Clinical Skills Flashcards
What is koilonychia a sign of?
iron deficiency, haemochromatosis, infection, endocrine disorders, malnutrition
what is koilonychia?
spoon shaped nails
What is clubbing a sign of in respect of GI?
cirrhosis, IBD, GI lymphoma, Malabsorption
Palmar erythema is a sign of what in GI?
liver cirrhosis
significant past MH in GI history?
peptic ulcers, carcinoma, jaundice, hepatits, blood transfusions, tattoos, previous operations, last menstrual period, dietary changes
significant drug history in GI history?
NSAIDs, steroids, antibiotics
significant FH in the GI history?
IBS, IBD, peptic ulcer disease, polyps, cancer, jaundice
Questions to ask regarding nausea/vomiting?
timing, content, relation to meals, amount
Questions to ask regarding haematemesis?
frequency, fresh (red or dark), neoplasia (weight, dysphagia, pain), NSAIDs, warfarin, surgery, smoking
Questions to ask regarding dysphagia?
level, onset, intermittent, progressive, painful swallow
Questions regarding changes in bowel habit?
timing, consider neoplasia (weight loss, dysphagia, pain, melaena)
Questions regarding rectal bleeding?
pain, mucus, fresh dark/black, mixed with stool, on surface, on paper, in the pan?
Questions regarding jaundice?
pruritis, dark urine, pale stools
Questions regarding weight change and appetite?
deliberate, quantify, dysphagia, pain
What is melaena?
black, tarry faeces
what is pruritis?
Common causes of GI vomiting (7)
gastroenteritis, peptic ulceration, pyloric stenosis, intestinal obstruction, paralytic ileus, acute cholecystits, acute pancreatitis
Pain in the epigastric region may indicate?
pancreatitis, gastritis, duodenitis, peptic ulcer, gallbladder disease, aortic aneurysm
Pain in the LUQ may indicate?
Peptic ulcer, gastric or colonic cancer, splenic rupture, subphrenic or perinephric abscess, renal colic or pyelonephritis
Pain in the RUQ may indicate?
cholecystitis, biliary colic, hepatitis, peptic ulcer, colonic cancer, renal colic or pyelonephritis, subphrenic, perinephric abscess
Pain in the loin may indiacte?
renal colic, pyelonephritis, renal tumour, perinephric abscess
Pain in the LIF may indicate?
diverticulitis, volvulus, colon cancer, pelvic abscess, IBD, hip pathology, renal colic, UTI, cancer in undescended testis, zoster, torsion of ovarian cyst, ectopic pregnancy
Pain in the RIF may indicate?
Appendicitis, Chrons ileitis, diverticulitis, volvulus, colon cancer, pelvic abscess, IBD, hip pathology, renal colic, UTI, cancer in undescended testis, zoster, torsion of ovarian cyst, ectopic pregnancy
Pain in the Pelvic region may indicate?
UTI, retention, stones, menstruation, pregnancy, endometriosis endometritis, ovarian cyst torsion