Clinical Reasoning Flashcards
What does clinical reasoning of a healthcare professional involve?
Cognitive & physical processes that emerge when trying to solve problems and make decisions in order to develop a therapeutic management plan to improve patients well being
Poor reasoning may lead to…
Diagnostic error or failure of treatment
Negative impact on patient
Poor relationship between you and patient
Thinking about thinking, being aware of decision making process & reflecting on situation
Dual processing theory- 2 types of thinking
System 1–> fast
System 2–> slow
Fast dual processing theory
-relies on what
-characteristics of it
-conscious/unconscious cognition?
-automatic or controlled?
Relies heavily on pattern recognition
Intuitive, drawing on past experiences & emotion
Feels right
Unconscious cognition, automatic
More prone to error
Slow dual processing theory
-characteristics of it
-conscious/unconscious cognition?
-automatic or controlled?
Analytical, problem oriented approach
Unfamiliar situations
Critical evaluation of evidence and facts
Conscious cognition, deliberate effort and control
What is cognitive load theory
Amount of information our working memory can process
3 types of cognitive bias
Zebra retreat
Considering diagnoses that more readily come to mind, if a disease has not been seen for a long time it becomes less available
Thinking swayed by first impression upon meeting a patient or client, positive or negative feelings may affect decision making
Zebra retreat
Hesitation to consider a rare disease diagnosis even though it may be most likely
Semantic qualifiers & examples
Technical descriptor terms that narrow or specify part of a case presentation
E.g acute/chronic, acquired/congenital, erythematous, purulent etc
Illness scripts
The story or mental representation of how a particular disease typically presents
Compilations of a group of clinical signs eg otitis external, renal failure, CHF
Large, well organised, defined chunks of information/knowledge