Clinical Psychology Flashcards
Clinical psychology is concerned with the study, diagnosis, and treatment of psychological and behavioral disorders
Psychodynamic - Personality theory
The worldview underlying Freudian psychoanalysis has been summarized as ?
“Essentially pessimistic, deterministic, mechanistic, and reductionistic. According to Freud, human beings are determined by irrational forces, unconscious motivations, biological and instinctual needs and drives, and psychosexual events that occurred during the first five years of life.”
Psychodynamic - Personality theory
Freud’s personality theory consists of two separate, but interrelated theories. What are these theories ?
Structural drive theory and developmental theory
Psychodynamic - Personality theory
What is structural drive theory ?
“Structural drive theory posits that personality has three structures, the id, the ego and the superego.”
Psychodynamic - Personality theory
What is the id?
“It is present at birth and consists of the person’s life and death instincts, which serve as the source of all psychic energy. “
Psychodynamic - Personality theory
How does the id operate/ function ?
“the id operates on the basis of pleasure principle as it seeks immediate gratification of its instinctual drives and needs to avoid tension”.
Psychodynamic - Personality theory
What is the ego ?
“It develops at about six months of age. It is the response to the id’s ability to gratify all of its needs and operates on the basis of the reality principle.”
Psychodynamic - Personality theory
How does the ego operate/ function ?
“It defers gratification of the id’s instincts until an appropriate object is available in reality and employs secondary process thinking that is characterized by realistic, rational thinking and planning.”
It also mediates conflicting demands between reality and the superego.
Psychodynamic - Personality theory
What is the superego ?
“emerges when a child is between four and five years of age and represents an internalization of society’s values and standards, as conveyed to the child by his or her parents through their rewards and punishments.”
Psychodynamic - Personality theory
How does the superego operate/ function ?
“it attempts to permanently block the id’s socially unacceptable impulses.”
Psychodynamic - Personality theory
What is developmental drive theory ?
a theory which emphasizes “the sexual drives of the id and proposes that an individual’s personality is formed during childhood as the result of certain experiences that occur during 5 predetermined psychosexual stages of development.”
Psychodynamic - Personality theory
Name the 5 psychosexual stages of developmental drive theory ?
Oral, anal, phallic, latency and genital
Psychodynamic - Personality theory
True or false: Over or under gratification during each phase of the 5 psychosexual stages of developmental drive theory, leads to a respective dependent personality outcome ?
Psychodynamic - Personality theory
_________ is an essential component of Freud’s personality theory.
Psychodynamic - Personality theory
What role does anxiety play in Freud’s personality theory?
“Described as an unpleasant feeling, Anxiety is linked with excitement of the autonomic nervous system and proposed that its function is to alert the ego to an impending internal or external threat., to danger arising from a conflict between the id’s impulses and the demands of the superego or reality or from an actual threat in the external environment.”
Psychodynamic - Personality theory
What are defense mechanisms ?
The ego’s attempt to ward off danger when rational and or realistic means do not work.
Psychodynamic - Personality theory
What are the two characteristics of defense mechanisms ?
Defense mechanisms operate on an unconscious level and may serve to deny or distort reality.
Psychodynamic - Personality theory
Name and define the different types of defense mechanisms.
Repression: “when the id’s drives and needs are excluded from conscious awareness by maintaining them in the unconscious.”
Reaction formation: “Avoiding an anxiety-evoking impulse by expressing its opposite, and projection when a threatening impulse is attributed to another person or other external source.”
Psychodynamic - Personality theory
True or False: Repression does not underlie all other defense mechanisms.
Psychodynamic - Maladaptive behavior
Psychopathology stems from __________, __________ ___________ that occurred during __________.
“unconscious”, “unresolved conflict” that occurred during “childhood”.
Psychodynamic - Maladaptive behavior
Explain phobias through a psychodynamic perspective
“Phobias are the result of displacement of anxiety onto an object or event that is symbolic of the object or event involved in an unresolved conflict.”
Psychodynamic - Maladaptive behavior
Explain depression through a psychodynamic perspective
“Depression is due to object loss coupled with anger toward the object turned inward”
Psychodynamic - Maladaptive behavior
Explain mania through a psychodynamic perspective
“Represents a defense against libidinal or aggressive urges that threaten to overwhelm the ego.”
Psychodynamic - Therapy Goals and Techniques
What is the goal of psychoanalytic therapy ?
“To reduce or eliminate pathological sxs by bringing the unconscious into conscious awareness and integrating previously repressed material into the personality.”
Psychodynamic - Therapy Goals and Techniques
What is the primary technique of psychoanalytic therapy ?
Psychodynamic - Therapy Goals and Techniques
What are the main targets of analysis in psychoanalytic therapy ?
Free associations, dreams, resistances and transference.
Psychodynamic - Therapy Goals and Techniques
What underlies psychoanalytic therapy ?
psychic determinism
Psychodynamic - Therapy Goals and Techniques
What is psychic determinism ?
“the belief that all behaviors are meaningful and serve some psychological function.”
Psychodynamic - Analysis
___________, ___________, __________ & ___________ are used to analyze associations, dreams, resistances, and transferences.
Confrontation, clarification, interpretation and working through
Psychodynamic - Analysis
What is confrontation ?
“making statements that help the client see his/ her remarks in clearer terms”
Psychodynamic - Analysis
What is interpretation ?
“Explicitly connecting current behavior to unconscious processes. Interpretations are less likely to elicit anxiety and resistance and, therefore, are more effective when they address motives and conflicts close to a client’s consciousness than when they relate to material buried deep in the unconscious.”
Psychodynamic - Analysis
Name the three factors which are attributed to improvement in pychoanalysis ?
Catharsis, insight and working through
Psychodynamic - Analysis
Define “catharsis”
“the emotional release resulting from the recall of unconscious material, and it paves the way for the client’s insight into the relationship between his or her unconscious processes and current behaviors
Psychodynamic - Analysis
Define “working through”
“the final and longest stage in psychoanalysis, allows the client to gradually assimilate new insights into his or her personality”
Psychodynamic - Current status
True or False, recent modifications to the Freudian approach include a more collaborative, egalitarian view of the therapeutic relationship and a re-conceptualization of transference and counter-transference.
Psychodynamic - Current status
What is transference ?
“Its not a distortion but the patient’s response to the therapist’s actual behavior and an attempt to imbue that behavior with personal meaning.”
Psychodynamic - Current status
What is countertransference ?
“not just the therapist’s distorted response to the patient but, when recognized and appropriately managed, as a potential source of information about the patient and an important contributor to the curative process.”
Psychodynamic - Current status
Recently developed brief psychodynamic therapies share what characteristics ?
time limited, target a specific interpersonal problem, begin using interpretation early in the therapeutic relationship and emphasize the development of a strong working alliance.
Psychodynamic - Current status
Why is positive transference more important than negative transference ?
“Positive transference promotes a positive therapeutic relationship, maximizes the client’s motivation to work toward the achievement of therapeutic goals, and reduces the likelihood that progress in therapy will be slowed down by the development of a full-scale transference neurosis.”
Adler’s Individual Psychology
True or False: Adler agreed with Freud’s emphasis on the role of unconscious instinctual forces in the development of personality and the lack of attention to social factors ?
False, Adler disagreed with Freud’s emphasis. Adler did believe that ll behavior is purposeful.
Adler’s Individual Psychology
What is the teleological approach ?
Behavior is largely motivated by a person’s future goals, rather than determined by past events.
Adler’s Individual Psychology - Personality Theory
What are the key concepts in Adler’s individual psychology ?
Inferiority feelings, striving for superiority, style of life, and social interest.
Adler’s Individual Psychology - Personality Theory
What are inferiority feelings ?
Inferiority feelings develop in childhood and are the result of real or perceived biological, psychological, or social weaknesses
Adler’s Individual Psychology - Personality Theory
What is striving for superiority ?
“Striving for superiority is an inherent tendency toward “perfect completion” “
Adler’s Individual Psychology - Personality Theory
What is style of life ?
“The specific ways a person chooses to compensate for inferiority and achieve superiority determine his or her style of life.” The style of life also unifies the various aspects of the personality.
Adler’s Individual Psychology - Personality Theory
What is the characteristic that separates a healthy style of life from an unhealthy/ mistaken style of life ?
Social interest is the characteristic that separates a healthy from an unhealthy/ mistaken style of life.
Adler’s Individual Psychology - Personality Theory
What a healthy style of life ?
A healthy style of life is marked by goals which reflect optimism, confidence, and concern for the welfare of others.
Adler’s Individual Psychology - Personality Theory
What is an unhealthy/ mistaken style of life ?
An unhealthy/ mistaken style of life is marked by goals which reflect self-centeredness, competitiveness, and striving for personal power.
Adler’s Individual Psychology - Personality Theory
A person’s style of life is affected by their:
a) early experiences
b) middle experiences
c) late experiences
a) early experiences
A person’s style of life is especially affected by early experiences within the context of family, and is established by 4 or 5 years of age.
Adler’s Individual Psychology - Personality Theory
Why is it particularly important whether an individual is pampered or neglected as a child ?
Because pampered children do no develop social feelings, while neglected children are dominated by a need for revenge.
Adler’s Individual Psychology - View of maladaptive bx
Mental disorders represent a __________ of _________ ?
mistaken style of life that is characterized by maladaptive attempts.
Adler’s Individual Psychology - View of maladaptive bx
Maladaptive bx attempts,
to compensate for ___________, ________________, ________________ .
Feelings of inferiority, preoccupation with achieving personal power and lack of social interest.
Adler’s Individual Psychology - Therapy Goals and Techniques
Adlerian psychotherapy uses which 3 techniques to support an individual’s adaptive lifestyle ?
1) help the clt identify and understand their style of life and its consequences.
2) Reorient the clt’s beliefs and goals so that they support a more adaptive lifestyle.
3) Establishing a collaborative relationship with the clt.
Adler’s Individual Psychology - Therapy Goals and Techniques
To inquire about clt’s lifestyle, an Adlerian psychologist will use what tool ?
An Adlerian psychologist will use “lifestyle investigation” to identify information such as the clt’s family constellation, fictional (hidden) goals, and “basic mistakes (distorted beliefs and attitudes)”.
Adler’s Individual Psychology -Application
True or False: Alderian techniques are only used in individual therapy. They are not used in group therapy, family therapy, marital counseling nor parent education.
Adler’s Individual Psychology -Application
_______________________________ is based on Adler’s approach and assumes that all behavior is goal directed and purposeful.
Systematic training for effective teaching (STET)
Adler’s Individual Psychology -Application
In young children, misbehavior is viewed as having one of four goals. Name the four goals.
- Attention
- Power
- Revenge
- Display Deficiency
Each goal reflects a desire to belong, which is paired with faulty beliefs about what is needed to do so.
Jung’s Analytical Psychotherapy
Jung defined _______ as general psychic energy.
Jung’s Analytical Psychotherapy
True or False: Jung adopted a broader view of personality development than Adler. He believed that behavior is determined not only by past events but also by future goals and aspirations.
Jung’s Analytical Psychotherapy - Personality Theory
From the perspective of ____________________, personality is the consequence of both conscious and unconscious factors.
Jung’s analytical psychotherapy
Jung’s Analytical Psychotherapy - Personality Theory
The conscious is oriented toward ____________?
“the external world, governed by the ego, and represents the individual’s thoughts, ideas, feelings, sensory perceptions and memories.”
Jung’s Analytical Psychotherapy - Personality Theory
The unconscious is oriented toward ____________?
“the personal unconscious and the collective unconscious.”
Jung’s Analytical Psychotherapy - Personality Theory
What does the personal unconscious contain ?
“experiences that were unconsciously perceived or were once conscious but are now repressed or forgotten.
Jung’s Analytical Psychotherapy - Personality Theory
What is the collective unconscious ?
“repository of latent memory traces that have been passed down from one generation to the next.”
Jung’s Analytical Psychotherapy - Personality Theory
What are archetypes ?
” “primordial images” that cause people to experience and understand certain phenomena in a universal way”