Clinical neurology Flashcards
Neurologist: demonstrate awareness of the role of the neurologist to diagnose and treat disorders of the nervous system Neurological examination: list the main components of the neurological examination Neurological assessment: recognise the structured approach of neurological assessment, including signs and symptoms, neuroanatomical localisation, differential diagnosis and investigation Neurological investigation: recognise the key diagnostic technique used in neurological diagnosis, includi
What is the role of a neurologist?
They diagnose and treat disorders of the nervous system.
How do neurologists carry out a neurological assessment (this is different from a neurological examination)?
- Neurological assessment completed which helps determine sensory and motor neurone responses.
- It typically includes a full patient history – What is going on? How bad? Family relations? Smoking? Holistic approach to medicine.
- Use the presenting signs and symptoms to identify the underlying anatomy (neuroanatomical location).
- From all the current assessments, determine whether these findings combine to form a recognizable medical syndrome (a syndrome is a group of symptoms which consistently occur together and have one cause).
- Use the mode of onset to determine the most likely underlying aetiology (PATHOLOGICAL cause).
Sensory and Motor Patient History Underlying anatomical issue Determine a syndrome for symptoms Use mode of onset for pathological cause
What are the main components of a neurological examination (this is different from a neurological assessment)?
Cognitive/thinking abilities: ‘Mini Mental State Examination’
Cranial Nerves – determined by judging smell, vision, eye movements, facial sensation and movements.
Limbs-power, coordination, reflexes and sensation.
Mental status testing (covered in a separate section of this web site) Cranial Nerves. Muscle strength, tone and bulk. Reflexes. Coordination. Sensory Function. Gait.
What are the key diagnostic techniques used in neurological diagnosis?
□ CT scans (computerised tomography) – X-rays that go around the body and take cross-sectional images of the body. Can diagnose issues such as infarctions and tumours in the brain.
□ MRI scans (magnetic resonance imaging), used to diagnose issues in relation to the brain.
□ Lumbar puncture diagnoses diseases of the spine and brain by taking a sample of cerebrospinal fluid.
□ Electroencephalogram (EEG) records electrical activity of the brain – diagnoses things like epilepsy.
□ Electromyography (EMG) records the electoral activity of skeletal muscles and therefore diagnoses conditions relating to neuromuscular diseases.
□ Nerve conduction studies (NCS) measure electrical conduction of the sensory and motor neurones.