State and describe three impulse control disorders
Describe the diagnostic criteria for kleptomania and define two of the keywords used in your description
Describe a measure of kleptomania in detail, use a diagram in your description if necessary
Discuss the concept of research methods in relation to the K-SAS scale
Discuss issues and debates in relation to the K-SAS scale
Describe the diagnostic criteria for pyromania
Discuss a case study related to the pyromania IN DETAIL
Describe the diagnostic criteria for gambling disorder
Describe the biological treatment for ICD using examples where necessary & describe two case studies relating to the use of opiate antagonists then define the terms: pathological gambling and euphoric
Describe several aspects of a case study relating to the biological treatment of ICD (Include main theories, aims, hypotheses, design + sample, results + findings + conclusions)
Evaluate the study by Grant et al. (2000) by describing two strengths and weaknesses, define internal and external validity, explain how this study applies to real-life situations
Name one psychological treatment for ICD, explain how this treatment is used then describe two kinds of this therapy, differentiate between the two kinds of observations
Describe a case study that used covert sensitisation as a psychological treatment of impulse control disorders IN DETAIL
Describe a case study that used imaginal desensitisation as a psychological treatment of impulse control disorders IN DETAIL
Discuss the concept of research methods i relation to the study by Glover (1985)
Discuss the applications of CBT to daily life