clinical psychology Flashcards
Aaron Beck
prof of department of psychiatry- father of cognitive therapy
believed that changing ppls thinking can change their functions, used CBT for new treatment
Albert Ellis
american psychologist/ psychotherapist who founded rational emotive behavior therapy
(REBT)- directly address beliefs
controversy- he has psychoanalytic believes
family therapy
talk therapy- improve relations, used to treat specific mental health/ behavioral conditions
releasing strong emotions no evidence
scientific branch of psychotherapy- main motivation for our actions (our purpose) by Viktor Frankl
cognitive behavioral therapy
Aaron Beck- change how u think. new perspectives, corrects patterns
rational emotive behavior therapy
Albert Ellis - talk therapy. identify neg thoughts , change belive
ABC model- activate event. belief. consequence
psychoanalytic therapy
in depth talk therapy. unconscious feelings repressed.
not proven
when someone redirects their feelings abt one person onto another.
free association
psychoanalytic tool to deepen self understanding. say what comes to mind
dream analysis
underlying messages from dreams
not proven
behavioral therapy (1970)
all behavior can be changed
classical and operant conditioning. eliminate phobias forms of therapy- aversion, systematic desensitization, extinction, punishment
systematic desensitization
treatment for phobias. exposes to fear and use relation techniques
aversion therapy
constantly ties undesirable respind to unpleasant stimulus. the opposite of systematic desensitization
intensive exposure therapy. face biggest fear for long time. extinction technique for phobias no relaxation
conter conditioning
behavioral therapy. technique used to overcome phobia
the pavlovian use of conditioning to undo earlier conditioning
token economy
system of behavior modification where there is a reward for good behavior. encouraging
humanistic therapy
free will, potential, self discovery. motivated to fulfill internal needs self actualisation
person centered therapy
paraphrasing and rephrased client chooses the focus. free will
active / empathetic listening
full attention and understanding
unconditional positive regard
humanistic perspective. acceptance for clients. support
biological therapy
physically alter brain w/ lobotomy or ECT. used to reduce behavior- schizophrenia depression OCD
tardive dyskinesia
drug induced movement disorder. involuntary facial tics. caused by other meds. treatable with tetrabenazine