Clinical Neuroanatomy Flashcards
Label the following diagram:
Label the following diagram:
Describe the normal visual pathway [5]
- The contralateral visual field projects onto the temporal or lateral portion of the retina. The ipsilateral visual field projects onto the nasal or medial portion of the retina
- The optic nerve carries all the information from the ipsilateral eye
- Nasal retinal fibres cross in the optic chiasm
- The optic tract contains fibres from the contralateral visual field
- The optic radiations are the projections from the lateral geniculate body to the primary visual cortex
Describe the lesion that would cause monocular vision loss [2]
- A lesion to the optic nerve of one eye will lead to loss of the complete visual field of that eye.
- The other eye can still perceive the entire visual field.
Describe the lesion that would cause bitemporal hemianopia [3]
- A lesion to the optic chiasm leads to loss of the nasal retinal fibers from both eyes.
- These nasal retinal fibers carry information about the temporal visual field.
- A lesion of the optic chiasm leads to the loss of the temporal visual field in both eyes.
Describe the lesion that would cause contralateral homonymous hemianopia [3]
- A lesion to the optic tract will affect the nasal (crossed) fibers from the contralateral eye and the temporal (uncrossed) fibers from the ipsilateral eye.
- These fibers carry information from the contralateral visual field.
- A lesion of the optic tract will lead to the loss of the contralateral visual field in both eyes.
Describe the lesion that would cause contralateral superior quadrantanopia [2]
A lesion to the Meyer loop will affect the fibers from the upper portion of the contralateral visual field from both eyes
Describe the lesion that would cause contralateral inferior quadrantanopia [2]
A partial lesion of the optic radiations before they are joined by fibers from Meyer’s loop will affect fibers from the lower portion of the contralateral visual field from both eyes
Describe the lesion that would cause contralateral homonymous hemianopia [2]
A lesion of the entire primary visual cortex on one side will lead to the loss of the contralateral visual field from both eyes
What areas of the nervous system are responsible for controlling speech? [5]
- Broca’s area
- Arcuate fasciculus
- Wernicke’s area
- Auditory cortex
- Corticobulbar tract & bulbar muscles
What is the function of Broca’s area? [1]
responsible for the initiation and control of speech
What is the arcuate fasciculus? [1]
bundle of axons that connects Broca’s area and Wernicke’s area in the brain
What is the function of Wernicke’s area? [1]
responsible for the comprehension of speech
Label the following diagram of the brainstem:
What is the epidural space and what does it hold? [3]
- true space between the dura and the vertebral periosteum
- filled with fat and venous plexus