have pyuria, it is not associated with dysuria, a symptom of a UTI, which would be highly unlikely given the other signs.
A 5-year-old female, previously healthy, presents with an erythematous, vesicular rash on the palms and soles and a high fever for several days. Upon examination, she is also found to have ulcers in her mouth. A few days later, the fever and rash resolve. What is the most likely pathogen?
Single Choice Answer: A Herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1) B HIV C Enterovirus D Human herpesvirus 6 (HHV-6) E Group A strep
C has been selected by the expert.
A. HSV-1 causes gingivostomatitis and can sometimes be accompanied by fever and malaise, but lesions on the hands and feet would be uncommon.
B. HIV infection can increase the risk of oral lesions secondary to infections by HSV-1 or Candida albicans, but again would be unlikely to cause lesions on the hands and feet. Furthermore, at this patient’s age (5 years), she is unlikely to be HIV-positive unless it was vertically transmitted from her mother.
C. This presentation is consistent with infection by cocksackie A, an enterovirus. Following an incubation period of three to five days, patients have fever, tender vesicles on their hands and feet, and oral ulcers. Sometimes the rash also occurs on the buttocks and the genitals. The infection resolves spontaneously within three days, and is spread from person to person via saliva, fluid from the vesicles, stool, or nasal discharge.
D. HHV-6 is the virus that causes roseola, which manifests as fever followed by a macular or maculopapular rash, but this rash begins on the trunk, eventually spreading to the extremities, and does not cause oral lesions.
E. Group A strep infection could cause fever and a rash with scarlet fever, but this rash is described as “sandpaperlike” with small papules, not vesicular, and is also not confined to the hands and feet.
A 12-year-old male presents to the ED with complaints of anorexia, weight loss, and persistent cough, with nocturnal coughing fits that have been waking him from sleep for the past three weeks. He denies fever, chills, myalgia, sore throat, or rhinorrhea. The patient presented to his primary care physician one week prior with the same complaint, and was treated with amoxicillin and bronchodilator therapy. His chest x-ray was negative for infiltrates at that visit. The patient’s symptoms did not improve with this regimen. The cough became more frequent, sometimes causing emesis. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
Single Choice Answer:
A Reactive airway disease
B Infection with Bordetella pertussis in the catarrhal stage
C Infection with Bordetella pertussis in the paroxysmal stage
D Atypical pneumonia due to Mycoplasma pneumoniae
E Laryngotracheobronchitis
C has been selected by the expert.
A. Reactive airway disease would most likely have improved with bronchodilator therapy. In addition, you would not expect to see anorexia or weight loss with reactive airway disease.
B. The catarrhal stage of pertussis lasts one to two weeks and is often indistinguishable from URI. In this patient the presenting symptoms have been an ongoing problem for more than three weeks.
C. The paroxysmal stage of pertussis lasts four to six weeks and is characterized by repetitive, forceful coughing episodes, followed by massive inspiratory effort. This massive inspiratory effort is what results in the characteristic “whoop”-sounding cough. This is consistent with the patient’s presentation and duration of illness. The forceful coughing fits in pertussis can even lead to conjunctival hemorrhages and pneumothoraces from the increased intrathoracic and intracranial pressures from Valsalva. The antimicrobial agents of choice for treatment of pertussis are azithromycin, clarithromycin, and erythromycin. Antibiotics given in the paroxysmal phase will reduce communicability but will not alter the clinical course.
D. Mycoplasma pneumonia would be expected to be associated with fevers and findings on chest x-ray and lung exam.
E. Croup (laryngotracheobronchitis) presents with difficulty breathing and a “seal bark” cough and usually lasts a week or less. Croup also is usually associated with fever.
A 12-month-old previously healthy girl presents with cough and mild subcostal retractions. She is afebrile, and physical exam reveals asymmetric wheezing. Chest x-ray demonstrates unilateral air trapping. What is the most likely diagnosis?
Single Choice Answer: A Croup B Pneumonia C Acute bronchiolitis D Foreign body aspiration E Asthma
D has been selected by the expert.
A. Croup involves subglottic inflammation, typically presenting with inspiratory stridor and a “barky cough” (i.e., like a seal). This patient is not noted to have either, and also presents with asymmetric wheezing and air trapping that would not be expected in an individual with croup.
B. While this patient presents with cough and increased work of breathing, she is afebrile, and auscultation of the chest does not reveal crackles or decreased breath sounds/area of consolidation, which would be consistent with pneumonia. Additionally, chest x-ray findings are not consistent with a lobar or more diffuse pneumonia.
C. Acute bronchiolitis is a good thought, especially as this is the most common cause of wheezing in infant; however, if this were the diagnosis, the patient would most likely be febrile and chest x-ray would demonstrate scattered atelectasis and/or diffuse opacities from bronchial obstruction.
D. Features of foreign body aspiration include unexplained wheezing and asymmetric breath sounds, as well as air trapping in one lung indicating unilateral airway obstruction. The right main bronchus is the more commonly obstructed due to anatomy (it is wider and more vertical than the left). The most commonly aspirated foods are hot dogs, nuts, hard candy, grapes, and popcorn.
E. While the finding of wheezing is consistent with asthma, this patient has wheezing only on one side. Along those lines, chest x-ray in an asthmatic patient would demonstrate global air trapping with hyperinflated lungs, rather than unilateral findings.
A 10-month-old infant is brought to the Peds ED by her parents, who say she has been coughing persistently for the last three hours. The parents were watching a movie at home when they first noticed their daughter coughing. Patient is a vaccinated, well-nourished infant in moderate distress with retractions, nasal flaring, and grunting. On auscultation, you immediately notice diminished breath sounds in the right lung with normal breath sounds on the left. What other associated physical exam finding do you expect to hear?
Single Choice Answer: A Stridor B Asymmetric breath sounds and wheezing C Rhonchi D Crackles E Bronchial breath sounds
B has been selected by the expert.
A. Stridor is due to airway narrowing above the thoracic inlet and can be seen in URI such as epiglottitis. You might expect stridor in laryngomalacia, but this would not have suddenly appeared at 10 months of age. Also, epiglottitis is more rare now in a vaccinated child, and you wouldn’t expect to hear unilaterally diminished breath sounds.
B. This infant is in respiratory distress from foreign body aspiration, consistent with the history of acute onset of distress and asymmetric breath sounds. Common foreign bodies include peanuts, popcorn, grapes, hard candy and hot dogs. Respiratory distress from foreign body aspiration is usually accompanied by asymmetric breath sounds and wheezes on auscultation.
C. Rhonchi are coarse, low-pitched, rattling sounds due to secretions and airway narrowing and are typically heard in the setting of bronchitis or pneumonia.
D. Crackles are due to fluid in alveoli or opening and closing of stiff alveoli, not consistent with a foreign body aspiration. You would expect this in either pneumonia or CHF from pulmonary edema, both of which are unlikely in this patient given the abrupt onset and lack of history of cardiac problems.
E. Bronchial breath sounds are hollow-sounding and caused by air moving through areas of consolidated lung, such as in the setting of pneumonia.
Susie is a 3-year-old girl brought into the clinic by her mother because she has a gradually worsening cough and she has been having trouble breathing. Her mother says Susie sounds like she is barking when she coughs. Susie is up to date with her vaccinations. Susie’s mom always watches her when she’s playing. On physical exam, you note that Susie has inspiratory stridor. She does not have wheezing, there are no retractions, and she has symmetrical breath sounds. No pseudomembranes are appreciated on physical exam. What is Susie’s most likely diagnosis?
Single Choice Answer: A Epiglottis B Croup (laryngotracheobronchitis) C Pertussis D Pneumonia E Foreign body aspiration
B has been selected by the expert.
A. Epiglottitis is a life-threatening emergency caused by an infection with H. influenzae type B. It is less common now with the advent of Hib vaccine, but in rare cases can occur due to staphylococcal or streptococcal infections. It most often occurs in children ages 2 to 5 years. Children with epiglottitis present with fever, stridor, drooling, dysphonia, dysphagia, and respiratory distress. They frequently appear toxic and sit in the “sniffing position” (sitting, leaning forward, neck hyperextended, chin protruding). A “thumb sign” (thickened epiglottis and aryepiglottic folds) appears on films. Susie is not exhibiting any of these characteristic symptoms and she is up to date with vaccines, making epiglottitis a less likely diagnosis for her cough.
B. Croup or laryngotracheobronchitis is due to a viral infection (Parainfluenza type 1). It is most common in the winter, and often occurs in children age 2 to 5 years. Croup can lead to non-specific URI symptoms with some degree of airway obstruction. A barky or seal-like cough and inspiratory stridor (which should be differentiated from expiratory wheezes) is common in croup.
C. Pertussis occurs in three phases: The catarrhal stage lasts one to two weeks when children present with URI symptoms. A paroxysmal stage follows and lasts four to six weeks. During this phase, children have repetitive forceful coughing with massive inspiratory effort (“whoops”). Finally, during the convalescent stage, children present with continued cough that may last up to three months. The acellular pertussis vaccine protects against pertussis, and, as Suzie is up to date with her immunizations, this diagnosis is less likely. Her barking cough is more suggestive of croup than the “whooping” cough of pertussis.
D. While retractions and cough are present with pneumonia, asymmetric breath sounds and tachypnea would be more specific for a diagnosis of pneumonia.
E. Symmetrical breath sounds and the gradual onset of Susie’s cough make foreign body aspiration less likely. One might also expect focal wheezing and tachypnea with foreign body aspiration.
Joe, a previously healthy 11-month-old male with 5-day history of a “cold,” is brought to the ED by mom for one day of acute worsening cough and intermittent wheezing. Per mom, the cough was initially dry but has become more “phlegmy,” making it difficult for Joe to breathe, particularly when he is feeding or more active. His immunizations are up to date, and he has no known allergies. His family history is significant for a 6-year old sister who was diagnosed with asthma four years ago. On exam, Joe is afebrile, mildly tachypneic with normal O2 saturation. He has prominent nasal flaring and mild subcostal retractions. He has clear rhinorrhea but no evidence of oropharyngeal erythema. Lung exam reveals decreased breath sounds and wheezes on the right. What is the most likely diagnosis?
Single Choice Answer: A RSV bronchiolitis B Epiglottitis C Viral URI D Asthma E Foreign body aspiration
E has been selected by the expert.
A. Bronchiolitis is a lower respiratory tract infection most commonly caused by RSV, which is characterized by bronchiolar obstruction secondary to mucus plugging, cellular debris, and edema. Patients generally present with fever and URI symptoms which progress to a worsening cough, wheezing and shortness of breath. Although this patient does have wheezing, the unilateral wheezing with decreased breath sounds is not consistent with bronchiolitis.
B. Epiglottitis was commonly caused by Haemophilus influenzae type B, but can also be caused by Staph and Strep species. Patients may present with fever, dysphagia, drooling, stridor and significant respiratory distress. Patients are generally seen sitting, leaning forward with the neck hyperextended. Epiglottitis has become less common due to immunization with Hib. This diagnosis is less likely in our patient, since his immunizations are up to date, he is afebrile and not in severe respiratory distress.
C. Our patient probably developed a viral URI five days ago. An upper respiratory tract infection in children can manifest as fever, rhinorrhea, cough, sore throat and myalgias, and may be accompanied by wheezing. However, our patient’s ausculatation findings cannot be explained solely by a viral URI.
D. Asthma is caused by inflammation of airway mucosa, mucus hypersecretion, mucosal edema and reversible bronchoconstriction. It generally presents as cough, wheezing, tachypnea and dyspnea worsened by cold air, exercise, allergies and URIs. The mainstay of treatment involves bronchodilators (beta-2 agonists) and inhaled steroids. Asthma is a possible diagnosis in Joe given the family history of asthma; however, it is less likely since he was previously healthy with no history of recurrent cough or wheezing. Furthermore, asthma does not generally present with focal wheezing as heard on Joe’s lung exam.
E. Given Joe’s age, foreign body aspiration should always be included in the differential diagnosis for acute onset wheezing. The lung findings of asymmetric breath sounds and wheezing support this diagnosis. Foreign body in the airway can be confirmed by bilateral decubitus or inspiratory/expiratory chest films, characterized by decreased deflation on the affected side. If complete obstruction, x-ray will generally reveal atelectasis (whiting out) and signs of volume loss (mediastinal shift towards affected side to compensate for loss of volume).
Johnny is a 25-month-old male who presents to the ED with a 2-day history of vomiting and diarrhea. Dad relays a history of abrupt onset of vomiting that started yesterday around 1 pm. Johnny has had 6 episodes of emesis since yesterday and 3 episodes of diarrhea. The emesis is non-bilious and the diarrhea is described as watery with specks of blood throughout the diarrhea. There are no sick contacts in the home. Vital signs: T 37.1, P 102, R 20, BP 90/60. Physical examination is normal and Johnny has still been tolerating some PO feeds without instant vomiting. What is the most immediate intervention for this patient?
Multiple Choice Answer: A IV bolus with D5W B IV bolus with 0.9% saline C CT scan and surgical consult D random glucose test E no immediate intervention is necessary
E has been selected by the expert.
A. An IV bolus with D5W is indicated in cases of confirmed hypoglycemia and is used for maintenance fluids. This is not indicated in this patient.
B. With his normal vitals and no obvious signs of dehydration, an IV bolus of 0.9% saline is not indicated in this patient. If there was evidence of dehydration on physical exam or with vitals, then IV fluids would be necessary.
C. This vignette does not seem like a surgical case. Physical examination was normal, which makes abdominal pathology less likely. While appendicitis might be in the differential diagnosis, other diagnoses are more likely, making the excessive radiation exposure from a CT scan not necessary.
D. With cases of dehydration one must always think about abnormalities in blood glucose levels. This clinical presentation does not suggest signs of hypo or hyperglycemia.
E. At this point the patient is most likely suffering from a case of viral gastroenteritis. Because he is still tolerating some PO feeds, has no obvious signs of dehydration, and has normal vital signs, there is no need for aggressive IV fluid administration or diagnostic work up. Strict return precautions should be given and it should be advised that Johnny maintains fluids as much as possible.
Rashid is a 5-week-old baby boy who presents to clinic with 4 days of repeated, forceful, non-bilious, non-bloody vomiting without diarrhea. He has 8 to 9 episodes of vomiting per day immediately following breastfeeding. The episodes started 2 weeks after the entire family suffered from severe viral gastroenteritis. His birth history is uncomplicated (full term, NSVD, unremarkable 30-week ultrasound) and birth weight was 3.6 kg (50th percentile). On exam, his vitals are: T 36.7°C, HR 185, BP 85/45, RR 36, Wt 4.1 kg (25th percentile). On exam, his eyes are moderately sunken without production of tears, his lips are cracked, and his throat is without erythema. His capillary refill is ~3 seconds, and his pulse is thready. What is your first step in management?
Multiple Choice Answer:
A Close observation in the office for 6 hours and encourage PO intake until vitals normalize.
B Intravenous lactated Ringer’s solution of 20mL/kg boluses until baseline clinical status is achieved, then 100 mL/kg oral rehydration solutions over next 4 hours.
C Intravenous 20 mL/kg boluses of ¼ normal saline solution until baseline clinical status is achieved, then closely monitor vitals for 6 hours while encouraging PO formula intake.
D Observe for 6 hours with normal PO intake and administer 60-120 mL of oral rehydration solution for every episode of vomiting.
E Administer 75 mL/kg of oral rehydration solution over 3-4 hours and 60-120 mL of oral rehydration solution for every episode of vomiting.
B has been selected by the expert.
A. Observing closely in the office for 6 hours and encouraging PO intake until vitals normalize are not appropriate measures for treating this child’s severe dehydration. Signs of severe dehydration include lethargy or unconsciousness on exam, poor PO intake, tachycardia, weak or nonpalpable pulses, deep breathing, deeply sunken eyes, parched mouth and tongue, reduced skin turgor, and cold/cyanotic extremities. In cases like this, the child must be placed on immediate IV fluids with 20 mL/kg boluses until vitals and mental status normalize.
B. Lactated Ringer’s solution or normal saline in 20 mL/kg boluses until urine output is established and mental status improves, then 100 mL/kg oral rehydration solutions over next 4 hours. This follows current CDC guidelines for treating a severely dehydrated child. Intravenous hydration with 5% dextrose ½ normal saline at twice maintenance fluid rates may be substituted for the oral rehydration solution if the child is not tolerating PO intake. To replace ongoing losses, the CDC recommends 60–120mL of oral rehydration solution per diarrheal/emetic episode (through a nasogastric tube, if necessary).
C. One quarter normal saline (1/4 NS) is a hypotonic solution, and would not be ideal for the treatment of dehydration due to emesis. The recommended therapy to correct severe dehydration is to give 20 mL/kg boluses of isotonic solution and to reassess for clinical improvement following each administration. Once the patient is stable and back to baseline, then continue IV hydration with 5% dextrose ½ normal saline at twice maintenance fluid rates OR give 100 mL/kg oral rehydration solution over 4 hours.
D. This would not be a recommended treatment for the severely dehydrated child since it relies on normal PO intake. However, the replacement of losses strategy is correct for all patients
You are seeing a 1-month-old male who is
B has been selected by the expert.
A. Choice A is incorrect. Children with structural anomalies of the palate typically present with difficulty feeding. This child appears to be latching on well, but has difficulty retaining the food once ingested.
B. Choice B is correct because the history of frequent vomiting, poor weight gain, and the finding of an abdominal mass are consistent with pyloric stenosis. Children with pyloric stenosis often present at 3 weeks of age.
C. Choice C is incorrect. Children with cystic fibrosis typically present with failure to thrive secondary to chronic malabsorption, with characteristic loose and malodorous stool. Lab testing reveals elevated sweat chloride. There may be a known family history.
D. Choice D is incorrect. Several findings in this patient point toward an organic rather than an inorganic cause of failure to thrive, and organic causes such as pyloric stenosis should be ruled out before an inorganic cause is assumed.
E. Choice E is incorrect. Although maltreatment of a child should always be considered, particularly in the youngest children. This child has sufficient findings by history and physical exam to suspect true organic etiology.
A 15-month-old boy presents to the ED in January with a 3-day history of diarrhea. His current weight is 11 kg. He was born at 39 weeks, without any perinatal complications. There is no significant history of travel, sick contacts, or recent changes in diet. The mother notes that he has had only 2 diaper changes over the last day. Physical exam is remarkable for an irritable but consolable infant with tachycardia and normal blood pressure. He is crying without tears and his mucous membranes are dry. His abdominal exam is benign. There is no tenting, and capillary refill is 2 seconds. He is diagnosed with gastroenteritis and started on rehydration therapy. Which of the following statements is true?
Multiple Choice Answer:
A The patient is mildly dehydrated and should be managed with oral rehydration (Pedialyte).
B The patient is moderately dehydrated and should be managed with oral rehydration (Gatorade).
C The patient should be rehydrated with clear liquids and then transitioned to a lactose-free diet until his diarrhea resolves.
D The patient is moderately dehydrated and should be bolused with 220 ccs of D5 ½ normal saline for emergency phase correction, to ensure hemodynamic stability.
E ) The work-up for infectious diarrhea for this patient should include a Wright’s stain for fecal WBCs, a stool Rotazyme, and a stool sample for culture and sensitivity.
E has been selected by the expert.
A. The patient is likely moderately dehydrated, given the minimal urine output over the last day, the tachycardia (in the face of normal blood pressure), and the preserved skin turgor and capillary refill. If the patient was mildly dehydrated, oral rehydration therapy would be appropriate management, and in low resource settings, oral rehydration has been used very successfully for moderately dehydrated children as well.
B. Gatorade would not be recommended as a rehydrating solution for a 15-month-old child. The sugar concentration is high and this may lead to an osmotic diarrhea.
C. Current recommendations from the American Academy of Pediatrics suggest reintroduction of the regular diet, as tolerated, and not transitioning first with a lactose-free diet.
D. Moderately dehydrated patients should be bolused with 20ccs/kg of IV fluid to insure hemodynamic stability and adequate perfusion of vital organs. The preferred fluids would be normal saline or lactated ringers.
E. In addition to correcting this patient’s hydration status, a work-up for the infectious causes of this patient’s diarrhea might include a stool Wright’s stain for fecal WBCs (which would suggest a bacterial cause if this is infectious diarrhea), a Rotazyme test (given the high incidence of rotavirus in the winter months), and a stool sample for culture and sensitivity. Additional studies might include stool guaiac (for occult blood) and a check for stool C. diff toxin.
Luanne is a 15-year-old female with three hours of abdominal pain and two episodes of non-bilious, non-bloody vomiting. She rates her pain at 8/10 and describes it as constant and located mainly in the middle of her belly, but somewhat present throughout her abdomen. It is worse with coughing and moving. She has never had this pain before, and has had no appetite since the pain started. She is sexually active with her boyfriend of three months, always uses condoms, and has not been tested for STIs. Her last menstrual period was two weeks ago. Vitals: 37.9 C, HR 100 bpm, BP 120/85 mm Hg, RR 14 bpm. On exam, she exhibits involuntary guarding, mild rebound tenderness, and tenderness to palpation between her right anterior superior iliac spin and umbilicus. On pelvic exam, she reports tenderness when attempting to palpate her right adnexa, but no masses are appreciated and there is no cervical motion tenderness. Her WBC and CRP are within normal limits. Based on the information above, what is the most likely diagnosis?
Multiple Choice Answer: A Ovarian torsion B Pelvic inflammatory disease C Ectopic pregnancy D Appendicitis
D has been selected by the expert.
A. Ovarian torsion is more common in the post-menopausal population, though it can present in any age group. It is described as intermittent stabbing pain in the lower abdomen or pelvis. Torsion is often secondary to an ovarian mass, such as a neoplasm or corpus luteal cyst, which may occasionally be appreciated on exam. Nausea and vomiting are very common findings as well. Ultrasound is essential to initial workup. Given Luanne’s pain localized around her belly button, her tenderness at McBurney’s point, and lack of palpable masses on pelvic exam, ovarian torsion is a less likely diagnosis.
B. Pelvic inflammatory disease is definitely a possibility given Luanne’s sexual history, lack of STI screening in the past, and adnexal pain. However, this pain is often post-coital and also first occurs during or immediately following menstruation. Another key finding is mucopurulent discharge and cervical motion tenderness, both of which are absent in Luanne. RUQ pain and a fever (present in 50% of patients with PID) are other signs that are not reported in this case.
C. Patients with an ectopic pregnancy typically present with painless vaginal bleeding six to eight weeks after their last menstrual period. The pain is described as crampy pelvic pain, and it is often associated with nausea. Diffuse abdominal pain is also present if rupture and intraperitoneal bleeding occurs. Given that Luanne is two weeks from her last menstrual period, she reports no vaginal bleeding, and her pain is intense and located in the middle of her abdomen, an ectopic pregnancy is less likely.
D. Appendicitis is the most common condition in children requiring immediate surgical intervention, but often (especially in infants) presents differently than in adults. Aspects of their atypical presentation include lack of migration of pain to the RLQ, negative Rovsing’s sign, and involuntary guarding and fever without perforation. School-age children who can articulate the pain often describe pain with movement or coughing (cat’s eye sign). Also, rebound tenderness was found to be neither sensitive nor specific in the pediatric population, while in the adult population it is one of the most accurate PE findings (86%). Luanne is of the older pediatric population, and so will present with a more typical appendicitis. Her sudden onset of intense pain at the umbilicus with vomiting, anorexia, and tenderness at McBurney’s point are all classic findings. The more atypical signs include diffuse pain centered below the umbilicus, and rebound tenderness that might point to a perforation (more likely, it is part of the atypical pediatric presentation given her normal WBC). Another atypical aspect of her exam is her adnexal pain during the pelvic exam, which could be due to the degree of inflammation and the positioning of her appendix. The key take-away point is to have a high index of suspicion for appendicitis in pediatric patients with abdominal pain given their atypical presentation.
A 4-year-old girl with a history of type 1 diabetes mellitus was admitted to a local hospital for treatment of DKA. A few hours after the treatment, she develops grunting, irregular respirations, and has vomited twice. On exam, her left eye is pointing downward and out on straight gaze. Her diastolic blood pressure is 90 mmHg. What is a likely diagnosis?
Single Choice Answer: A Hypoglycemia B Hypokalemia C Hyponatremia D Pneumonia with possible sepsis E Cerebral edema
E has been selected by the expert.
A. This choice is incorrect because although hypoglycemia can be a complication of DKA treatment, it would be unlikely to cause a cranial nerve palsy.
B. This choice is incorrect. Although hypokalemia can be a complication of DKA treatment, it would likely present as an elevated BP, muscular weakness or myalgia, as well as muscle cramps, constipation, and hyporeflexia in severe cases, rather than with the symptoms described in this vignette.
C. This choice is incorrect because, while hyponatremia can occur (due to the dilutional effect caused by water shifting from the intracellular to the extracellular compartment because of hyperglycemia and increased plasma osmolarity), it would be corrected with the DKA treatment and would not present with a cranial nerve palsy.
D. This choice is incorrect because pneumonia would not present with a cranial nerve palsy, although it might be important to evaluate patients with DKA for signs of intercurrent illness, including pneumonia, UTI, and perinephric abscess.
E. This choice is correct. Administration of bicarbonate during DKA treatment increases the risk of cerebral edema. Although symptomatic cerebral edema is rare (less than 1%), it is associated with a high mortality rate (over 20%). The signs of cerebral edema are described in the vignette, and include irregular respirations, headache, vomiting, third nerve palsy, and high blood pressure.
A 9-year-old female is brought to clinic by her mother because of two days of abdominal pain and vomiting. She has vomited six times today and has had decreased appetite, but no diarrhea, fevers, sick contacts, or changes in diet. Her mom states that she has been otherwise healthy apart from increased thirst and occasional bedwetting over the last few weeks. Of note, patient’s maternal grandmother suffers from celiac disease. On exam, patient is afebrile and has a HR of 180 bpm, BP 90/60 mmHg, RR 50 bpm, and O2 saturation of 98%. She is lying in bed appearing slightly drowsy, taking rapid, deep breaths and is slow to respond to questions. Her heart and lung exams are normal apart from being tachycardic, and abdominal exam reveals mild diffuse tenderness to palpation with no rebound or guarding. Which of the following would be the most appropriate next step in management?
Single Choice Answer: A Chest x-ray B Urine culture C Fingerstick glucose D Abdominal ultrasound E Gastric lavage
C has been selected by the expert.
A. A chest x-ray would be appropriate if bacterial pneumonia were high on your differential. A patient with pneumonia generally presents with fever, cough, tachypnea, and will likely have characteristic lung findings such as crackles on exam. The patient may experience abdominal pain secondary to pleural inflammation; however, vomiting is not a common presentation. The absence of fever, cough, sick contacts, and lung findings on exam make pneumonia a less likely diagnosis.
B. Urine culture would be appropriate if pyelonephritis were high on your differential. A patient with pyelonephritis may present with history of fever, dysuria, urinary frequency, CVA tenderness, and vomiting. However, this patient’s overall clinical picture does not support the diagnosis, since the patient is afebrile without a history of dysuria or classic CVA tenderness.
C. Obtaining a fingerstick glucose is the diagnostic step with the highest yield since the patient’s clinical picture is strongly indicative of diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA). DKA is a condition more closely associated with type 1 (rather than type 2) diabetes, and is formally diagnosed if a random glucose is > 200 mg/dL, venous pH is
A 9-year-old male presents to the ED in an ambulance after he was found unconscious at a local playground. In the ED he is arousable but extremely obtunded. He is able to minimally verbalize that his head hurts and his stomach feels uncomfortable. He states the pain is constant and non-radiating. He vomits clear liquid twice over the course of 30 minutes. Vital signs are as follows: T 37.6 C, P 66 bpm, BP 155/80 mm Hg, RR 18 bpm. You further notice that his breathing is irregular with brief episodes of apnea. On physical exam you are unable to reproduce the abdominal pain and there is no rebound tenderness or guarding. The rest of the physical exam is unremarkable. What is the most likely diagnosis?
Single Choice Answer: Please select one answer. A DKA B Appendicitis C Intracranial hemorrhage D Gastroenteritis E Small bowel obstruction
C has been selected by the expert.
A. Choice A is incorrect, because in a patient with DKA one would expect increased adrenergic tone leading to tachycardia, not inappropriate slowing of the HR. Secondly, the patient’s breathing pattern is more consistent with Cheyne-Stokes respirations, not Kussmaul breathing. Kussmaul breathing is typically characterized by deep breaths that may be rapid, normal or slow in rate without periods of apnea, often associated with metabolic acidosis. Lastly, one would expect signs or symptoms consistent with dehydration such as polyuria, polydipsia, decreased skin turgor, or skin tenting. However, the altered mental status, vomiting, headache, and abdominal pain could be seen in DKA.
B. Choice B is incorrect because the lack of fever, inability to reproduce the abdominal pain in the RLQ, and the severely altered mental status argue against the diagnosis. In appendicitis, children will often complain of a migratory pain that beings around the periumbilical region and migrates to the RLQ. Patients often complain of rebound tenderness and demonstrate guarding as well.
C. This is the correct choice. Increased ICP can be secondary to epidural or subdural hemorrhage. It is possible the patient may have fallen while playing in the playground. Increased ICP can present as the classic Cushing’s triad: hypertension, inappropriate slowing of the heart rate, and irregular respirations (Cheyne-Stokes respiration). A further complication of increased ICP is epigastric discomfort. This is caused by the elevated ICP causing vagal stimulation, resulting in the secretion of gastric acid. Lastly, the patient’s headache and non-bilious vomiting can also be ascribed to the increased ICP.
D. Choice D is incorrect because gastroenteritis usually presents with fever, colicky abdominal pain, and diarrhea. It would also be atypical for the patient’s mental status to be so adversely affected by gastroenteritis. More than 95% of gastroenteritis hospitalizations occur in children younger than 5 years, with the peak incidence between 3 and 24 months of age. The incidence tends to peak in winter. There can be both viral and bacterial causes for gastroenteritis. Classically, viral gastroenteritis will present with diarrhea in which the stool lacks blood or mucus. Bacterial gastroenteritis often causes diarrhea with gross blood or mucus present in the stool.
E. Choice E is incorrect because a small bowel obstruction usually presents with bilious vomiting, abdominal distention, inability to pass flatulence, and moderate-to-severe abdominal pain. The pain is often paroxysmal, coming and going in 4 to 5 minute intervals. The patient’s lack of a fever, however, is consistent with a GI obstruction. The most common causes of a small bowel obstruction are adhesions from a previous surgery or a hernia.
A 7-year-old boy is brought by ambulance to the ED with altered consciousness. The EMT said he found the boy in a pool of vomit. He is unable to answer questions coherently and he is alone. Physical exam findings indicate dry mucous membranes, tachypnea, tachycardia, and moaning on palpation of the abdomen. His physical exam is otherwise normal, including a normal blood pressure. What is the most likely cause of his condition?
Single Choice Answer: Please select one answer. A Appendicitis B DKA C Narcotic overdose D Non-accidental trauma E Sepsis
B has been selected by the expert.
A. Appendicitis would rarely present with altered consciousness. The usual history with appendicitis is onset of periumbilical pain that persists over hours, migrating to the right lower quadrant. Vomiting could be present, and tachycardia may be present due to pain or dehydration, but altered mental status would be unusual. On physical exam, peritoneal signs may be present as well as psoas, obturator, or Rovsing’s sign.
B. DKA typically presents with altered mentation, vomiting, dehydration, and abdominal pain. The history will yield polydipsia and polyuria during the days preceding DKA. Metabolic acidosis causes tachypnea as the body tries to blow off CO2 through a compensatory respiratory alkalosis.
C. Although he may have access to narcotics, his presentation does not fit well with this choice. Signs of narcotic overdose include pinpoint pupils, depressed respiratory rate, and altered consciousness. His tachypnea and lack of pinpoint pupils argue against this choice.
D. Lack of fractures, bruises, or burns argues against this choice. Trauma resulting in increased intracranial pressure may result in hypertension, bradycardia, and disordered breathing.
E. Sepsis can present with altered mental status. This child’s presentation is less consistent with sepsis given that he doesn’t have fever or other vital sign changes consistent with sepsis syndrome (temperature > 38.5°C or
A 9-year-old male is brought to the ED in a coma secondary to diabetic ketoacidosis. Which of the following laboratory results would NOT likely be found in this patient?
Single Choice Answer: A Anion gap of 20 mEq/L B Potassium of 3.3 mEq/L C Venous pH of 7.1 D Sodium of 132 mEq/L E Creatinine of 1.0 mEq/L
B has been selected by the expert.
A. DKA causes a metabolic acidosis from the elevated level of ketones. The elevated level of ketoacids and lactic acid requires buffering by bicarbonate, thus leading to an increased anion gap.
B. In diabetic ketoacidosis, the acidosis and lack of insulin cause potassium to leave cells and enter the serum, causing an elevated serum potassium level. However, as the DKA is corrected and insulin is administered, the potassium will re-enter the cells, causing a decreased serum potassium level, so potassium levels should be monitored closely when therapy is initiated.
C. The pH would be low due to the metabolic acidosis caused by the elevated level of ketones.
D. Hyponatremia is seen in DKA because the hyperosmolarity of the intravascular space from the increased glucose levels causes osmotic movement into the extracellular space. Additionally, there is increased sodium loss from the kidneys. A corrected sodium level should be calculated to adjust for the hyperglycemia, using the following formula: corrected sodium = [{(measured glucose – 100)/100} x 1.6] + measured sodium.
E. Patients with DKA are often dehydrated when they present to the ED. This causes a prerenal azotemia, which presents as an elevated creatinine level.
An 8-year-old obese male comes to the clinic with a chief complaint of right knee pain with the right foot medially rotated. On an exam the right knee is neither swollen nor erythematous but he is noted to have a limited ROM of the right hip. In addition, when he lifts his right leg, it externally rotates. The patient did not have a URI or any trauma preceding the onset of pain. The vital signs are normal at the time of the visit and he is well appearing and afebrile. What is/are the best next step(s) in management?
Single Choice Answer:
Please select one answer.
A AP and lateral x-ray followed by casting and crutches
B Bone scan
C AP and lateral x-ray followed up by internal reduction of the femoral head
D Aspiration of the knee
E Observation and weight reduction counseling
C has been selected by the expert.
A. This choice would be correct if we suspected Legg-Calves-Perthes disease, or avascular necrosis of the capital femoral epiphysis. But the knee pain and physical exam findings are not consistent with this diagnosis.
B. This choice is incorrect because the bone scan is used to diagnose an acute hematogenous osteomyelitis. This child is not febrile and has no localized bone pain and is therefore less likely to have osteomyelitis.
C. This choice is correct because the AP and lateral x-rays are needed to diagnose a slipped capital femoral epiphysis, which is considered an emergency. This patient’s age group, his obesity, and the description of the external rotation of the right leg when the hip is flexed all suggest this diagnosis.
D. This choice is incorrect because the aspiration and drainage via arthroscopy is done for a septic joint. Based on the physical exam and vital signs, the patient is unlikely to have an infection of the bone or joint.
E. This choice is incorrect because observation is not optimal when the patient is likely to have an urgent condition that needs to be fixed. Weight reduction counseling might be a good option after his problem is addressed.
A 6-year-old female comes to the clinic with a chief complaint of worsening right knee pain over the past month. On exam, you note generalized lymphadenopathy and splenomegaly. She coughs intermittently throughout the visit, and her mother explains that she is just getting over a cold. You note absence of tenderness, erythema, effusion or warmth over the hip, knee, or ankle joints. Her vitals are unremarkable except for a low-grade fever (100.8 F). Reviewing her chart, you note that she has lost 5 lbs since her visit 2 months ago. She sits with her right leg externally rotated but appears to be in pain despite trying several different positions, refusing to bear weight on that side. What is the most likely diagnosis?
Single Choice Answer: A Reactive arthritis B Leukemia C Osteomyelitis D Transient synovitis E Septic arthritis
B has been selected by the expert.
A. Choice A is incorrect because reactive arthritis typically follows an infection outside the joint affecting the GU or GI tract (rather than upper respiratory tract), presenting two to four weeks following an infection. Children are commonly afebrile, and pain may involve multiple joints.
B. Choice B is correct. Leukemia can present as bone pain due to replacement of bone marrow by leukemic cells. Patients may present with a limp or refusal to walk. Leukemia is associated with systemic symptoms such as low-grade fever, chronic/insidious joint pain, generalized LAD, weight loss, and/or hepatosplenomegaly.
C. Choice C is incorrect because osteomyelitis typically presents with point tenderness over the bony joint and signs of joint inflammation. Osteomyelitis is most commonly associated with infection by Staph aureus or Strep pyogenes. The pain is worse upon weight-bearing, and fever is seen in about 50% of cases.
D. Choice D is incorrect because this patient is showing systemic symptoms such as weight loss, hepatosplenomegaly, and generalized LAD. Transient synovitis would be high on the differential if this child were otherwise well-appearing with isolated involvement of the joint, most commonly the hip. Transient synovitis may follow an upper respiratory infection and usually resolves on its own within three to seven days.
E. Choice E is incorrect because the history and physical are more suggestive of leukemia; however, septic arthritis may present similarly. Erythema, warmth, and swelling of a deep joint may not be readily apparent on exam. While fever is strongly associated with septic arthritis, it would likely be higher (> 38.5 °C) and the patient would have a more acute presentation. A CBC with differential would be useful in this situation. An ultrasound of the joint would also be able to identify an effusion and/or guide joint aspiration if septic arthritis was suspected. Most common organisms responsible for septic arthritis by age include: Staph aureus, GBS, E coli (neonates
A 3-year-old girl comes to the clinic with a limp and a slightly externally rotated right hip. Which of the following signs/symptoms would you expect in the history or exam if a diagnosis of transient synovitis were made?
Single Choice Answer: A History of a recent upper respiratory tract infection B High-grade fever C Iridocyclitis D Knee pain E ESR of 110 mm/hr
A has been selected by the expert.
A. Transient synovitis of the hip is associated with a low-grade fever and frequently occurs during or after a URI. Between 32% and 50% of children who present with transient synovitis had a recent upper respiratory tract infection. It is also important to remember that transient synovitis is a diagnosis of exclusion, and it is important to rule out other causes of hip pain that may require urgent intervention, such as septic arthritis.
B. High-grade fever would be more concerning for osteomyelitis or septic arthritis, and would not be expected in transient synovitis (although low-grade fever is possible). However, fever occurs in only half of cases of osteomyelitis. Other symptoms associated with osteomyelitis include localized bony tenderness, indolent presentation, and refusal to bear weight. Osteomyelitis cannot be ruled out due to absence of fever.
C. Iridocyclitis is associated with juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA). Other findings associated with JIA include fever and rash. Diagnostic criteria for JIA include children less than 16 years old and at least 6 weeks of arthritis in at least one joint.
D. Hip pathology can present as knee pain. However, it is not something that you would use to rule in or rule out transient synovitis (it is not specific for transient synovitis).
E. A significantly elevated ESR would be concerning for septic arthritis. In fact, in one study, an ESR > 40 mm/hr was one of the criteria found to be more associated with septic arthritis than with transient synovitis. Other criteria associated more with septic arthritis than with transient synovitis include: refusal to bear weight, erythema, warmth, swelling, elevated CRP, and an elevated WBC count.
A 3-year-old female is at the pediatrician’s office for continued right knee pain after a ground-level fall six weeks ago. The patient is UTD on all immunizations, has no significant PMH, and no recent illnesses. Mom reports the patient complains of pain mostly in the morning when going to daycare but doesn’t seem to be bothered by it while playing outside in the afternoon. On exam the patient’s vitals are all within normal limits. Her physical exam reveals a well-appearing toddler who walks stiffly and avoids bending her right knee. The knee has a mild effusion but no obvious erythema. There is pain with passive flexion and extension of the right knee. During the exam the girl tells you her left ankle also hurts, which mom had forgotten about but says started hurting the same time as the right knee. Her CBC is normal, while her ESR and CRP are mildly elevated. Which of the following is the most likely cause of this patient’s condition?
Single Choice Answer: A Septic arthritis B Leukemia C Juvenile idiopathic arthritis D Transient synovitis of the hip E Bacterial osteomyelitis
C has been selected by the expert.
A. Septic arthritis is incorrect because the patient has been generally well for the past six weeks and presents with mild swelling but no erythema of her joint. She is afebrile with no leukocytosis on CBC. While each of these alone would not rule out septic arthritis, the combination of all these factors together make septic arthritis unlikely. Patients with septic arthritis are often febrile. Joint fluid analysis often reveals elevated WBCs and predominant neutrophils (although a joint tap in this scenario is not necessary based on the presenting symptoms and exam). Bacteria may also be cultured from the joint fluid. Additionally, her CRP and ESR are only mildly elevated. One would expect to see a greater elevation of these markers of inflammation in septic arthritis.
B. Leukemia is incorrect because the patient does not present with other systemic symptoms such as fever, weight loss, lymphadenopathy, hepatosplenomegaly, petechiae, or bruising. This patient also has pain that improves with activity, as opposed to a more chronic pain that does not improve with position or movement that would be expected with leukemia. Additionally, a normal CBC without thrombocytopenia or anemia makes this answer unlikely.
C. Juvenile idopathic arthritis (JIA) is correct for several reasons. Pauciarticular juvenile arthritis is the most common type of JIA (60% of JIA) and causes pain in four or fewer joints for six or more weeks. This patient is generally well even after six weeks of pain, which would be unlikely if this patient had septic arthritis. Her pain improves with activity, and the ESR/CRP are only mildly elevated. On exam, she has a mild effusion but no obvious erythema. In cases of systemic JIA, patients may have a rash which lasts only a few hours (evanescent) that is also macular and salmon, and high-spiking and appears periodically (once or twice a day); however, this form of JIA is not consistent with this patient’s history.
D. Transient synovitis of the hip is incorrect because this condition, while acute, generally resolves in three to four days and this patient has had pain for six weeks. Transient synovitis typically affects the hip, but patients may also report knee or inner thigh pain. Commonly, patients may have a history of a recent URI. Additionally, patients with transient synovitis do not typically present with a joint effusion as is seen in this patient.
E. Bacterial osteomyelitis in children, usually hematogenous in origin, presents with acute onset of bone pain and fever and may involve a contiguous joint. This patient is well appearing and has no leg tenderness.
A 4-year-old child is refusing to walk over the course of a week. Her mother recalls that she fell off her bike yesterday. On exam, she is afebrile, but has decreased ROM of her hip. You review her file and note that she is up-to-date on her immunizations and she was last seen three weeks ago for a self-limited episode of diarrhea that she developed while visiting family in rural Mexico. Aspiration of her affected hip joint reveals slight increase in inflammatory cells but normal chemistries and a negative gram stain. Culture is pending. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
Single Choice Answer: Please select one answer. A Osteomyelitis B Trauma C Transient synovitis D Reactive arthritis E Septic arthritis
D has been selected by the expert.
A. Incorrect. The gradual onset of refusing to walk is consistent with osteomyelitis, and only half of patients present with fever. However, this patient is not acutely ill as one would expect with hematogenously acquired osteomyelitis. While this is a possible diagnosis, it is further down on the differential diagnosis.
B. Children who present with limp secondary to trauma may not have any findings visible on x-ray for a few weeks. Though a fall from a bike could certainly aggravate a weakened bone or joint, this patient’s limp developed over the course of a week.
C. While transient synovitis could certainly present with pain, it is more likely to present acutely in the absence of other complaints. A recent URI, not gastroenteritis, is most consistent with a transient synovitis.
D. Correct. The patient likely had a recent case of mild to moderate gastroenteritis in Mexico, which may have been secondary to an bacterial enteritis such as shigella, or campylobacter. In reactive arthritis, joint inflammation occurs a few weeks later because antibodies made during the illness are attacking the joint. While several inflammatory cells would be seen in the aspirate, importantly, the cultures will turn out to be negative.
E. Although on exam it may be difficult to distinguish septic from reactive arthritis, in septic arthritis the culture is often positive. These patients usually have acute onset of pain, fever, and limp, and the hip or knee is commonly affected. It is caused by an infection, typically bacterial, in the joint space. While definitely high on the differential for this patient, it is not the best answer choice given the history of diarrhea and the benign finding on joint aspiration.
A previously healthy 4-year-old girl is brought to her pediatrician because her parents have noticed that she has been less active than usual for the past three weeks. Her father explains that it is difficult to get his daughter out of bed in the mornings and that she no longer plays outside with her older brother. Physical examination is notable for a temperature of 38.4 C, heart rate of 125 bpm, pallor, truncal bruising, and diffuse lymphadenopathy. The remainder of the exam, including a thorough neurologic assessment, is unremarkable. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
Single Choice Answer: Please select one answer. A Aseptic meningitis B Kawasaki disease C Non-accidental trauma D Acute lymphoblastic leukemia E Mononucleosis
D has been selected by the expert.
A. Aseptic meningitis is incorrect because it cannot explain this child’s pallor, bruising, or lymphadenopathy. While aseptic meningitis can present with lethargy and low-grade fevers, the remainder of her symptoms are not consistent with meningitis.
B. Kawasaki disease (KD) is incorrect because this child does not meet the criteria for diagnosis. She has not had fevers for at least five days and has no other symptoms consistent with KD. She has diffuse lymphadenopathy (not unilateral cervical LAN > 1.5cm in size) and also lacks bilateral nonsuppurative conjunctivitis, upper respiratory tract mucosal changes, extremity erythema or swelling, and polymorphous rash.
C. Non-accidental trauma is incorrect because it does not account for the systemic inflammatory signs found on physical exam: fever and lymphadenopathy. Do remember, however, that unexplained bruising should always raise the suspicion of child abuse.
D. Acute lymphoblastic leukemia is correct. The child presents with evidence of anemia (fatigue, tachycardia, pallor) and thrombocytopenia (unexplained bruising). Failure of two or more hematologic cell lines should always raise suspicion for malignant invasion of the marrow. Furthermore, the child’s chief complaint, fatigue, is the most common presenting symptom of acute leukemia. Finally, the incidence of ALL peaks at age 4 years.
E. Mononucleosis is incorrect because the diagnosis does not explain the apparent bone marrow failure evidenced by anemia (fatigue, tachycardia, pallor) and thrombocytopenia (bruising). This child’s subacute presentation with marked fatigue, low-grade fevers, and lymphadenopathy is suggestive of mononucleosis, and this diagnosis should remain high on the differential. In a young child, however, one must first rule out acute leukemia.
Steven, a 5-year-old boy with no significant past medical history, was in his usual state of health until last night when he developed abdominal pain. This morning his mother noticed a red and blotchy rash on his buttocks and lower extremities and his abdominal pain has worsened. Otherwise, he has no other symptoms and except for an upper respiratory tract infection last week, he has been in good health recently. On exam, the presence of palpable purpura and petechiae over the buttocks is confirmed. Laboratory studies are normal and, after a clinical diagnosis is made, he is discharged home the same day and given instructions to return for follow-up. Which of the following is important to measure at the first follow-up visit?
Single Choice Answer: Please select one answer. A BP and urinalysis B Platelet count C PT/PTT D White blood cells and hemoglobin E Signs of intracranial hemorrhage
A has been selected by the expert.
A. BP and urinalysis is the correct answer. This patient likely has Henoch-Schonlein Purpura (HSP). The exact etiology of HSP is unknown, but it is believed to involve an IgA-mediated immune response to infection or other triggers. The incidence is 10 cases per 100,000 children with a peak at ages 4 to 6 years (range of 2 to 17 years). HSP is characterized by a rash consisting of petechiae and palpable purpura. Other findings include a colicky diffuse or periumbilical abdominal pain, arthritis or arthralgia, and renal disease. Given the incidence of renal disease, it is important to check the urine for signs of hematuria or proteinuria; sudden changes in blood pressure can potentially suggest a change in renal function. With abnormal findings, serum BUN and creatinine must be checked.
B. Platelet count is normal in HSP since the hallmark rash is a non-thrombocytopenic purpura. Checking this value at follow-up when the initial value is normal is not indicated in a patient with HSP. Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) is part of the differential for palpable purpura and petechiae. ITP is characterized by low platelet counts (usually
A 5-year old previously healthy boy is brought to his pediatrician with complaints of intermittent abdominal pain, right ankle pain, and a purpuric rash over his buttocks and lower extremities. His mom says she thinks he may recently have recovered from an upper respiratory infection. Which of the following statements is true?
Single Choice Answer:
Please select one answer.
A CBC would likely reveal thrombocytopenia
B This disease is classified as a small vessel vasculitis
C Urinalysis is not warranted for this patient’s work-up
D Treatment options include IVIG
E This disease is equally common in girls and boys
B has been selected by the expert.
A. Choice A is incorrect. Despite the petechiae and purpura seen in children with HSP, the platelet count is normal. This is a key difference between idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) and leukemia (which both commonly present with thrombocytopenia) and HSP, which has a normal platelet count.
B. Choice B is correct because HSP is classified as a small vessel vasculitis. The exact mechanism of HSP is unknown; however, it is thought to be an IgA-mediated immune response affecting small vessels (skin, GI tract, joints, kidneys). Approximately 50% of cases follow viral or bacterial URIs. Biopsy of affected organs shows leukocytoclastic vasculitis with IgA deposition.
C. Choice C is incorrect because 20 to 50% of individuals with HSP have renal involvement, so UA would be an appropriate study to order in a suspected HSP case. UA will often reveal mild hematuria and/or proteinuria. If either are present, BUN and Cr should be ordered to further evaluate the extent of renal involvement.
D. Choice D is incorrect because treatment of HSP is symptomatic and supportive (e.g., NSAIDs for joint pain). HSP usually resolves within four to six weeks and has a 30% recurrence rate. IVIG is not indicated in patients with HSP; it is, however, a treatment option for ITP.
E. Choice E is incorrect because HSP occurs in children ages 2 to 17 years, with the majority occurring between ages 4 and 6. Boys are affected twice as often as girls.
Alex is a 6-year-old boy who presents to the clinic with a chief complaint of acute onset of bruising. He is afebrile, and his mother reports that he recently had a URI. He was born at full-term and has never been hospitalized. He was circumcised at birth with no problems with bleeding. No one in his family has any chronic medical problems. There have been no serious childhood illnesses or deaths. No one has a history of easy bruising or bleeding. On exam you find that he has a purpuric rash on his buttocks and legs. His urinalysis reveals 15 to 20 RBCs/hpf. Which of the following additional findings would NOT be consistent with the likely diagnosis?
Single Choice Answer: A Elevated serum IgA B Blood in the stool C Colicky abdominal pain D Pain in his knees and ankles E Low platelets
E has been selected by the expert.
A. HSP is an IgA-mediated vasculitis involving the skin, joints, GI tract, and kidneys. Serum IgA may be elevated, occurring in 50% of patients.
B. Since IgA immune complexes in HSP also attack the GI vessels, around 67% of patients have GI bleeding, either occult blood or grossly bloody stool.
C. Abdominal pain occurs in 50 to 75% of HSP patients, as a result of the immune attack on the GI vessels, as described above.
D. Arthralgias, mainly of the knees and ankles, are seen in about 75% of children with HSP.
E. Thrombocytopenia is not characteristic of HSP, but is commonly seen in idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP). Decreased platelets are often the delineating finding between HSP and ITP.
A mother brings her 8-year-old son to his primary care physician for pain in his knees and ankles that have been present for the past three days. She also notes that he has had a rash since yesterday, but otherwise feels well. The patient has no chronic illnesses, but he was brought in three weeks ago for an upper respiratory infection. Exam is significant for pain elicited on passive movement of the ankles and knees. Additionally, the patient is found to have an erythematous, slightly raised, non-blanching, maculopapular rash over the legs, buttocks, and posterior portion of the elbows. CBC shows WBC 8.9, Hgb 12.5, Hct 36.1, and Plt 327. Urinalysis is unremarkable. Skin biopsy shows leukocytoclastic vasculitis with IgA deposition. Which of the following is the best next step in management?
Single Choice Answer: Please select one answer. A Observation B Corticosteroids C Intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) D Intravenous hydration E Platelet transfusion
A has been selected by the expert.
A. The joint pain, purpuric rash, and IgA deposition on skin biopsy support the diagnosis of HSP. Most cases of HSP resolve within approximately one month and do not require treatment. However, symptomatic treatment for joint pain, initially with NSAIDs, may be indicated.
B. Corticosteroids can be useful as a second line agent for treating joint pain. Additionally, corticosteroids can be used as part of an immunosuppressive regimen in HSP patients who have acute kidney failure. There is no suggestion of kidney involvement in this case, and urinalysis was found to be unremarkable. Note that steroids may also be used in HSP patients with severe abdominal pain, but this patient did not present this way.
C. IVIG is not used as a mainstay of treatment for HSP.
D. There is no evidence of significant dehydration or inability to tolerate enteral nutrition in this patient. Thus, intravenous hydration is not warranted.
E. Although patients with HSP have a petechial/purpuric rash, their platelet counts are within the normal range. Therefore, a platelet transfusion would be unlikely to be beneficial.
An 8-year-old boy presents with tea-colored urine, oliguria, joint pain, hypertension, and generalized edema. One month ago, he presented with fever and sore throat, headache, abdominal pain, strawberry tongue, papular sandpaper rash. At that time, he did not have runny nose, congestion or cough. He was treated with appropriate antibiotics for his symptoms and made a full recovery. Which of the following diagnostic findings supports his new symptoms?
Single Choice Answer: Please select one answer. A ANA positive B Low anti-streptolysin O titer C Normal C3 complement D Low C3 complement E Gram negative organisms on urine culture
D has been selected by the expert.
A. This is incorrect because ANA is used to screen for lupus glomerulonephritis and will be elevated in lupus, but not in post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis (PSGN).
B. This is incorrect because PSGN is associated with high ASO titers, not low titers. This is because the recent strep infection will result in a high level of antibodies against strep antigens, of which ASO is one.
C. This is incorrect because PSGN is associated with low C3. Normal C3 is found in IgA nephropathy.
D. Correct. C3 is decreased in PSGN. This value will return to normal six to eight weeks after presentation of PSGN symptoms. Although this patient was treated appropriately for his strep throat, treatment does not prevent PSGN. However, timely and appropriate treatment of strep throat will prevent development of rheumatic fever.
More details for those really curious: C3 plays a role in bacterial killing. A low C3 > less bacterial killing > more prone to infection. A low C3 is also associated with increased risk for autoimmune diseases.
E. This is incorrect. Gram negative organisms on urine culture is associated with UTI, not PSGN.
A 6-year-old male comes to the clinic with a chief complaint of scrotal swelling, recent weight gain, and decreased appetite. Vital signs are stable and there is no evidence of cardiac disease or jaundice. Further workup reveals proteinuria, hyperalbuminemia, and hyperlipidemia, consistent with nephrotic syndrome. Which of the following histological patterns is most likely to be seen on light microscopy?
Single Choice Answer:
A Normal glomeruli with minimal increase in mesangial cells and matrix
B Mostly normal glomeruli and mesangial proliferation but with areas of juxtamedullar glomeruli showing segmental scarring in one or more lobules
C Tram-track appearance of the glomerular basement membrane and subendothelial immune complex deposition
D Enlarged, hypercellular glomeruli with neutrophil invasion
E Glomeruli showing diffuse capillary and glomerular basement thickening
A has been selected by the expert.
A. This choice is correct because it describes the histology seen in minimal change disease. Histologically, minimal change disease is characterized by normal glomeruli on light microscopy. Minimal change disease is the most likely diagnosis of nephrotic syndrome between the ages of 1 and 10 years old, accounting for up to 85% of cases.
B. This choice is incorrect because it describes the histology of focal segmental glomerulonephritis (FSGS). Segmental sclerosis and scarring as well as hyalinosis can be seen on light microscopy in FSGS. FSGS accounts for roughly 10% of cases of nephrotic syndrome in children. Over time, FSGS can often lead to involvement of all the glomeruli and can lead to end stage renal disease.
C. This choice is incorrect because it describes the histology seen in membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis (MPGN). MPGN accounts for less than 5% of cases of nephrotic syndrome in children.
D. This choice is incorrect because it describes the histology seen in acute post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis, which is a cause of nephritic syndrome, not nephrotic syndrome. Nephritic syndrome is an inflammatory process leading to hematuria and RBCs in the urine. Nephritic syndrome is associated with azotemia, oliguria, hypertension, and less severe proteinuria (
Katie is a 5-year-old girl with 10-day history of swelling of her face, especially around the eyes. Her mother has also noticed that her pants have become too tight for her, and that she has gained nearly 5 pounds despite a decreased appetite. About a week prior to the start of the swelling, her mother recollects an episode of rhinorrhea, cough, and sore throat. Urinalysis shows no red blood cells or casts, but you have no other data from urinalysis due to a lab error. On exam, temperature is 98.8 F, heart rate is 95 bpm, blood pressure is 95/65 mmHg. Her face is diffusely swollen. Heart and lung exams are normal. Abdominal exam shows some abdominal fullness but no masses or organomegaly. Both feet appear slightly puffy. Which of the following is the most likely cause?
Single Choice Answer: Please select one answer. A Sinusitis B Nephritis C Nephrotic syndrome D Congestive heart failure E Allergic reaction
C has been selected by the expert.
A. Periorbital swelling and redness can result from inflammatory edema secondary to ethmoid, frontal, or maxillary sinusitis. Sinusitis or allergic rhinitis could cause more prolonged symptoms, but are usually accompanied by cough or runny nose. Sinusitis would not be associated with an increase in weight, or cause increasing abdominal girth.
B. Nephritis classically presents with proteinuria, hematuria, and hypertension. This patient’s blood pressure is normal. Although the urinalysis unfortunately was inconclusive on the level of proteinuria, there was no hematuria.
C. The constellation of history and physical exam findings, with a recent viral infection and subsequent edema, suggests nephrotic syndrome. Minimal change disease is the most common form of nephrosis in pediatrics. Changes in the podocytes of the glomerular apparatus allow significant proteinuria (> 3.5 g/day), which leads to hypoalbuminemia and eventually interstitial edema and ascites. This would explain the patient’s periorbital swelling, increasing abdominal girth (ascites), and weight gain (pure fluid overload).
D. Congestive heart failure could cause generalized edema due to poor ventricular function, but the cardiothoracic exam would be expected to be abnormal, with crackles in the lungs and murmur or gallop over precordium.
E. Periorbital swelling from an allergic reaction is usually abrupt in onset, and often accompanied by an urticarial rash. This patient has no rash, and the distended abdomen is not explained by an allergic reaction.
Brian, a 5-year-old boy with swelling around both his eyes and an abdomen that looks “bigger than normal,” is brought in by his mother to your preceptor’s office. Mom explains that she noticed the puffy eyes and bigger belly starting the week before. It seemed to appear out of nowhere, and Brian has been completely healthy except he had a cold several days before these symptoms developed. When you ask Brian if he has noticed anything else weird, he says that his “pee-pee looks like Coca-cola,” at which point his mom scowls and tells him to stop being silly. His blood pressure taken by the nurse right before entering the room is elevated. Based on the above information, which of the following does Brian likely have?
Single Choice Answer: Please select one answer. A Periorbital cellulitis B Viral upper respiratory infection C Allergic conjunctivitis D Nephrotic syndrome E Acute glomerulonephritis
E has been selected by the expert.
A. This choice is incorrect. Periorbital cellulitis is usually unilateral, and it would involve a history of insect bite, trauma, or bacterial infection such as sinusitis. Additionally, periorbital cellulitis, would not explain the larger-appearing abdomen or the tea-colored urine, all suggestive of acute glomerulonephritis.
B. This choice is incorrect. Although URI could explain some of the bilateral periorbital edema and the “cold” preceding these current symptoms, URI in itself would not explain the distended abdomen or the darkened urine.
C. This choice is incorrect. Allergic conjunctivitis would present with conjunctival injection in addition to the periorbital edema. Additionally this diagnosis would not explain the distended abdomen or darkened urine.
D. This choice is incorrect. While nephrotic syndrome could explain the periorbital edema and ascites, it would not explain the darkened urine. Also nephrotic syndrome is more associated with normal blood pressure and Brian’s blood pressure is elevated.
E. This choice is correct. Acute glomerulonephritis would explain all aspects of Brian’s presentation. The disease presents with gross hematuria (which most patients describe as tea-colored or cola-colored), periorbital swelling and ascites due to hypoalbuminemia, and hypertension due to intravascular fluid overload. Additionally, acute glomerulonephritis frequently follows a URI.
A 7-year-old girl is brought to her pediatrician because of recurrent puffy eyes. She presented one week ago because of the same problem and was diagnosed with allergies. She was started on an intranasal steroid with no relief. Her mother states she has become increasingly tired and mentions that she has recently outgrown all of her shoes. The patient has no other symptoms and is at the 50th percentile for height and weight, is afebrile, and non-toxic appearing. Her heart and lung exam are normal. She has no hepatomegaly and no evidence of rash. What is your next step in diagnosis/management?
Single Choice Answer: Please select one answer. A Echocardiogram B Urinalysis C Flonase trial for an additional week D CBC with manual differential E Liver enzymes
B has been selected by the expert.
A. Choice A is incorrect. While CHF may present as edema, this patient has no complaints of respiratory symptoms or associated findings on physical exam (such as crackles or a murmur). An echocardiogram would not be the next step in diagnosis, even if CHF is expected.
B. Choice B is correct. Because of the high suspicion of nephrotic syndrome, a urinanalysis would be the next step in diagnosis. This patient has symptoms of periorbital edema, lethargy, and pedal edema (she quickly outgrew her shoes). This test can be done in an outpatient setting and is not invasive (you do not have to stick her with a needle!). Nephrotic syndrome is defined as proteinuria > 50mg/kg. However, this cannot be detected with a UA. A UA dipstick will show high albumin concentration (graded as 3+ or 4+), and is used as a screening tool. Additional testing will be needed to confirm the diagnosis.
C. Choice C is incorrect. Nephrotic syndrome is often misdiagnosed as allergies. This patient had a one-week trial of nasal steroid treatment with persistent and worsening symptoms. Other diagnoses and further tests should be pursued.
D. Choice D is incorrect. While a CBC may show an increased hemoglobin and hematocrit secondary to volume depletion and thrombocytosis, it is not a test that will diagnose nephrotic syndrome. However, if the patient presented with edema and was febrile, a CBC may be warranted to rule out sepsis.
E. Choice E is incorrect because the patient does not appear jaundiced and does not have hepatosplenomegaly. Liver enzymes would not be used as a screening test for nephrotic syndrome.
A 6-year-old boy presents to the ED with three days of diffuse muscle aches and occasional chills. Today, he had a headache and abdominal pain. He reports that he does not feel hungry because he feels sick to his stomach. He denies recent cough, congestion, sore throat, joint pains, or sick contacts. His vitals are: T 101.3 F, BP 108/71 mmHg, P 110 bpm, R 28 bpm, O2 sat 100% on RA. On physical exam, you notice blanching, erythematous macules on his ankles and several petechiae on his wrists. Upon questioning, his mother says that the spots on his wrists previously looked like the spots on his ankles. His neck is supple and there is no hepatosplenomegaly or lymphadenopathy. He reports no sick contacts, but recently visited his cousins in North Carolina. What is the best next step in management?
Single Choice Answer:
A Give acetaminophen, obtain a Monospot, write a note for activity restriction, and advise his mother to bring him back if he is unable to tolerate fluids
B Perform skin scraping of macules and examine under microscope with KOH prep
C Admit the patient, obtain CBC, blood and CSF cultures, and await culture results to guide antibiotic therapy
D Admit the patient, obtain CBC, blood and CSF cultures, then give loading doses of doxycycline 2.2 mg/kg and ceftriaxone 100 mg/kg/day
E Give acetaminophen and obtain CBC, UA, and BUN/Cr
D has been selected by the expert.
A. This choice is incorrect. Although infectious mononucleosis is a possibility, this presentation is concerning for Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever (RMSF). Of note is the absence of sore throat, lymphadenopathy, and hepatosplenomegaly, which suggest something other than mononucleosis.
B. This choice is incorrect. Scabies or a fungal infection such as tinea versicolor would not explain his fever, headache, abdominal pain, petechiae, and myalgias. For scabies, his chief complaint might be intense itching, and he might have an exposure history.
C. This choice is incorrect. Given the history of fever, headache, and petechial rash, you cannot yet rule out meningitis and should give empiric antibiotics immediately. Then, once you have established a diagnosis of RMSF, treatment with doxycycline is indicated.
D. This choice is correct. Given the patient’s abdominal pain, headaches, myalgias, fever, and nausea, followed by blanching erythematous macules, which may be transitioning to petechiae and purpura, this presentation is classic for RMSF. His recent travel to North Carolina also fits with the geographical distribution of RMSF. The treatment of choice is doxycycline. N. meningiditis coverage with ceftriaxone is also necessary given his rash, headaches, and fevers.
E. This choice is incorrect. Although Henoch-Schonlein Purpura can present with abdominal pain and a rash on the lower extremities, it usually begins with petechiae and purpura rather than a blanching rash. Arthralgias are also absent.
The mother of a 5-year-old boy calls your office asking if she should take her son to the emergency room or wait another day. She states that her son suddenly developed a “high fever” and is extremely tired. When you ask about her son’s behavior, she states that he also seems very confused. She also noticed he had developed reddish-purplish spots on his extremities. What is the next best step in management of this patient?
Single Choice Answer:
Please select one answer.
A Have the patient make an appointment to come to your office today
B Tell the mother to take her son to an ED immediately
C Have the patient hydrate well over the weekend and follow up with you in a few days
D This patient most likely ingested something. Recommend ipecac to induce emesis and call 911
B has been selected by the expert.
A. Choice A is incorrect because any acutely altered mental status should raise serious concern, and therefore an office visit would probably not be adequate.
B. Choice B is correct. This patient is exhibiting signs of sepsis, more specifically, of meningococcemia. Although it is important to replenish this patient’s fluids and control his fever, it should not be done in an outpatient setting. This is a medical emergency! Sepsis can lead to altered mental status. Signs and symptoms of sepsis include: fever, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, apnea/dyspnea, oliguria, pallor, tachypnea, tachycardia, lethargy, irritability, petechiae, purpura, tremors, and seizures.
C. Choice C is incorrect. This patient is too ill to remain at home over the weekend with just supportive care. If he is bacteremic and septic he has a high mortality rate over the next 12 hours.
D. Choice D is incorrect. There is no indication for inducing emesis, and this can present a risk of aspiration in a child with altered mental status.
A previously healthy 14-year-old female presents to the ED with a one-day history of fever and altered mental status. Vital signs on presentation include: BP 120/70 mmHg, HR 145 bpm, RR 42 bpm, temp 39.7 C, oxygen sat 93%. Physical exam reveals nuchal rigidity, cool extremities, 1+ distal pulses, diffuse petechial rash, and capillary refill > 2 seconds. What is the important first step in management?
Single Choice Answer: Please select one answer. A Place IV and start NS bolus B Order CBC, CMP, PT, and INR C Start empiric antibiotic therapy with IV ceftriaxone D Obtain a head CT E Order blood cultures
A has been selected by the expert.
A. This patient is in septic shock due to meningococcal infection and should immediately be started on IV fluids in order to maintain perfusion to vital organ systems. Although this patient has a normal blood pressure, other vital signs and physical examination point to shock (HR and RR are both significantly elevated), which first and foremost requires fluid resuscitation.
B. Although these labs will need to be obtained, the patient must first be managed in order to ensure hemodynamic stability. Drawing blood for lab tests is not the first priority.
C. Starting antibiotic therapy is the second step in management after hemodynamic stabilization. While antibiotics should be started as soon as possible, fluid resuscitation is still the classic “next best step” choice when presented with a patient in shock.
D. A head CT is not indicated in the initial evaluation of a patient presenting in septic shock, regardless of the source of infection. If the patient were stable, then a head CT may be required to rule out any masses prior to LP.
E. Blood cultures would be the step just prior to antibiotics, so as not to contaminate the results. However, cultures still come after fluid resuscitation when a patient is in shock.
A 12-day-old baby girl is brought to the ED by her foster mother due to fussiness and tactile fevers. The baby’s teenage biological mother did not receive prenatal care and delivered her baby at home. On further questioning, you find out that the patient has had only two wet diapers per day and two loose green stools per day. On exam, the patient is irritable and her anterior fontanelle is tense. Which of the following diagnoses are of emergent concern at this time?
Single Choice Answer: Please select one answer. A Down syndrome B Fetal alcohol syndrome C Group B strep sepsis/meningitis D Meconium ileus E Poor weight gain
C has been selected by the expert.
A. This choice is incorrect, because although the patient is likely to have missed newborn screening for Down syndrome, her most emergent concern is her fever and possible sepsis.
B. This choice is incorrect. Although the patient is at risk for fetal alcohol syndrome (since her mother did not have prenatal care and may not have had counseling regarding abstinence from alcohol), her most urgent concern is her fever in a less than 1-month-old infant.
C. This choice is correct. The patient’s mother did not have prenatal care and likely did not have screening for group B strep during pregnancy. She also delivered at home and would not have had access to antibiotics during delivery. Group B strep is a common and serious cause of sepsis and meningitis in newborns.
D. This choice is incorrect because the patient reportedly has passed stool since delivery.
E. This choice is incorrect. Infants may lose weight during the first few days of life, but are expected to regain their birth weight by 2 weeks of age.
An 11-month-old boy is brought to the ED by ambulance. His father called 911 after the patient’s eyes deviated to the left as his arms and legs were twitching. During this time he was unresponsive. He has had a tactile fever for three days, and parents mention that he has not been as playful as usual during this time as well. His parents have not had him vaccinated due to personal beliefs. In the ED his vital signs are T 39.1°C, HR 155 bpm, RR 28 bpm, BP 100/65 mmHg, O2 100% (on RA). He does not cry but whimpers during most of your physical exam (including when you look in his ears). You order a CBC and metabolic panel, which are significant for a leukocytosis with a left shift and mild acidosis. Urinalysis and blood/urine cultures are pending. Which of the following additional studies would you obtain?
Single Choice Answer: Please select one answer. A Chest x-ray B Toxicology screen C Lumbar puncture D Electroencephalogram (EEG)
C has been selected by the expert.
A. The history given is not suggestive of any pathologic lung process occurring in this patient (no cough, respiratory distress, or desaturation). While it is possible that pneumonia could be causing his fever, a chest x-ray is not indicated at this time.
B. It is important to consider toxin ingestion in a patient with altered level of consciousness and seizure. Most toxicology screens, however, are limited to drugs of abuse and may not detect many of the toxins that children commonly ingest. Furthermore, this patient’s fever and leukocytosis make infection a much more likely diagnosis.
C. In a young child with fever and altered level of consciousness we should always have a high suspicion for meningitis. This patient’s parents expressed concerns about his behavior at home before his seizure, and his mental status during your examination is not normal. While very few patients presenting with febrile seizure actually have meningitis, this patient’s lack of immunizations put him at increased risk. Furthermore, clinical signs of meningitis in patients under 12 months of age can be very subtle, and so a high level of suspicion is important. A lumbar puncture will help rule in or out meningitis and guide treatment. Note that in some cases the clinician will request a head CT prior to performing a lumbar puncture if there are concerns about increased intracranial pressure. A head CT in itself may not be helpful in the evaluation of a patient with a seizure, although it may be useful in cases where trauma is suspected, or to look for calcifications (such as with cytomegalovirus infection or tuberous sclerosis).
D. For children with focal, recurrent, or complex seizures, an EEG to establish a diagnosis of epilepsy. Sixty percent of children and infants may have an interictal epileptiform abnormality. In this case it will not help to guide management acutely.
A 2-year-old female is brought to the ED by her mother because of increasingly frequent abdominal pain. She has been experiencing this pain on and off for the past year, along with increasing abdominal distention, vomiting, and diarrhea. You chart her height and weight, and find that she is below the 5th percentile for both. IgA tissue transglutaminase (TTG) antibody returns positive. What is the best treatment for this patient?
Single Choice Answer: A Antibiotic treatment B Gluten-free diet C Corticosteroids D Pain management E Metronidazole
B has been selected by the expert.
A. Antibiotics would be the treatment for some types of bacterial gastroenteritis. The chronic nature of this patient’s abdominal pain strongly points away from a diagnosis of bacterial gastroenteritis, which would more likely be an acute disease. Falling off the growth curve also suggests a process that is more chronic than you would expect from bacterial gastroenteritis. Bacterial gastroenteritis typically presents with bloody diarrhea, with or without abdominal pain, and is associated with fecal leukocytes on Wright stain.
B. A gluten-free diet is the best way to manage celiac disease. Celiac disease can present with chronic abdominal pain, vomiting, abdominal distention, and diarrhea. Growth failure can result from malabsorption or anorexia. Anemia may also result from occult GI bleeding, although frank blood in the stool is rare. The IgA tissue transglutaminase antibody titer is a very sensitive and specific test for this disease.
C. Corticosteroids may be used to treat a flare of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Inflammatory bowel disease can present with mild/subacute or severe/acute abdominal pain, along with diarrhea (often bloody). Falling off the growth curve is also common in patients with IBD. The positive IgA tissue transglutaminase antibody, however, suggests that a diagnosis of celiac is more likely in this patient.
D. Pain management alone is not sufficient for a patient with abdominal pain if there is no diagnosis. This may be appropriate in patients with Henoch-Schonlein purpura (HSP), if they have joint and abdominal pains. The abdominal pain experienced by patients with HSP is usually acute in onset and preceded by the characteristic palpable purpuric rash. Because of the acute onset of HSP, growth failure is not associated with this disease. In this patient with chronic abdominal pain, no rash, and growth failure, HSP is unlikely.
E. Metronidazole is the treatment of choice for giardiasis. Infections with giardia may be acute or chronic, but do not usually lead to growth failure. This patient’s clinical picture may fit with a giardia infection, except that the positive IgA TTG antibody titer suggests a diagnosis of celiac disease.
An 11-year-old male comes to the clinic with a chief complaint of abdominal pain for three months. The pain is not associated with eating. Sometimes he feels full and nauseated, along with the pain, but then it resolves on its own. He denies diarrhea, vomiting, and bloody stools. His mother is primarily concerned because his abdominal pains cause him to miss school quite often now. ROS is otherwise negative and the only pertinent issue is his pain. When you evaluate his growth curves, he is progressing at the 60th percentile for height and weight and you do not notice a change since birth. Through a social history you ascertain that he is quite intelligent and has recently been advanced to 7th grade from 5th grade. Vital signs are within normal limits for his age and physical exam (including rectal and genital) are unremarkable. Stool sample was sent in anticipation of today’s visit and was negative for occult blood. What is the most likely cause for his abdominal pain?
Single Choice Answer: Please select one answer. A Functional abdominal pain B Inflammatory bowel disease C Bacterial gastroenteritis D Peptic ulcer disease E Meckel's diverticulum
A has been selected by the expert.
A. Functional abdominal pain would be the most likely diagnosis in this setting at this time. History in this setting is not suggestive of any other diagnosis directly causing his abdominal pain, except a change in his social setting. For better understanding of the nature of this child’s pain, it would be best to talk to him alone, without his mother present, to determine if he is having trouble adjusting to school and to assess whether he has a stable home environment. His pain is chronic, with no other symptoms (diarrhea, bloody stools, growth failure), making a functional issue most likely.
B. Inflammatory bowel disease (Crohn’s disease or UC) could be the cause of this child’s pain, but more frequently IBD presents with growth failure, diarrhea, bloody stools, and sometimes fever. Although this could be an early presentation, the absence of arthritis, uveitis, and other constitutional symptoms, make IBD less likely.
C. Choice C is incorrect because bacterial gastroenteritis is more of an acute issue and would be unlikely to persist for months. The absence of diarrhea also suggests bacterial gastroenteritis is not the best answer option.
D. Choice D is incorrect because peptic ulcer disease (PUD) is relatively uncommon in children and the stool sample was negative for occult blood. PUD would be chronic and recurrent, but should also be associated with eating and would not spontaneously remit every couple of days.
E. Choice E is incorrect because Meckel’s diverticulum usually presents as painless blood in the stool.
Mark is a 7-year-old boy who presents to your clinic with recurrent abdominal pain for the last 5 months. His pain was intermittent but progressed over the last 2 weeks. He complains of diffuse abdominal pain that feels like cramps. He has recent onset of diarrhea with gross blood. He is afebrile in the clinic. On physical exam, he is found to have pallor and mild tenderness in the LLQ and RLQ. When you plot his weight and height on his growth chart, you notice he has “fallen off the curve.” His labs show a normal WBC count but decreased hemoglobin and hematocrit. Biopsies taken from the terminal ileum during colonoscopy show transmural inflammation. Which of the following is the best first line of treatment for this patient?
Single Choice Answer: A Gluten-free diet exclusively B Antibiotics C Surgical resection D 5-aminosalicylic acid E Corticosteroids
D has been selected by the expert.
A. A gluten-free diet would be appropriate if patient was diagnosed with celiac disease. The classic presentation of celiac disease is chronic abdominal pain, abdominal distention, diarrhea, anorexia, vomiting, and poor weight gain. Diagnosis can be made with IgA tissue transglutaminase (TTG) antibody or by the finding of villous atrophy on biopsy.
B. Antibiotics could be used if this was acute bacterial gastroenteritis such as Shigella or Campylobacter. However, considering the chronic nature of the disease, it is unlikely gastroenteritis. Antibiotics can also be prescribed for Crohn’s disease, but they are never the first line of treatment.
C. Surgical resection is usually reserved for complications of Crohn’s disease, such as obstruction or fistula formation.
D. This patient’s clinical presentation and biopsy results are consistent with Crohn’s disease (CD). You would expect transmural inflammation in Crohn’s (as opposed to inflammation limited to mostly mucosa in ulcerative colitis). First-line therapy for CD is 5-aminosalicylic acid. Patients who have incomplete response may be treated with corticosteroids, antibiotics, immunomodulators such as azathiprine, 6-mercaptopurine, or biologics such as Infliximab, a monoclonal antibody to TNF-alpha.
E. Corticosteroids can also be used in Crohn’s disease but they are not the first line of treatment.
8-year-old Jenny presents complaining of intermittent, crampy abdominal pain that has persisted over the last three months. The pain is nonspecific, nonfocal, and not associated with any other systemic symptoms such as fever, chills, weight loss, nausea, vomiting or diarrhea. The pain also seems to occur more frequently during the week and not as often on weekends. The abdominal exam is normal. Jenny is given a diagnosis of functional abdominal pain and scheduled for a one-month follow-up. Six months later, she returns to the clinic complaining of more frequent, more severe abdominal pain that is waking her up at night. She also reports a week of diarrhea containing mucus and blood without associated fever or vomiting. Review of her growth chart demonstrates a slowing of weight gain and a drop in height velocity. What is the most likely diagnosis?
Single Choice Answer: A Irritable bowel syndrome B Giardiasis C Celiac disease D Crohn's disease E Henoch-Schonlein purpura (HSP)
D has been selected by the expert.
A. Irritable bowel syndrome is a symptom-based diagnosis with chronic abdominal pain, discomfort, bloating, and alteration of bowel habits. It is often a diagnosis of exclusion, with no known organic cause. Other symptoms include diarrhea or constipation.
B. Giardiasis is a parasitic disease caused by flagellate protozoan that inhabits the digestive tract leading to decreased appetite, diarrhea, hematuria, loose or watery stool, stomach cramps, bloating, excessive gas, and burping. Many people with giardia infection are asymptomatic. Untreated symptoms may last six weeks or longer. Diagnosis is made via stool microscopy, ELISA, or entero-test with gelatin capsule and thread.
C. Celiac disease is an autoimmune disorder of the small intestine characterized by diarrhea, failure to thrive, and fatigue. A rash known as dermatitis herpetiformis (an autoimmune cutaneous eruption) can also occur.
D. Crohn’s disease is most consistent with this presentation, as it affects GI tract from mouth to anus, leading to abdominal pain, diarrhea (can be bloody), vomiting, or weight loss. Extraintestinal symptoms include skin rashes, arthritis, and fatigue. Fever, fistula, and perianal complications are also common.
E. Henoch-Schonlein purpura (HSP) presents with abdominal pain, palpable purpura on the lower extremities, joint pain, and often kidney involvement. It is an acute systemic vasculitis characterized by deposition of immune complexes containing IgA. Abdominal pain is colicky often with nausea, vomiting, constipation, or diarrhea.
Kenny is a 12 year-old male who comes to your clinic with a chief complaint of crampy abdominal pain. His mother tells you that sometimes he wakes up from sleep due to the pain. He also has diarrhea that sometimes has blood in it. When asked about stressors in his life, his mother sighs and tells you that she is recently divorced and had to move Kenny to a new school. On physical exam, he appears small for his age. Abdomen is soft, non-distended, but tender to palpation at the RUQ. On rectal exam, you note anal skin tags and an anal fistula. Skin exam shows red tender nodules on his shins. Labs show a microcytic anemia. What is the next best step in management?
Single Choice Answer: A Reassure and refer to psychiatry B Start omeprazole and antibiotics C Colonoscopy D Start mesalamine E Obtain IgA endomysial antibody and IgA anti-tissue transglutaminase antibody
C has been selected by the expert.
A. Reassure and refer to psychiatry is incorrect. This is the right management for functional abdominal pain, which is the most common cause of abdominal pain in this age group. However, bloody diarrhea cannot be explained by functional abdominal pain and suggests a more serious diagnosis.
B. Start omeprazole and antibiotics is incorrect. This is the correct management of PUD caused by H. pylori. PUD cannot account for the perianal disease, diarrhea, or erythema nodosum.
C. Colonoscopy is the best answer. Kenny likely has IBD (Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis [UC]). He has crampy abdominal pain and intermittently bloody diarrhea, crampy abdominal pain (that wakes him up at night), perianal disease, and erythema nodosum. He also has microcytic anemia, likely from chronic blood loss. Colonoscopy with biopsies will allow you to diagnose Crohn’s disease (or UC) prior to treating it. The diagnosis begins with a colonoscopy to obtain tissue biopsies as well as blood tests (p-ANCA, ASCA).
D. Start mesalamine is incorrect. Mesalamine is the first-line treatment for Crohn’s disease. However, you have not yet established a diagnosis.
E. Obtain IgA endomysial antibody and IgA anti-tissue transglutaminase antibody is incorrect. This is the right diagnostic test for celiac disease. However, celiac disease would not present with blood in the stool or other extraintestinal signs. Celiac can be associated with dermatitis herpetiformis, an itchy, papulovesicular rash.
You are seeing a 36-month-old boy for his well-child visit. His parents are anxious about ensuring that his development is appropriate. He passed a hearing screen at birth and, other than a few colds, has been generally healthy. He has never been hospitalized or had any serious illness. He is able to run well, walk up stairs, and walk slowly down stairs. He uses more words than the parents are able to count, but can use them only in short, two or three-word sentences. His speech is understandable. He can draw a circle, but not a cross. Neurologic examination shows normal cranial nerves, normal sensitivity, normal motor reflexes, and no Babinski sign. Which of the following is the most appropriate next step in the management of this patient?
Single Choice Answer:
A Perform a brain-stem auditory evoked potential hearing screen
B Perform a screening exam for autism
C Reassure the parents that the boy’s development appears normal
D Refer the child to a developmental specialist for comprehensive evaluation
E Refer the child to a specialist for evaluation of his delayed motor development
C has been selected by the expert.
A. A brain-stem auditory evoked potential hearing test (BAER) may be indicated in infants who fail to meet language milestones if they cannot cooperate with other more comprehensive testing. A 36-month-old should be able to cooperate with behavioral audiometry, so a BAER is not indicated. In addition, this child has no evidence of language delay and does not require referral at this point.
B. Autism is an increasingly diagnosed cause of developmental delay, but this child is not delayed and no mention is given of any autistic features, such as a lack of symbolic play, repetitive movements, or poor sociability.
C. The developmental milestones mentioned in the vignette are within the range of normal for a 36-month-old child. In the absence of any other evidence of significant impairment, there is no indication for referral at this point.
D. If there are reasons for concern on developmental screening tests, a referral may be indicated. However, the developmental milestones mentioned in the vignette are within the range of normal for a 36-month-old child.
E. This child’s motor milestones are not delayed, and no referral is indicated.
Sammy is a healthy male child brought into your office by his mother for a well-child examination. As part of your evaluation you assess his developmental milestones. He is able to run, make a tower of 2 cubes, has 6 words in his vocabulary, and can remove his own garments. What would you estimate Sammy’s age to be based upon his developmental milestones?
Single Choice Answer: A 12 months B 15 months C 18 months D 30 months E 36 months
C has been selected by the expert.
A. At age one year, gross motor skills include pulling to stand, standing alone, and perhaps first steps. Fine motor skills including putting a block in a cup and banging 2 cubes held in hands. At this age a child should be able to imitate vocalizations/sounds and babble. The majority of children this age will know 1 or 2 words in addition to “mama” and “dada.” Social-emotional milestones at age one year are waving bye-bye and playing pat-a-cake. Running, building towers of blocks, removing clothing, and a 6-word vocabulary are more advanced skills than a 12-month-old would be expected to have.
B. At 15 months of age, a child should be able to stoop and recover and walk well, put a block in a cup, have a vocabulary of a few words, wave bye-bye, and drink from a cup. Running, building towers of blocks, removing clothing, and a 6-word vocabulary are more advanced skills than a 15-month-old would be expected to have.
C. At 18 months, a child should be able to walk backward, and 50–90% of children can run at this stage. An 18-month-old should be able to scribble, build a tower of 2 cubes, have 3-6 words in her or his vocabulary, and be able to help in the house and remove garments.
D. At 2 ½ years of age, kids can jump up and throw a ball overhand. They can build a tower of 6–8 cubes, point to 6 body parts, name 1 picture, put on clothing, and wash and dry their hands. Sammy is only able to build a tower of 2 cubes, can remove his clothing but does not yet put clothing on, and his vocabulary is limited to 6 words—leading us to believe he is not 2 ½ years old.
E. At age 3, children can balance on each foot for 1 second, wiggle their thumbs, name 4 pictures, name 1 color, name a friend, and brush their teeth with help. Sammy’s vocabulary is only 6 words, he is not able to name a friend, he is only able to stack 2 cubes, and he has just starting running, but is unable to balance on each foot for 1 second.
Mark is a 5-month-old male who is brought to the urgent care clinic with a three-day history of rhinorrhea and non-productive cough. When he was born he was large for gestational age, and his exam then was notable for macrocephaly, macroglossia, and hypospadias. On physical exam now his vitals signs are stable. He has copious nasal discharge, but his lungs are clear to auscultation. On abdominal exam, you palpate an abdominal mass on the right side just below the subcostal margin. It is 7 cm in diameter and does not cross the midline. The abdomen is soft and non-tender with active bowel sounds. What is the most likely cause of his mass?
Single Choice Answer: Please select one answer. A Wilms' tumor B Teratoma C Renal cell carcinoma D Hepatoblastoma
A has been selected by the expert.
A. Wilms’ tumor is commonly associated with Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome, a genetic overgrowth syndrome. Other features that may be seen in children with this syndrome include omphalocele, hemihypertrophy, hypoglycemia, large for gestational age, and other dysmorphic features.
B. Teratomas are congenital tumors that are present at birth. These benign tumors that are often identified incidentally, or may become symptomatic due to mass effect of the lesion within the abdominal cavity. The aggressiveness of the tumor depends on the degree of differentiation.
C. Renal cell carcinomas are much more common in adulthood. Risk factors include cigarette smoking and obesity.
D. While children with Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome can have hepatoblastoma (in addition to other types of tumors), this is not the most common tumor in this genetic condition. Note that hepatoblastoma may also be associated with familial adenomatous polyposis.
An asymptomatic, healthy 9-month-old female is found to have a palpable RUQ mass on exam. After further imaging and lab studies, the mass is diagnosed as a neuroblastoma that has involvement in the bone marrow as well. The mother is worried about the prognosis. Which of the following is true about the prognosis of neuroblastoma in this child?
Single Choice Answer:
Please select one answer.
A Lymph node involvement is a poor prognostic factor
B Prognosis of neuroblastoma is predictable
C Children who are older than 12 months have a better prognosis than younger children
D Favorable histology does not play a role in prognosis
E Non-amplification of the n-myc gene is a favorable prognostic factor.
E has been selected by the expert.
A. Due to the effectiveness of chemotherapy, neuroblastomas with lymph node involvement are still considered favorable, especially in the setting of other favorable factors, such as young age and differentiating histology. Though distant metastasis is a significant poor prognostic factor, regional lymph nodes do not significantly affect the outcome.
B. Neuroblastoma has a broad spectrum of clinical courses. Some tumors may spontaneously regress, some may mature to a benign type, and yet other tumors can be very aggressive with metastases. Age plays a role in the prognosis, as most infants have a good prognosis even with disseminated disease, while infants over 18 months of age do not do as well.
C. In infants less than one year of age, neuroblastoma tumors may spontaneously regress. Stage 4S neuroblastoma is a special category that is reserved for infants less than 12 months who have resectable primary tumors and metastases to the liver, skin, and bone marrow. Overall survival is over 85 percent.
D. Favorable histology is a good prognostic factor in neuroblastoma, and is based on the differentiation of the cells involved.
E. Non-amplification of the n-myc gene is one of the favorable genetics in neuroblastoma.
A 9-month old baby boy comes to the clinic for a well child visit. The child is at the 50th percentile for weight, length, and head circumference. He is reaching all developmental milestones appropriately. The mother has no concerns at this visit. The child has previously received the following vaccines: 3 doses of DTaP, 3 doses of Hib, 2 doses of HepB, 3 doses of RotaV, 2 doses of IPV and 3 doses of PCV13, and no influenza vaccines. Which vaccines should the child receive at today’s visit?
Single Choice Answer: Please select one answer. A Influenza, Hep B, IPV, DTaP B Influenza, IPV C Influenza, Hep B, IPV D Hep B, DTaP, IPV E Hep B, IPV, and MMR
C has been selected by the expert.
A. Influenza, Hep B, IPV, DTaP is incorrect. All three doses of DTaP have been given.
B. Influenza, IPV is incorrect. The patient needs the third Hep B shot.
C. Influenza, Hep B, IPV is correct. The patient needs a third Hep B, a third IPV, and a yearly flu shot starting at 6 months of age.
D. Hep B, DTaP, IPV is incorrect. All three doses of DTaP have been given and the patient now needs a yearly flu shot starting at 6 months of age.
E. Hep B, IPV, and MMR is incorrect. The patient also needs a yearly flu shot starting at 6 months of age and MMR is not given before 12 months of age.
A 10-month-old asymptomatic infant presents with a RUQ mass. Work-up reveals a normocytic anemia, elevated urinary HVA/VMA, and a large heterogeneous mass with scant calcifications on CT. A bone marrow biopsy is performed. Which of the following histologic findings on bone marrow biopsy is most consistent with your suspected diagnosis?
Multiple Choice Answer:
A Sheets of lymphocytes with interspersed macrophages
B Small round blue cells with dense nuclei forming small rosettes
C Hypersegmented neutrophils
D Stacks of RBCs
E Enlarged cells with intranuclear inclusion bodies
B has been selected by the expert.
A. This is incorrect, as sheets of lymphocytes with interspersed macrophages are associated with Burkitt lymphoma.
B. This is the correct response. In addition to neuroblastoma, other tumors associated with small blue cells include Ewing’s sarcoma and medulloblastoma, both of which tumors are seen in children.
C. Hypersegmented neutrophils are characteristic of megaloblastic anemia, a condition associated with a vitamin B12 and/or folate deficiency, not malignancy.
D. Stacks of RBCs suggest rouleaux formation, a phenomenon seen in multiple myeloma, a condition not seen in young infants.
E. This describes the classic “owl’s eyes” seen in CMV and other viral infections.
A 4-year-old boy who recently emigrated from eastern Europe presents with his mother to your general pediatrics clinic. His mother reports that he has a chronic nonproductive cough during the day and night, mild wheezing for one month and failure to gain weight (his weight has dropped from the 50th to the 10th percentile for his age). His mother denies any high fevers, rhinorrhea, or night sweats. Which of the following are the next best diagnostic tests?
Single Choice Answer:
A Chest x-ray and tuberculin skin test
B CT of nasal sinuses
C Spirometry, before and after bronchodilator therapy
D Chest x-ray and methacholine challenge
E None needed, patient likely has habitual cough
A has been selected by the expert.
A. CXR and tuberculin skin test (TST) is the best choice. Signs and symptoms of primary pulmonary tuberculosis are few to none. Toddlers may present with nonproductive cough, mild dyspnea, wheezing, and/or failure to thrive (defined as weight
An 11-year old boy presents to clinic with wheezing. Mom states that in the past he has used inhaled albuterol and it has helped with wheezing and shortness of breath. On further history you find out that the patient experiences shortness of breath three times a week and is awakened at night by these symptoms once a week. What is the most appropriate outpatient therapy?
Single Choice Answer:
A Only rescue inhaler PRN
B Low dose inhaled corticosteroids
C Medium dose inhaled corticosteroids and course of oral corticosteroids
D Medium dose inhaled corticosteroids, LABA, and course of oral corticosteroids
E Course of oral corticosteroids
B has been selected by the expert.
A. Rescue inhaler (a short-acting beta agonist) i PRN is incorrect because this treatment is indicated in patients with intermittent asthma and have symptoms fewer than two days a week or two nights a month
B. Low dose inhaled corticosteroid is correct because this patient has mild persistent asthma. His symptoms occur 3–6 days/week and 3–4 nights/month.
C. Medium dose inhaled corticosteroids with a course of oral corticosteroids is incorrect, because it would be indicated in a patient with moderate persistent asthma when symptoms occur daily and more than one night per week.
D. Medium dose inhaled corticosteroids, LABA, and oral corticosteroids is incorrect because this patient does not have severe persistent asthma.
E. A course of oral corticosteroids alone is incorrect. Asthma needs to be managed long term to prevent exacerbations. An inhaled corticosteroid is indicated.
A 4-year-old patient presents with several months of cough. Mom also reports a history of red skin patches, which are pruritic, and allergies to peanuts, eggs, and mangoes. Which of the following would be characteristic of the cough that this patient would present with?
Single Choice Answer: A Does not awaken patient from sleep B Paroxysmal C Barking cough D Worse at night E Associated with crackles on exam
D has been selected by the expert.
A. This choice is incorrect. This patient has asthma, which commonly presents with symptoms awakening the patient from sleep. Habitual cough disappears at night.
B. This choice is incorrect. Paroxysmal coughs are associated with bacterial infections such as pertussis, Chlamydia, or mycoplasma. Foreign bodies can also produce sudden onset of cough. History could help to determine if the latter is a cause.
C. This choice is incorrect. Barking coughs are associated with croup or other forms of subglottic disease. Foreign bodies can also produce this type of cough.
D. This choice is correct. Asthma frequently presents with nighttime exacerbations. The cough often presents with wheezing and is usually a dry cough.
E. This choice is incorrect. Diseases associated with crackles usually have intrinsic pulmonary involvement. Crackles can be fine or coarse and usually represent alveolar or small airway conditions.
A 9-year-old male presents to your clinic with discoloration under his eyes, persistent cough, and skin rashes. He is found to have wheezing on physical exam and increased lung volume bilaterally on chest x-ray. He has struggled with these complaints over the past three years but recently his symptoms have gotten worse, affecting him every other day. He is afebrile. He is found to have wheezing on physical exam and increased lung volume bilaterally on chest x-ray. What would be the most appropriate treatment for him?
Single Choice Answer:
A Oral antibiotics
B Short-acting beta agonist PRN
C Short-acting beta agonist PRN with low-dose inhaled corticosteroid
D Short-acting beta agonist PRN with medium-dose inhaled corticosteroid
E Long-acting beta agonist
C has been selected by the expert.
A. The patient’s presentation is more consistent with asthma than an infection. The patient has had these complaints for the last few years. His skin rashes and lower eyelid darkening are consistent with allergic processes (atopy), which are associated with asthma. Furthermore, increased lung volumes bilaterally and persistent cough without fever also suggest asthma, thus antibiotics would not be appropriate.
B. Cough and wheezing that occur intermittently (
A 10-year-old male comes to the clinic with a chief complaint of progressive cough for two weeks that began gradually. His cough is described as productive and wet with whitish sputum. His mother denies throat pain, vomiting, and diarrhea in his review of systems. His mother reports that he has been febrile up to 101.5°F daily. She thinks he is fatigued and has not eaten well in the past week. On exam, there is air passage throughout all lung fields, with crackles in the lower right lung field, but no other abnormal sounds. What would you likely find in your workup?
Single Choice Answer: A Response to inhaled beta-agonist B Hyperinflation in one lung field C Alevolar consolidation in the RLL D Positive PCR for pertussis E Fluffy bilateral infiltrates and a large heart on chest x-ray
C has been selected by the expert.
A. Response to an inhaled beta agonist is a good test for RAD or asthma. Asthma is diagnosed clinically, usually in a school-aged child, with a history of recurrent wheezing. Associated findings might atopic stigmata, such as allergic rhinitis, food allergy, and atopic dermatitis. Without details in the history, asthma is a less likely diagnosis in this setting, and in the absence of wheezing, asthma is even less likely.
B. This would be consistent with a foreign body aspiration which could produce cough and fever (if bacterial superinfection occurs). This diagnosis is usually considered in younger children. Constitutional symptoms (fatigue, decreased eating) make pneumonia a better diagnosis in this clinical setting.
C. Pneumonia is the most likely cause for his symptoms and a chest x-ray would be a great confirmation of your suspected diagnosis. Eliciting a complete history might reveal history of an upper respiratory infection. Localization of crackles (discontinuous inspiratory sounds) to one lobe makes pneumonia more likely.
D. Pertussis can produce a lengthy cough illness, but is not associated with fever or lung findings.
E. Pulmonary edema due to CHF is a symmetrical process and less likely to present with a unilateral lung finding. Pulmonary edema should be suspected with crackles, but this clinical setting leaves pulmonary edema low on our differential.