clinical psychology 1 Flashcards
Field of applications of psychological principles that is primarily concerned with the psychological adjustment of individuals
Clinical Psychology
Trying to solve illness trough interventions
Psychological adjustments
Vocational counseling
Human engineering
School psychology
Social worker
speech pathologist
religious worker
What do clinical psychologist do?
- Measurements and assessments of intelligence and general abilities
- Measurements of personalities and diagnosis to abnormal behaviors
- Psychotherapy
- Research and teaching
- Behavioral medicine
- Building new and more adequate theories about human nature
- Interested to other field of psychology
- Work in medical schools and university clinic
- General hospitals and in adult and child treatment centers
10.Public institution
Is psychology an art or science
- Art
- Deals with clients in different ways
- Knock of doing things - Science
Prediction systematize measuring controlling and understanding
Traces of live experiences of individuals and to say something about the mechanic of his particular illness
Case history
To know the patients past present and future
Case history
Story about his life presented in most complete and objective manner
Case history
Facts about his development and events leading up to his present status
Case history
People he share with
Source should be connected to patient
Find out about the patients motivations, the kids of behavior he shows in responding to these motives
Clinical interview
Easily observed superficial behavior is usually less important than unrecognized behavior pattern and motive system which must be inferred to make behavior meaningful
Sources of information
- Capacities
- Motivational patters
- Conflicts
- Ways he has learn to deal
Contents of case history (louttit’s version)
- Personality history
- Present
- Description of behavior
- Physical
- Performance ability and achievement
- Living condition
- Past
- Birth and infancy
- Health
- Education
- Other experiences and activity
Account of oneself
Useful for reasonable intelligent and literate client who are not severely ill