Clinical introduction lecture Flashcards
What does CRT stand for?
Conformal Radiation Therapy
What does CT Stand for?
Computed Tomography
What does CTV stand for?
Clinical Target Volume/Clinical Treatment volume
What does DICOM stand for?
Digital Imaging and communications in medicine
What is GTV?
Gross Tumour Volume
What is the PTV?
Planning Target Volume
What is the OAR?
Organs at risk
Dose volume Histogram
ectronic portal imaging Syste
18G 2-fluro-2deoxyglucose
International commission on radiation units and measurements
Image guided radiotherapy
Intensity modulated radiotherapy
internal Target Volume
Multi-leaf collimater
Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Magnetic resonance spectroscopy
Positron emission Tomography
Stereotactic Ablative Radiotherapy
Stereotactic body Radiotherapy
Stereotactic Radiosurgery
Total Body Irradiation
Total Marrow Irradiation
Total Skin electron Therapy
Treatment Planning System
What are the 8 different types of treatment couch inserts?
1) BrainLAB imaging couch top
2) Qfix kVue Standard
3) Qfix KVue DoseMax
4) MEDTEC model T-IL 3303
5) Universal Sandwich Panel
6) Varian Grid Insert
8) Varian Exact IGRT couch top
How many meters of concrete is present between the maze and the Linac?
At least one meter (usually), some sections are 1.5m due to leakage radiation
What is the primary barrier?
Think concrete on the lateral sides of the beam to stop the main beam
What is the secondary barrier?
Stops the secondary scatter
The maze is designed based on what standards?
Time, distance, shielding
What is a controlled area?
An area that the public can not access, only people with a TLD are in this area.
Where do you view the BEAM ON BEAM OFF sign?
Outside the door, and inside the room
What are the 3 CPPs or 3C’s?
Correct- patient, position, site
What is the annual occupational and public radiation limit?
20MV averaged over 5 years,
1MV for the public
Why do we need to have the correct patient, position, and site?
The wrong patient has been treated before
What is the QA?
All the procedures that ensure the consistency of the medical prescription, fulfilment of that prescription.
Why we work in pairs as a minimum
You plan something, check that its right, guarantee that its right,
What are the three forms of Identification used?
Name, DOB, photograph
What are basic treatment techniques?
Chest Parallel opposed Pair, tangential Beams, Four field Box, sunrise technique, Complex planning, VMAT
What is an parallel opposed pair?
Usually a 0 and 180 degree beams which are parallel and opposed.
Why wouldn’t you have a posterior beam when treating the prostate?
because of the rectum, can use a sunrise technique instead to avoid