Clinical Lectures Flashcards
– uric acid deposits (normally b/c under-excretion not overproduction); if conc of urate exceeds solubility (6.8) it forms crystals in joints/kidney/skin; crystals phagocytosed by myeloid cells à activation of NALP3 + adaptor + caspase 1 (INFLAMMASOME) à IL-1 overproduction à COX and prostaglandins, heat shock proteins, TNF, neutrophils, fever, acute phase reactants; associated w/ cardiac probs
- Yellow, parallel, needle-shaped crystals
- Acute Treat – NSAIDS, glucocorticoids, colchine blocks (block microtubules of intracellular inflammasome apparatus), IL-1 antagonist (Anakinra)
- Chronic Treat – porcein uricase to break it down (pegloticase- mainly for tophi), block reuptake by URAT1 and SLC2A9 in proximal tubule (Lesinurad specific to URAT 1, probenecid, benzbromarone), Xanthine oxidase inhibitors (allopurinol and febuxostat)
alcium pyrophosphate crystals; associated w/ osteoarthritis
- Blue, rhomboid shaped crystals
- Treat – NSAIDs, colchicine, treat underlying cause
IBD (2 Types)
- discontinuous
- any portion of GI tract
- deeper; fistulas/strictures/abscesses
- ASCA antibdoes (anti saccharomyces cerevisiae)
- continuous
- mainly colon
- superficial (mucosa and submucosa)
- atypical P-ANCA antibodies (atypical perinuclear anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies)
Overall…genetic susceptibility + aggravated by environmental factors à abberant innate immune response against intestinal flora (DCs in lumen and macrophages in lamina propria) à enhanced by adaptive immune response (esp Th1 and Th17 – may be helped by Th2 + predominantly switch to IgG instead of IgA in gut)
- Treat – infliximab (antibody against TNF-alpha) & vedolizumab (antibody against alpha4beta7 integrin which attracts mature GALT derived B cells back to gut)
immune response against gliadin (by intra-epithelial lymphocytes) DQ2 and DQ8 have high affinity for gliadin
inc permeability gliadin –> broken down by TTG in lamina propria –> glutamic acid (inc immunogenicity)
+ Anti-TTG antibodies
Tissue injury–> malabsorption
Scleroderma Classification and Pathogenesis
- Diffuse - proximal to elbows or knees
- Usually rapid progression; max skin involvement ~18 mo after first symptoms
- Usually have internal organ involvement
- scl-70 (chest/lungs-ILD, myopathy), RNA polymerase III (severe skin and renal)
- Limited- distal to elbows or knees; can also include face
- Develops over many years; if organ involvement usually decades into the disease
- Overlap- have diffuse or limited cutaneous involvement BUT also features of other CTD
- -centromere (chest/lungs - ILD and pulmonary hypertension)
- Vascular/endothelial injury –> immune system activation –> fibroblasts (TGF-beta, PDGF and Th2 cells)
- ET-1 inc when endothelial injury
- EC activation –> leukocyte migration
- Accompanied by defective vasculogenesis
- Intima hyperplasia and adventitia fibrosis
- Diagnosis-4-skin RASHNIA
- Malar rash, photosensitivity, oral/nasal ulcers, discoid rash (think of butterfly face rash)
- Renal, Arthritis, Serositis, Hematological cytopenias/hemolytic anemia, neuro, immunological, ANA (auto-antibodies)
+ new=Low complement levels, derm features (like hair loss w/o scar) - Anti-nuclear antibodies (Esp dbl stranded DNA)
- MHC, deficiencies in complement system, genes off innate immunity/IFN production
- Defective clearing of damage (damage may be due to photo-sensitive skin damage) –> persistence –> antibody and immune complex formation
- Both innate and adaptive immunity involved - BLys and APRIL bind B cells to enhance memory B cell survival and differentiation into plasma cells + class switching
- Dendritic cells prod type I IFN when stimulated by debris –> bind TLR7 and TLR9
- Treatments
- Corticosteroids
- Oral agents (hydroxychloroquine affects TLR9 and antigen presentation)
- Anti-BLys antibody (belimumab)
- Anti-CD20 (rituximab) - targets B cells
- Anti-IFNalpha
3 Lupus Sub-sets
- Drug-induced more mild and associated w/ anti-histone antibodies; usually goes away if stop drug
- Co-morbidity of APS (anti-phospholipid antibody syndrome) –> thrombosis
- Neonatal lupus - if mom has anti-SSA or anti-Ro antibodies that cross placenta; SSA antibodies attack baby’s cardiomyocytes; usually goes away on own (~9 mo)
GPA (Granulomatosis w/ polyangitis)
- Associated w/ ANCA (anti-neutrophil antibodies)
- Triad:
- Vasculitis of upper and lower resp tract
- Glomerulonephritis
- Necrotizing, granulomatous inflammation (on biopsy)
- Clinical Manifestations
- Fever, chills, night sweats, weight loss, fatigue, ENT, pulmonary, renal, ocular, purpura/petichiae/ulcers/gangrene
- Diagnosis - tissue biopsy of lung, kidney or skin
- Inc ESR, CRP, rheumatoid factor, ANCA (specifically c-ANCA for PR-3) + urinalysis
- TNF and IL-1 –> recruitment of leukocytes (ICAM/VCAM, selectins)
- Adventitia - matrix deposition (scar)
- Media - proteases digest elastic membrane
- Intima - hyperplasia and NO cytotoxicity
- End result = lumen diameter altered, dec vessel integrity, pro-coag/thrombosis, ischemia
- Disease onset may be related to bacterial infection (ex - S. aureus)
- Therapy
- rituximab - to get to remission (targets CD20 of B cells)
- methotrexate or other oral immunosuppressive once in remission
- bactrim for underlying infection
- CYC, MMF, AZA 0 block DNA synthesis or enzymes of B or T cell proliferation
- Abatacept - experimental; bind B7 of APCs to stop co-stimulation
- Articular features - inflammation in discs, sacroiliac joints, ligaments b/n vertebrae, facet joints
- Extra-articular features - anterior uvelitis, psoriasis, IBD
- Pathogenesis - auto-inflammatory
- Stress/infection/barrier dysfunction —> PAMPs and damage (which leads to DAMPs) —> innate response —> adaptive response
- Esp Th17 cells (so involves IL-23 for differentiation and IL-22/IL-17 for effects)
- Associated w/ HLA-B27 (MHC class I) - in 90% of those w/ axial disease
Mechanical v Inflammatory back pain
- Mechanical - acute onset, wide age range, no extra-articular involvement, exercise makes it worse while rest makes it better, sensory and motor symptoms, radiation to S1, L5
- Inflammatory - family hx, >3 mo, sleep disturbances and several hours of morning stiffness, extra-articular symptoms, better w/ exercise while worse w/ rest, no sensory or motor problems; diffuse —> spine/butt
- Clinical
- Proximal musc weakness
- Skin rashes -
- Gottron papules - red and scaly rash
- Heliotrope - looks like red eye shadow
- Calcinosis and vasculitis in juvenile
- Polymyositis (PM)- CD8+ invasion of myofiber BUT no necrotic tissue; within fasicle
- Dermatomyositis (DM) - B cell and complement driven; attacks blood vessels around fasicle; see atrophy
- Can have systemic involvement … fatigue, fever, arthritis, pulmonary disease, cardiac, GI
- Pathogenesis
- Muscle cells themselves can act as APCs if surrounding inflammation provide 2nd signal
- Anti-Jo 1 autoantibody: against RNA synthetase
- Apoptosis —> TyrRS cleared —> cleaved into 2 cytokines that attract monocytes (including IL-8) —> adaptive immune response and autoantibodies
- ANA (non-specific) anti JO 1 (very specific)
- So TyrRS is an enzyme that in and of itself initiates inflammation
- Apoptosis —> TyrRS cleared —> cleaved into 2 cytokines that attract monocytes (including IL-8) —> adaptive immune response and autoantibodies
Sjogren Clinical
- Clinical
- Salivary and lacrimal glands affected (DRY)
- Triad: dryness, fatigue, musculoskeletal
- Others: Raynauds, purpura, mimicks RA in joints, nephritis, interstitial lung disease, CNS lesions, neuropathy, cirrhosis, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, inflammatory myopathy
- HIGH RISK OF LYMPHOMA (esp MALT lymphomas in glands)
- Diagnosis
- Schrimer’s test for eye dryness
- Harvest minor salivary glands - look for FOCI (lymph infiltrate of B cells)
- Treatment
- Dryness- fluoride, artificial saliva, xylitol candies, secretagogues, topical cyclosporin, artificial tears
- Immune suppression - methotrexate, hydroxychloroquine, rituximab
Sjogren 2 Theories
- Pathophysiology (2 theories)
- 1-Death of glandular cells (damaged epithelial cells act as APCs —> cytotoxic T cells —> epithelial apoptosis …this damage leads to chemicals that —> antibody production)
- 2- Glandular function inhibited by autoantibodies that interrupt muscarinic receptors —> prevent intracellular signaling path
- *B cell hyperactivity
- Autoantibodies (SSA, SSB, RF, ANA)
- Immune complexes that affect vasculature
- BLys overproduced in salivary glands + serum levels elevated (B cell proliferation and differentiation)
Idiopathic Juvenile Arthritis (6 subtypes)
- Oligoarticular - 4 or less joints; ANA; NO Rh factor
- RF-Neg polyarticular - 5+ joints; also ANA+
- RF-Pos polyarticular - symmetric and in both small and large joints (very similar to adult RA), ANA-neg but ACCP and RF+, highly erosive (can be disfigured)
- Systemic- prominent extra-articular features; fever, macular rash, lymphadenopathy, elevated sed rate
- ERA (enthesitis related) - spondyloarthropathy + HLA-B27 associated
- Psoriatic Arthritis - ERA + ANA+ oligoarthritis of small joints
Immune Problems in IJA
- Foci in joint (like lymph nodes)
- Synovial hyperplasia
- IL-6, IL-1 and TNFalpha upregulated
- T cells - oligoclonal expansions; many IL-17 prod cells; dec Tregs; premature exhaustion; TCR-indep activation
- Dendritic cells high and IFN-gamma prod
- B cells - RF, ANA, ACCP
- Synovial fibroblasts
- MACROPHAGE ACTIVATION SYNDROME (IL-18 —> IFN gamma —> activation)