Clinical Psychology Flashcards
What are common assumptions of psychodynamic psychotherapy?
- human behavior is motivated largely by unconscious processes
- early development has a profound effect on adult functioning
- universal principles explain personality development and behavior
- insight into unconscious processes is a key component of psychotherapy
What type of psychodynamic psychotherapy can be described as “essentially pessimistic, deterministic, mechanistic, and reductionistic” with humans being determined by irrational forces, unconscious motivations, biological and instinctual needs and drives, and psychosexual events that occurred during the first 5 years of life?
Freudian psychotherapy
What is the goal of psychoanalytic therapy?
To reduce or eliminate symptoms by bringing the unconscious into conscious awareness and integrating preciously repressed material into the personality
The belief that all behaviors are meaningful and serve some psychological function
Psychic determinism
Confrontation, or making statements that help the client see his/her behavior in a new way, is a characteristic of what type of therapy?
Freudian psychodynamic therapy
Explicitly connecting current behavior to unconscious processes
Interpretation (is a part of Freudian therapy)
Catharsis, insight, and working through are attributed to improvements in treatment according to what form of psychotherapy?
Freudian therapy
Which form of therapy uses a teleological approach that regards behavior as being largely motivated by a person’s future goals, rather than determine by past events?
Adler’s Individual Psychology
Which type of therapy focuses on feelings of inferiority, striving for superiority, style of life, and social interests?
Adler’s Individual Psychology
In Adlerian Individual Psychology, what is the difference between healthy and unhealthy style of life?
- healthy style of life is marked by goals that reflect optimism, confidence, and concern about the welfare of others
- unhealthy (mistaken) style of life is characterized by goals reflecting self-centeredness, competitiveness, and striving for personal power
According to Systematic Training for Effective Teaching (STET), misbehavior in children is viewed as having 1 of 4 goals- what are the goals?
Attention, power, revenge, or display deficiency
An integration of the conscious and unconscious aspects of the psyche that leads to the development of a unique identity
Melanie Klein, Robert Fairbairn, Margaret Mahler, and Otto Kernberg are theorists with what orientation?
Object-relations theory
Which type of orientation views psychopathology as a result of problems occurring during separation-individuation?
Object relations theory
What therapeutic techniques do the humanistic psychotherapies share in common?
- phenomenological approach; understanding one’s subjective experience
- focus on current behaviors
- belief in the individual’s inherent potential for self-determination and self-actualization
- view of therapy as involving an authentic, collaborative, and egalitarian relationship between client and therapist
- rejection of traditional assessment techniques and diagnostic labels