clinical psychology Flashcards
name 4 hcpc guidelines
You must respect the confidentiality of service users.
You must get informed consent to provide care or services (so far as possible).
You must behave with honesty and integrity and make sure that your behaviour does not damage the public’s confidence in you or your profession.
You must communicate properly and effectively with service users and other practitioners.
two weaknesses of case studies
focuses on one individual or small group- cannot generalise findings to others is not possible.
sample is limited so wider population wont be represented
limited usefulness
one researcher or team o researchers used- the individual who is the min focus of case will get studied very well
possible subjectivity in data- affect the findings by researchers input .
two strength of case studies
triangulation- use multiple ways of data collection
can be used to test for reliability and validity and credibility of findings.
rare situations looked at and individuals where sample of such individuals are hard to find. eg specific brain damaged henry molaison) knowing a lot about case is beneficial for building knowledge overall.
one strength of case studies
detail and depth about an individual or small group and such detail means rich data to draw conclusions from.
advantage is case study allows depth, which is hard to find using other research
allow richness, variety and detail
One A03 points evaluation of case studies use in clinical psychology
Case studies are often used in clinical psychology in order to help the patient or client in difficulty.
They are in-depth investigations of a single person or group and are often used in clinical situations when laboratory research is not possible or practical.
One A03 points evaluation of case studies use in clinical psychology
They can give a real insight into what those who suffer with mental disorders, such as schizophrenia, often have to endure.
The case study should only be used by someone with a professional qualification, such as a therapist or psychiatrist
One A03 points evaluation of case studies use in clinical psychology
The researcher then writes up the information from both sources above as the case study, and interprets the information.
Today, case histories are one of the main methods of investigation in clinical psychology and psychiatry
One A03 points evaluation of case studies use in clinical psychology
Typically, data are gathered from a variety of sources using several different methods, such as observations and interviews.
The client also reports detail of events from his or her point of view.
One A01 evaluation point of case studies use in clinical psychology
Case studies provide a greater amount of detail than other research methods.
conducted over a long period of time using a variety of methods and a large amount of data can be gathered
about a particular disorder, such as anorexia.
One A01 evaluation point of case studies use in clinical psychology
Case studies have given us a more sophisticated understanding of the nature of mental disorders.
been used alongside neuroscience to give us an understanding of the modular nature of brain processes
and the different parts of the brain involved in these.
One A01 evaluation point of case studies use in clinical psychology
They can therefore be used for studying unusual behaviours or circumstances which may be hard to find outside clinical settings.
One A01 evaluation point of case studies use in clinical psychology
Case studies of patients with mental disorders are useful as it would be unethical to test using other methods, i.e. we cannot deliberately damage the brains of people just to see the effect it may have on their behaviour.