Clinical Vocabulary Flashcards
Normal flora
Bacteria (etc.) that normally inhabit body. They are usually acquired shortly after birth and considered nonpathogenic except in the case of immunocompromised hosts. Some serve an important function such as production of vitamin K by the enterobacteriaceae in the gastrointestinal tract.
Resident Flora
Bacteria (etc.) present majority of time may change with different stages of life.
Transient Flora
Come and go, do not usually cause damage.
presence of a microorganism (not normal flora) in or on the body may or may not result in clinical symptoms (disease).
How frequently an agent is transmitted to a susceptible person.
a change in health due to the infection, clinical manifestations.
Endemic Disease
Present in a low but constant level in an area.
Epidemic Disease
More cases than predicted within a certain community
Pandemic Disease
Epidemic that spreads throughout the world.
Capacity of a microorganism to cause infection.
Degree of pathogenicity, # of severe or fatal cases/total # of cases
Virulence Factor
Any property of an organism that determines ability to cause infection and severity of infection. For example: Attachment, survival, escaping immune system, etc.
Nosocomial infection
hospital acquired
Community acquired
outside of hospital
spread from person to person