Clinical Reasoning + Endocrine Hormones Review Flashcards
premature closure
concluding evidence gathering and making a diagnosis prior to thorough reflection on all data. commonly associated with pattern recognition
false consensus
form of premature closure. offer limited analysis/information because you believe that others have reached an identical conclusion
confirmatory bias
tendency to seek or favor data that confirms one’s preferred diagnosis while ignoring or disregarding data that would disfavor the diagnosis
unintentional sequestration of data
pertinent information is unintentionally omitted by someone on the team; eg clinical sign, previous medical history, etc
illusory transactive memory system
related to unintentional sequestration of data- provides medical team with a deceptive sense of security that because you’re working with a team, someone before you got all the data that you need. “someone must’ve read the chart”
contagious illusion
respect for authority or desire for consensus allows data to be interpreted as valid by others; eg a supervising clinician states that a collection of clinical signs means the patient has _____ disease
what medical error can be summarized to “someone must have read the chart”?
illusive transactive memory system
selective perception
expectations influence your senses such that you can feel, hear or see something that you expect to hear
recency effect
the most recent events in the patient’s medical history or disease are more heavily weighted than the events that occurred earlier
what medical error can be summarized in “well the patient seems like it has heart disease, so I should be hearing a heart murmur”
selective perception
primacy effect
initial events in the patient’s medical history or disease are weighted more heavily than events that occur later
what are the 4 clinical reasoning strategies?
- pattern recognition
- arborization
- exhaustive search
- hypothetical-deductive method
availability heuristic
estimating what is more likely by what is most available in your memory: biased towards vivid, unusual, or emotionally charged examples
what are the pros and cons of pattern recognition?
pros: quick/efficient, cost-effective, common things look common, quick treatment, life saving!
cons: misdiagnosis, wrong treatment, experience matters, location matters, can lead to rush to judgement, increased morbidity/mortality
what are pros and cons of arborization?
pros: unusual differentials, need a pathway to lead to one or other, emergent situations or referrals
cons: doesn’t account for comorbidities, only as good as their designer
what are pros and cons of exhaustive search?
pros: rare disease!
cons: overwhelming, often go to as last resort, time consuming, unnecessary diagnoses
what are pros and cons of the hypothetical-deductive method?
pros: orderly, kinda ties things together
cons: slow, experience matters
what are the best reasoning strategies?
all are used, but best are pattern recognition and hypothetical-deducation
why is the clinical reasoning cycle important?
reminds you to be systematic in your approach to cases
self-awareness/metacognition is part of expert reasoning!
what strategy is our model based on?
hypothetical-deductive strategy
what clinical reasoning strategy can be summarized as
“it just looks like a case of…”
pattern recognition
what clinical reasoning strategy is summarized as “if this is true, then do this…”
arborization (decision trees)
what clinical reasoning strategy is basically the bread and butter of vet school?
exhaustive search: gather, then sift
why do we care about clinical reasoning strategies?
mistakes happen! need to be aware of what you did to lead your decisions. was it a strategy error? a cognitive error? systemic problem?
what are the steps in the clinical reasoning cycle?
- identify patient
- acquire data
- summarize data
- list problems
- generate differentials
- justify differentials
- identify top differentials
- acquire data
how do you organize a case summary (history and PE)
- signalment and chief complaint
- history of current problem
- background history
- physical exam
what does the liver store glucose as?
what cells release glucagon?
alpha cells of pancreas release glucagon into blood
what breaks down glycogen to release glucose into blood?
is insulin anabolic or catabolic?
increases storage of glucose, fatty acids and amino acids
is glucagon anabolic or catabolic?
increases mobilization of glucose, fatty acids, and amino acids
what does insulin do to energy production?
suppresses it: allows cellular uptake of glucose
suppresses fat lipolysis, fatty acid oxidation, gluconeogenesis, glycogenolysis
without insulin, what happens to the body?
hyperglycemia, hyperlipidemia, ketones
no glucose uptake, fatty acid oxidation occurs (ketones), fat lipolysis occurs, gluconeogenesis occurs
history and PE of DM
weight loss with polyphagia
cataracts (dogs only)
recurrent infections (UTIs)
what species gets cataracts with DM?
dogs only
with a dog with weight loss, what do you ask about first?
what are 3 causes for polyphagia
- inadequate intake
- hypermetabolism
- nutrient loss
what are the 4 causes of anorexia
- primary anorexia
- pseudoanorexia
- primary GI
- secondary GI
what causes PU/PD?
osmotic diuresis: glucose is an osmotic agent. water channels are in tubules and water leaves due to the gradient. osmolality of urine is increased
what causes cataracts in dogs with DM?
normally, glucose is processed thru anaerobic glycolyic pathway and turned into lactic acid, which readily diffuses out of lens normally
when glucose overwhelms the cells, it goes thru the sorbitol pathway and becomes sorbitol + fructose. it then can’t diffuse out and water builds up in the lens
clinicopathologic changes of DM
- hyperglycemia
- glucosuria
- elevated cholesterol
- elevated liver enzymes
- minimally concentrated urine
renal thresholds of glucose
dogs: 180 mg/dL
cats: 250 mg/dL
once threshold exceeded, you get spillover into urine and thus glucosuria
why do you see elevated cholesterol with DM?
lack of insulin = fat metabolism derangement
lipoprotein lipase = impaired: normally clears VLDLs and triglycerides
LDL receptor impaired: clears cholesterol
what are the important mineralocorticoids produced in the adrenal glands?
aldosterone, RAAS
what are the important glucocorticoids produced in the adrenal glands?
cortisol, ACTH
where are the mineralocorticoids produced?
where are the glucocorticoids produced?
what determines production of aldosterone and cortisol?
aldosterone: aldosterone-synthase
cortisol: 17-a-hydroxylase
what is the 1st step in steroid synthesis?
endogenous ACTH stimulation initiates the first step. binding induces cascade of cortisol
what is the axis of stress?
describe the pathway of the HPAA
- hypothalamus produces CRH
- CRH stimulates the pituitary to produce ACTH
- ACTH stimulates the adrenal glands to make cortisol
negative feedback stops this
what produces CRH?
what produces ACTH?
describe the consequences of a pituitary tumor
pituitary-dependent hyperadrenocorticism
both adrenal glands become hyperplastic. produce tons of cortisol, but there is no suppression to pituitary because the tumor just does its own thing