Clinicals JBD: Quintos - Partograph Clinicals Flashcards
What is partograph for?
Partograph is a form used in monitoring the progress of labor and determine whether a patient is having a normal or abnormal progress of labor.
What are the four stages of labor?
First Stage: Stage of Cervical Dilatation
Second Stage: Stage of Expulsion
Third Stage of Labor: Placental Stage
Fourth Stage of Labor: Maternal Homeostatic Stabilization Stage.
Describe the first stage of labor.
Begins with the onset of regular contractions and ends with complete dilatation.
From true labor to full cervical dilatation.
What are the phases of first stage of labor?
Latent phase
Active Phase
Transitional Phase
Describe the latent phase.
0 - 3 cm cervical dilatations
cervical effacement and dilatation occurs
Contractions are 5-20 minutes apart, 30-45 seconds long.
Lasts 6 hours for nulliparas and 4.5 hours for multiparas
Describe the active phase.
4 - 8 cm cervical dilatation
Contractions: 2-5 minutes apart, 45-60 seconds long
Start of recording in the partograph
Spontaneous rupture of membranes could occur
3 hours - nullipara
4 hours - multipara
Describe the transition phase.
8 - 10 cm cervical dilatation
Contractions: 1-2 minutes apart, 45-90 seconds long.
Define effacement.
Shortening and thinning of the cervical canal as caused by longitudinal traction from the contacting uterine fundus.
Primipara - effacement before dilatation
Nullipara - dilatation before effacement
Define dilatations.
Enlargement of the cervical canal due to increased uterine contractions and fluid-filled membranes presses against cervix.
Describe the second stage of labor.
Period from full dilatation to the birth of the infant.
What are the signs of second stage of labor?
Perineum begins to bulge and appear tense (positive sign)
Anus may be averted (Probable, stool may come out)
Crowning or fetal scalp becomes visible
What are the signs of true labor?
Regular uterine contractions
Rupture of membranes
List the eight cardinal signs of labor.
- Head floating; before the engagement
- Engagement; flexion, descent
- Further descent; internal rotation
- Complete rotation; beginning extension
- Complete extension
- Restitution; external rotation
- Delivery of the anterior shoulder
- Delivery of the posterior shoulder
Define intrapartum.
Occurring or provided during the act of birth
What is parturient?
Woman about to give birth.
Why is allowing the position of choice in the first stage important?
Freedom of movement: distracts the mothers from discomfort of the labor; release muscle tension and gives mother sense of control.
Why is upright position preferred during first and second stage of labor?
Distracts mother from discomfort of the labor and also aids in the delivery of the baby through gravity.
No difference in upright and recumbent position during delivery.
What are the two parts of partograph?
The progress of labor and the maternal and the fetal well-being chart.
What are the benefits of the labor companion during labor?
Provides emotional support to the mother during labor.
What is prophylactic?
Medicine or a cause of action intended to prevent a disease.
Why is routine IVF stopped of discouraged during labor?
IVF is not used unless required by the procedures done such as cesarean section etc.
Where is the epidural administered?
The site of injection for an epidural is between lumbar 3 and lumbar 5.
What is SVD?
Spontaneous vaginal delivery
Why is fundal pressure not encouraged anymore for care of a woman in labor?
No fundal pressure during birth as this affects breastfeeding.
What are the non-medication methods of pain to give before considering medications to a woman who is in active labor?
Provision of labor companion Verbal and physical reassurance Laboring and birth position of mother’s choice Massage with warm water Quiet environment/no bright lights
What are the risks presented by pain medications during labor?
Increased diagnostic assessment, etc. on the mother that may hinder the skin to skin contact
Could be contraindicated for a specific condition
Increased hospital bills
What are the benefits of breastfeeding for an infant?
- Protection against allergen and eczema
- Causes less stomach upset, diarrhea and constipation
- Reduces the risk of viruses, UTI, RTI inflammatory vowel disease, gastroenteritis, ear infections
- Lessen the risks of SIDS
- Makes vaccines more effective
- Protection from diseases such as spinal meningitis, type 1 DM, and Hodgkin’s lymphoma
- May make the baby smarter
- Could help prevent obesity
- Promotes bonding with the baby
What are the benefits of breastfeeding for mother?
- Lowers risk for breast and ovarian cancer
- Helps the mother lose pregnancy weight.
- Triggers the uterus to shrink back to its pre-pregnancy size
- May lower risk for osteoporosis
- Heals the body after delivery
- Delays menstruation and could be used as natural birth control (lactational amenorrhea method)
- Promotes mother and baby bonding as well as cultivate friendship
- Saves money and more eco friendly
- Gives the mother less time to work
What is Hodgkin’s lymphoma?
Blood cancer that affects the lymphocytes as well as the normal functioning of the immune system.
What are the things done during the active management of the third stage of labor?
- Administer oxytocin within one minute after birth.
- Application of controlled cord traction and counter traction with the dominant hand.
- Fundal massage, if necessary.