Clinical/Lab Flashcards
A recently graduated denturist excepts it position with a Local denturist. On his first day, he is asked to see some of the patients on his employers schedule. The employer denturist should:
Ensure that the patient agrees to the signing of the task
A patient comes to your office with her daughter. The patient’s daughter request a complete upper denture replacement. However, the mother wants a real line. What is the best course of action?
Respect the mothers wishes, and proceed with reline
What is an an example of structural learning activity?
As a denturist in Ontario, it’s article to refuse a patient on the basis of:
A lack of skill or knowledge for treatment required
Oh, Denturism, The, Ontario must carry malpractice liability insurance that continues beyond practice termination for:
3 years
During the treatment of your patient, you are informed that due to the financial hardship, the copayment cannot be made, the practitioners:
Create a payment plan for the patient working within their budget
What is the correct statement about advertising?
Testimonial cannot use fear to motivate the public
A denture clinic advertises for complementary consultation. When can they charge for a consultation?
The denture clinic can still charge for a consultation when it includes a detailed personalized assessment
A registered denturist, may direct a student dentures to perform on a patient if:
Patient has been informed and agrees
A supervising denturist should inform the office staff that student denturist should:
Sign in record their status on charts they amend
After completing a denture, a client has expressed the dissatisfaction with a denturist Work and request their money back. After returning the money, the denturist received a phone call from another denture clinic requesting information regarding this client without having proper consent. The denturist should:
Decline to give any personal information over the phone
Your denture clinic has been growing throughout the years and you are finding it difficult to manage supplies. What is the best course of action to assist you with this problem?
Assign and delegate, ordering to other personnel in the office to increase efficiency
After sending out a patient models for casting fabrication, the denturist is informed that the casting lab is delayed by almost one week. The denturist originally gave the client a timeline of only three weeks for the fabrication of the cast partial dentures, and now the denturist realize they cannot honour that timeline. How should the denturist proceed?
Call the patient and explain the lab delay and call them as soon as the case can move forward
Adventurous is seeing a walk-in client for a repair for a complete upper denture that has started to fracture down the midline. After consulting with the patient, the denturist Hance, the denture off to an associate, who is also a denturist. While they are completing the repair, the Denturist receives an emergency call and is required to leave the office. What should the Denturist do with the client who is waiting for the denture?
Explain the situation to the client and introduce the associate to the patient and have them insert the repaired denture
A patient is referred to the dentist by their dentist office for the fabrication of complete upper and lower dentures. During the consultation appointment, the client is very vulgar and negative towards the dentist due to the referral. The best course of action for the denturist is to:
Educate the client about the profession of Denturism, and how a denturist can meet their needs
Patient presents showing signs of what the Denturist believes is an epilus fisuratum in the buccal sulcus area in quad 2 of the maxillary arch. The patient has been wearing a 15 year old, immediate complete upper and is looking for a new denture. The best way for the denturist to proceed is:
Referred a patient to an oral surgeon for further consultation before proceeding
Your patient returned after 10 years of having an evaluation for replacement of partial upper and lower dentures. Patient informs you that in the past six months, they have lost 6 teeth and that they are often thirsty and have a problem healing. The denturist should:
Referred a patient to the family physician for evaluation
Dentures begins to work as an associate with a practising denturist. The practising denturist decided it would be in the best interest to sign a working associate agreement. How should the associate denturist proceed?
Consult with a business lawyer to review the agreement
A patient needs a repair for complete implant support lower denture. He has four implants present in the mandible. The denture is broken in half and no reinforcement is present. Upon oral examination it was found that one of the implants is mobile. The patient doesn’t want to spend more money to replace the implant. The best course of action is to repair the denture and:
Send the patient back to his dentist regarding the mobile implant
A patient presents with 43 broken at the gumline and wants it to be added to his partial lower denture. He has a complete maxillary denture and a partial mandibular denture. The patient thinks that for three may have been root canalled and wants the addition done. The best course of action is:
Refer the patient to his dentist
An anxious, nervous patient referred by the dentist, requires a maxillary clearance and the tooth construction of an immediate denture. The patient is afraid of dentist hence the condition of their teeth. The patient advises you that their dentist has offered to extract her teeth in the dental office under local anesthetic the denturist should:
Discuss the option of alternative sedatives and refer the patient back to the dentist for further consultation
A 76 year old male attends a Denturist office for a consult to discuss new, complete upper and lower dentures. His chief complaint is eating. During the consultation, he advises you that his wife passed away six months ago. His denture is less than two years old. The dentures notices that the patient looks tired and fatigue and has lost 16 pounds but otherwise healthy. Ethically the denturist should:
Refer him to his physician
Upon completion of a repair, the denturist is ready to insert the denture. The denturist should:
Conduct a reassessment to determine the fit, function, and comfort of the denture
A patient presents wearing a complete upper and lower denture that was made approximately two years ago and complains of excessive tartar buildup around 17 and 27. What should the denturist do:
Recommend an effective home hygiene program