Clinical Interviews and Report Writing Flashcards
What are the three stages of the assessment process?
- Information Input: collecting information from appropriate sources to address the referral question and help formulate assessment goals and working hypotheses
- Information Evaluation: the interpretation and integration of assessment dat
- Information Output: the biopsychosocial formulation, conclusions, and reccomendations
What are the possible sources of bias that may influence the assessment process?
- Collateral Sources: eg referral sources, prior assessments
- The Assessment Process: eg the clients presentation, language or cultural differences
- The Use of Psychological Tests: eg inappropriate norms or content
- Situational Factors: eg residual impressions from previous clients
What is validity? What are some sources of validity?
- Validity is whether the test measures what it says it does
- Face Validity: does the test measure what it appears to measure
- eg is it clear to the test taker what the question is looking for
- Content Validity: do the items represent the domain of the construct
- Criterion-related Validity:
- Concurrent: Do the results correlate with known measures
- Predictive: Does to test relate to future performance
- Construct Validity:
- Convergent: do items correlate with constructs it should
- Divergent: do items not correlate with constructs it shouldnt
- Note: divergent can indicate genuine connection
What is Reliability? What are some sources of reliability?
- Reliability = consistency and low variability in scores
- Test-retest: Consistency over time
- Inter-Rater: Consistency across people
- Inter-Method: Consistency across form A and form B of a test (same content different items). Uncommon
Internal Consistency: Correlation between items on a test
- Cronbachs a = most common measure. (.9 =excellent score, required for high stakes testing, .7 -.9 Good for low stakes, <.5 Unacceptable)
- Omega and Lambda 4 are newer measures
What are standardisation and norms in psychological testing? What should be considered when choosing a test?
- Standardised tests: Administered, scored and interpreted the same way
Standardised scores: Compares the individual score to a representative sample
- Important to note the sample size, subgroups and representativeness
In Practice - Error Reduction
- Observed Value = True Value + Error. Validity, reliability and standardisation aim to reduce the error
- Error Reduction Techniques: Correct use of tests, repeat measures, confidence intervals, latent variable modelling
When Choosing a Test
- Are the psychometric properties known, available and adequate?
- Consider test details; purpose, literature, who can administer it, author
- Practicality: Availability and accessibility, cost, copyright, time to administer, scoring procedures.
What are two current trends in psychological testing?
Move away from lengthy, expensive tests, towards brief inexpensive instruments
- Problem oriented tests with demonstrated psychometric properties
- Effort toward unifying measures of the same construct so studies can be compared.
- PROMIS Depression T-scores: cross link different scales
Integration of Technology (phones, computers and internet)
- Easier administration, scoring, feedback and data
- Easier integration of CAT, IVR (voice) and other modern methods
- Easier integrating assessment into everyday environment (particularly for momentary time sampling)
What common test are available in the public domain? What are the advantages and disadvanges of commercial tests?
- Benefits/Disadvantages
- Some tests require licensing to buy reducing the likelihood of them being misused
- Because commercial testing is a product they tend to be quite rigourous in development
- Ongoing costs make testing inaccessible in poorer areas
- Common tests in public domain
- CESD-D: Centre for Epidomiologic Studies Depression
- HADS: Hospital Anxiety Depression Scale
- PROMIS: Measures across many domains
- Semi-Public
- APA has a database of tests online with members access (or permission request access)
- PsycTests OVID
What are some specific ethical issues with regard to psychological assessment?
- Informed Consent of all Parties
- Professional Standards (see reading)
- Reliability and Validity
- Standardisation
- Bias
- Self-Reflective Practice
- Test Security
- Automated/Electronic Testing
- Misinterpretation by different audiences
- Feedback, Privacy, Confidentiality and ownership of results
- Supervision
What are clinical interviews? What are some of the benefits and limitations?
A clinical interview is a dialogue designed to diagnose and plan treatment. CI are focused and goal oriented, have clearly defined roles and time frames
- Can be structured (DIS), unstructured or semistructured (SCID, SADS).
- Eg Intake Interviews and Mental State Exams
- Uncover information,
- access to verbal and non verbal information,
- building of trust and the theraputic alliance.
- Client truthfullness (intended and unintended),
- Therapist biases
What are the 8 core components of Mental State Exams?
Appearance, Behaviour and Attitude: Starts as soon as you meet.
- Sex, age, ethnicity, hygeine and self care, agitation, eye-contact, engagement
Mood and Affect: duration, intensity, stability, range
- Mood = prolonged emotional state, internal
- Affect = momentary, expression, observable, appropriateness?
Speech: Clarity, speed, volume, stream, form, quantity, quality
- Related to both mood and thought
Thought: Themes, Quantity, Preoccupations, Forms (intellectualising, derailment)
- Assess Suicidality/suicidal ideation
Perception: Sensory disortion, hallucinations, Illusions, Dissociation
- Whether these are linked to mood
Cognition: Alertness, orientation, attention, memory
- Intelligence (general impression, may be affected by distress)
Insight: Recognition of condition, compliance, labelling of symptoms
- Important factor for treatment planning
Judgement: Capacity to make sound decisions, evaluate behaviour
- Ask practical questions
What are the main components of a psychological report?
- Referral: Often very brief, captures key info ( who, when)
Presenting Problems; What are the current symptoms and concerns
- Probe for related symptoms, coping styles, client understanding
- Dimensions: Duration, Frequency, Intensity and Course (ABC approach)
Psychiatric History; What, When, Dimensions, relation to current
- Treatment recieved - what has helped in the past
- Medical History; Accidents, Chronic conditions, factors that impact interventions
- Forensic History; Convictions, consequences, circumstances
- Substance Use; History and type, causes, impact on life
- Medication; what and why, impact on life and symptoms (side effects)
Family History; Family dynamics, structure and relations, medical history
- Can be represented graphically (genogram)
- Findings
What is a case formulation? What are the 4 Ps?
- A case formulation is a theoretically-based explanation or conceptualisation of the information obtained from a clinical assessment.
- Biological,psychological and social factors are identified and categorised into
- Predisposing: Risk factors eg family history, personality traits, low SES
- Precipitating: Triggering factors eg injury, acute stress, death of family
- Perpetuating: Maintaining factors eg chronic illness, substance use, toxic family dynamic
- Protective: Mitigating factors eg no family history, effective coping strategies, good social support
- Note that factors can be in more than one category.
What are some definional features of case formulation?
- Clarifying hypotheses about clients
- Facilitating understanding of clients holistically
- Prioritising needs and concerns
- Planing interventions
- Determining outcome criteria
- Predicting intervention reactions
- Predicting obstacles to progress
- Promoting systemic thinking about resistence or lack of progress
- Identifying patterns in reactions
- Identifying knowledge gaps
- Refining theoretical processes
- Delivering coherent understanding of past, present and future
- Forming judgements about typical and atypical client features.
Why is monitoring progress important in CBT?
- Monitoring progress allows for comparisons to be mad eover time, and even subtle changes in symptomology to be identified
- Information from measures should be discussed with the client with the aim of giving feedback about progress and engaging them in discussion
How can assessments be tailored for ongoing measurement in CBT?
- Assessments should be tailored to the individual in addition to assessment of the symptomology of diagnosis
- Components of individualised assessments will depend on
- The formulation: eg assess beliefs thought to underpin distress
- The goals of treatment: eg if client wishes to go outside more often this should be added as a measurement
- Assessments should occur at baseline, and can be repeated at regular intervals throughout the course of treatment (depending on length of assessment)
- Ethical consideration is the time to administer