Clinical Psych Final (3/5/24) Flashcards
Freud’s theories: seduction theory
- saw women with ‘hysteria’ that had unexplained physical symptoms like partial paralysis, blindness and dizziness (actually PTSD symptoms)
- assumed that they had been abused by their fathers, not well recieved by the psych ppl
Freud’s theories: Oedipus Complex
- the women weren’t actually abused but had fantasies about their parent
Freud’s theories: drive theory
people run on basic drives and relationships are built on them
Freud’s theories: psychosexual stages + fixations
- oral
- anal
- phallic (Oedipal/Electra)
- latency (non-sexual stage)
- genital
Freud’s theories: levels of consciousness
- conscious mind
- subconscious mind
- unconscious mind (can’t access)
Freud’s theories: personality
id: pleasure principle
- primitive aggressive, sexual drives
- primary process thinking: dreams, images, instincts
- Eros: life energy
- Thantanos: death instinct
- libido
ego: reality principle
- the moderator
- secondary process: reality
superego: the ego ideal
- conscience
- guilt
Freud’s theories: defense mechanisms
1) repression - memories still in the mind but actively forgetting or not thinking about them
2) projection - putting feelings/actions onto someone else
3) reaction formation - expressing the opposite of how you feel
4) displacement/sublimation
- dis: taking the anger out of something else that is unrelated and won’t hurt the relationship
- sub: coming up with a way of protecting yourself without hurting yourself
5) regression - going backwards in development
6) rationalization
7) denial
8) identification - becoming like the thing you are having issues with
psychoanalysis techniques: projective assessment
supposed to be a clever way to draw out the unconscious and repressed memories
psychoanalysis techniques: free association
- complete openness in therapy
- therapist sits with their back to the patient and just has them speak
- takes 7 years - view the unconscious
- bring out the id
psychoanalysis techniques: transference
- client projecting onto the therapist their experiences and relationships
psychoanalysis techniques: analysis of resistance
- when you get close to the unconscious then the patient will shut down
- might cancel sessions or abruptly start talking about something else
psychoanalysis techniques: well-timed interpretation
interpreting the client’s behavior and helping them figure out why they behave that way
psychoanalysis techniques: countertransference
- how the therapist feels about the patient
- therapist needs to undergo psychoanalysis as well
- how the therapist feels about that person is often how others feel about the patient
psychoanalysis techniques: dream analysis
- manifest: what you actually dreamed about
vs - latent content: what your dream means
psychoanalysis techniques: secondary gain
- a way to interfere with making the next step or moving on from the issues you truly have
psychoanalysis process
- therapist as expert
- 3-5 times a week for many years
- therapist is neutral to promote transference
- goals:
- insight
- reworking developmental stages
- strengthening ego
- restructuring personality - finishing the process
- no more client resistance
- indication of better functioning
- more stable relationships
psychoanalysis adaptations: Anna Freud - child analysis
- play therapy: giving children toys and having them play out their experiences
psychoanalysis adaptations: Kohut - self-psychology
- narcissism
- empathy
- self-object: caregiver relationships affect how you feel about yourself
psychoanalysis adaptations: Erikson - psychosocial stages
- more evidence for these than Freud’s psychosexual stages
psychoanalysis adaptations: object relations
focusing more on the actual relationship with parents and how that’s foundational to development
CBT: foundations
- Watson, Skinner
- Ellis: connecting btw thoughts, feelings and behavior
- Rational Emotive CBT: stress comes from thoughts not the situation itself
- Beck
- automatic thoughts: ideas that just pop into someone’s mind
- people can be trained to become more aware of them
CBT model
- thoughts, feelings, actions/behaviors: recognizing the connection btw these and working towards positive change
- present centered: focuses on measurable outcomes and relative progress
- thoughts as circular
thoughts about the world → appraisal → predictions → value judgements → thoughts about self → thoughts abt the world etc
types of logic flaws
- overgeneralization
- negative mental filter
- discount the positive
- magnifying
- emotional reasoning
- blame
- labeling
- should statements
- all-or-nothing thinking
- black and white: grey area = uncertainty
- promotes feelings of failure
- utterly obsessed or completely uninterested - jumping to conclusions
- trying to fortune tell leads to catastrophizing or what if statements
- trying to figure out exactly what’s going to happen in the future without knowing
CBT goals
- challenge overgeneralization
- look for contrary evidence
- imagining life with a different filter and expand perspective
- stay in the present
- realize that you can’t ever really know what other’s are thinking
- clear communication
- identify and track bad habits