Clinical Neuroanatomy Flashcards
What does the dura mater consist of?
Periosteal layer (stuck to skull) and meningeal layer-they come together and can form sinuses/cavities
Falx cerebri
Made of meningeal layer of dura and separates the 2 hemispheres
Tentorium cerebelli
Separates the cerebrum from the cerebellum (everything above is anterior fossa)
-Supratentorium is where most brain in adults are
Presentation of epidural hematoma
Pt with lucid interval and then rapid deterioration (due to a fast arterial bleed and compression of brainstem)
What vessel is injured in epidural hematoma?
Middle meningeal artery
What does epidural hematoma look like on CT?
Lenticular (like lens)
Common presentation of subdural hematoma
Older pt with insidious onset of HA, confusion, problems with speech and drowsiness
(as brain tissue atrophies and pulls away from periosteum, the veins are more vulnerable to shearing injuries)
What vessel is injured in subdural hematoma?
Bridging veins
What does subdural hematoma look like on CT?
Crescent shape
Presentation of subarachnoid hemorrhage
“Worst HA of my life”-might have had bowel movement of something of that sort (rapid deterioration)
Cause of subarachnoid hemorrhage
How does subarachnoid hemorrhage look on CT
What might be some changes to ventricles seen on CT?
Effacement of ventricles due to mass effect (smushed)
Enlarged temporal horns if blood in them etc
What does wet, wacky and wobbly describe?
Urinary continence, confusion and magnetic gait (can’t lift foot) seen with normal pressure hydrocephalus (overproduction of CSF)
Blood to brain
Right common carotid (off brachiocephalic)
Left common carotid (off aorta)
Vertebral arteries (off subclavian)
Basilar artery (from vertebral arteries joining)
What blood vessel is supplying most of the lateral brain?
Middle cerebral artery
What blood vessel is supplying the center of the brain nearest the longitudinal fissure?
Anterior cerebral artery
What’s inside the cavernous sinus?
All nerves controlling EOMs (CN III, IV, VI)
All divisions of CN 5 (except V3)
Internal carotid artery
What is the presentation of a pt with compression of cavernous sinus (like with cavernous fistula)?
Opthalmoplegia (eye pain, double vision, EOM paralysis, chemosis) and decreased facial sensation
-May have weird eye bulge (proptosis) due to increased ICP
Order of CNS
Cortex (UMN) Subcortical Brainstem Cerebellum Spinal cord
Order of peripheral nervous system
Lower motor neuron
Peripheral nerve
Where is vision located?
Occipital lobe
Where is memory, understanding, language located?
Temporal lobe
Where do you look with a lesion?
“at the lesion” (b/c the opposite side is firing more)
What cranial nerves are from the midbrain?
What cranial nerves are from the pons?
What cranial nerves are from the medulla
Where does CN VIII come from?
Pons and medulla
What is pyramidal decussation?
UMN (corticospinal tract) starts in the cortex and in the lower medulla, it crosses over and goes to the opposite side of the body in the lateral corticospinal tract (why opposite side of the cortex controls contralateral innervation)