Clinical Test Evaluation Flashcards
Study result positive
Actual outcome presentTrue +ve (TP)
Actual outcome absentFalse +ve (FP)
Study result negative
Actual outcome presentFalse -ve (FN)
Actual outcome absentTrue -ve (TN)
Actual outcome present
Sensitivity= TP/(TP+FN)
Actual outcome absent
Specificity= TN/(FP+TN)
The sensitivity of a test refers to the proportion of people with a condition which it correctly identifies (i.e. test positive). This is also known as the true positive rate.
Sensitivity is calculated by the following:
Sensitivity = TP/(TP+FN)
Sensitivity is a stable characteristic and is not affected by the prevalence of the condition under study.
The specificity of a test refers to the proportion of people without a condition which are correctly identified (i.e. test negative). This is also known as the true negative rate.The false positive rate can be calculated by the following:
False positive rate = 1 - specificity
Specificity is calculated by the following:
Specificity = TN/(FP+TN)
Specificity is a stable characteristic and is not affected by the prevalence of the condition under stud
Accuracy tell us how closely to its true value something is measured. In a 2 by 2 table it is given by the following equation, basically the proportion of results that are correct.
Accuracy = (TP + TN) / (TP + FP + TN + FN)
Put simply, this means how many times the result of the test was ‘right’.
Predictive values
Sensitivity and specificity give us an indication as to the accuracy of a test. These are important but don’t help us make sense of test results. If a patient gets a positive test result then what they want to know is what this means to their likelihood of having the disease. Predictive values assist with this.
Important note: the sensitivity and specificity of a test are unaffected by the prevalence of a condition. The PPV and NPV are affected by the prevalence. As the prevalence of a condition falls the PPV falls and the NPV rises.
Positive predictive value
This refers to the proportion of those scoring positive that actually have a condition (i.e. The chance that a positive result will be correct).
If a test has a PPV of 10% then this means that among those who have a positive screening test, the probability of disease is 10%.
Negative predictive value
This refers to the proportion of those scoring negative that don’t have a condition (i.e. The chance that a negative result will be correct).
If a test has a NPV of 90% then this means that among those who have a negative screening test, the probability of not having the disease is 90%.
The precision quantifies a tests ability to produce the same measurements with repeated tests
Likelihood ratios
Likelihood ratios are much underused. This probably relates to their complexity as they involve the use of odds (rather than probabilities) or the use of simplifying aids such as Fagan’s nomogram.
Likelihood ratios tell us how much we should shift our suspicion for a particular test result. They combine specificity and sensitivity into a single figure that is intended to be more clinically useful. Unlike predictive values they are not affected by the prevalence of the condition. They can be used to refine our estimation of the probability of the disease being present by combing them with our initial estimation (pre test odds) to produce an aggregate figure (post test odds).
A likelihood ratio is the percentage of ill people with a given test result divided by the percentage of well individuals with the same result. Ideally, abnormal test results should be much more typical in ill individuals than in those who are well (high likelihood ratio) and normal test results should be most frequent in well people than in sick people (low likelihood ratio).
Likelihood ratio for a positive result
Likelihood ratio for a positive test result (LR+) = probability of a patient with a disease having a positive test divided by the probability of a patient without the disease having a positive test result
LR+ = true positive rate / false positive rate
Or can be put another way
LR+ = sensitivity / (1 - specificity)
So if a test has a LR+ of 13 this means that a person with a disease is 13 times more likely to have a positive test result than a person without the disease
LR+ > 1 means that a positive test is more likely to occur in a person with a disease than in people without
LR+ < 1 means that a positive test is less likely to occur in a person with the disease than in a person without
Generally speaking a LR+ of 10 or more is considered to significantly increase the probability of a disease (rule in disease).
Likelihood ratio for a negative result
Likelihood ratio for a negative test result (LR-) = probability of an individual with disease having a negative test divided by the probability of an individual without disease having a negative test.
LR- = false negative rate / true negative rate
LR- = (1 - sensitivity) / specificity
So for a LR- of 0.2. This means that the probability of having a negative test for individuals with the disease is 0.2 times or about one-fifth of that of those without the disease. Put in another way, individuals without the disease are about five times more likely to have a negative test than individuals with the disease.
A LR- > 1 means that a negative test is more likely to occur in people with the disease than in people without the disease.
A LR- < 1 means that a negative test is less likely to occur in people with the disease compared to people without the disease.
Generally speaking, for patients who have a negative test, a LR- of more than 10 significantly increase the probability of disease (rule in disease) whilst a very low LR- (below 0.1) virtually rules out the chance that a person has the disease.
Pre and post test odds
The pre test odds is the odds that the patient has the target disorder before the test is carried out (pre-test probability/ [1 - pre-test probability]).
The post test odds is the odds that the patient has the target disorder after the test is carried out (pre-test odds x likelihood ratio).
Pre and post test probabilities
The pre-test probability is the proportion of people with the target disorder in the population at risk at a specific time (point prevalence) or time interval (period prevalence).
The post test probability is the proportion of patients with that particular test result who have the target disorder (post test odds/[1 + post-test odds]).
Fagan’s nomogram
The use of odds rather than probabilities makes the calculations complex because pre-test probabilities must be converted to pre-test odds which is multiplied by the likelihood ratio to get the post-test odds which is then converted into post-test probabilities.
An easier method uses probabilities and Fagan’s nomogram.
In the nomogram, a straight line drawn from a patients pre-test probability through the likelihood ratio gives the post-test probability