Clinical Disease through to Scientific Understanding Flashcards
What are the 3 ways of handling data relating to an unusual microbial related phenotype/genotype?
Clinical/Epidemiological observation
Population genetics
Phenotypic study
What are the 4 reasons we study unusual microbial phenotype/genotype?
Unusual phenotype teaches us something we do not yet know about the pathogen
Bacteria of the same species may not be the same genetically and/or phenotypically
The more we understand how something causes disease, the more able we are to tackle it
Important to public health, drug research etc.
What are the 2 initial unusual microbial clinical observations?
Unusual disease progression or presentation
Outbreak situation
What are the 2 initial unusual microbial diagnostic observations?
Bacterial colonies look different
Mixed phenotype
What are the 2 initial unusual microbial epidemiological observations?
Increase in disease in a specific region or during a specific time
Increase in a certain or unusual bacterial genotype
What are the 4 things we must consider when working back from initial clinical/diagnostic/epidemiological observation?
Protein and its translation
Protein function
Gene and its transcription
In clinical phenotype from (3 - p.2), neutrophils are not migrating towards site of infection. Why may this be? (hint - IL-8)
What bacteria was causing infection?
Bacteria may be actively preventing neutrophil migration
IL-8 is a key factor for attracting neutrophils - Bacteria may be targeting this
Streptococcus pyogenes (Strep A)
Explain concept of ELISA assay in context of IL-8
Look at (3 - p.2) and explain what ELISA graph shows
You have antibodies specific to what you want to measure the amount of (e.g. IL-8)
- You have a capture antibody that binds IL-8 to coat the bottom of the plate
- You introduce secondary antibody that binds IL-8 (sometimes a 3rd antibody too); Either one has a label that reacts with substrate to produce change in colour or fluorescence etc.
Graph shows that overall, isolates from the throat incubated with IL-8 return more IL-8 than those from the blood
- Isolates from the blood are doing something with the IL-8
What does western blot of H292 and IL-8 show? (look at (3 - p.3))
What is used as control and why?
Smaller band in samples containing both H292 and IL-8 compared to those with just IL-8 which have a larger band
- In the presence of H292, there is less IL-8 present; H292 releases something to cleave IL-8 – Bands are not disappearing, but rather become smaller
H292 and no IL-8 samples is used as control; See if H292 just secretes something at 6 kDa
Where does H292 cleave IL-8?
Why does this affect western blot results?
How did we discover this?
C-terminus α-helix is cleaved off
Antibody for western blot binds this helix; Explains why band is thinner
Reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (HLPC) and mass spectrometry analysis
What is the role of IL-8?
Activated neutrophils shed CD62L; CD62L levels positively correlate with mean fluorescent intensity (MFI) - Subtract MFI from unstimulated neutrophils = ΔMFI
What does decrease in ΔMFI represent?
Look at graph on (3 - p.4) and explain it
Activates neutrophils
Decrease in ΔMFI represents neutrophil activation
Incubation with IL-8 activates neutrophils
Incubation with bacterial supernatant does not activate neutrophils
Neutrophils with IL-8 and bacterial supernatant does not activate neutrophils
- Whatever is in the bacterial supernatant prevents activation
What do we know about whatever is cleaving IL-8 (hint - supernatant and exponential)
Look at graph on (3 - p.4-5)
What is this ‘thing’ likely to be?
It’s present in the culture supernatant
Produced by bacteria during exponential growth
Likely to be an enzyme
How can we determine what type of enzyme is cleaving IL-8?
Based on graph in (3 - p.5), what type of enzyme is it?
How can we determine which gene encodes this enzyme?; Which gene is it?
Use inhibitors of different types of enzymes and see with which one(s), IL-8 concentration is at the same level as without supernatant
Inhibited by Pefabloc, which is a serine protease inhibitor; Enzyme is a serine protease
Fractionate supernatant by size and test IL-8 degrading activity
Must be 100-150 kDa therefore must be SpyCEP
How did we confirm SpyCEP was likely to be the one cleaving IL-8? (hint - degraders vs non-degraders)
Used western blot to detect SpyCEP in culture supernatant of degraders and non-degraders
SpyCEP was only present in isolates that degraded, and absent in non-degraders of IL-8
How could we prove SpyCEP is responsible for the degrading phenotype?
Knockout SpyCEP gene, and test to see if IL-8 degrading ability is lost; Then reintroduce SpyCEP gene through complementation to see if degrading function is restored
Several other ways to prove it
Look at A and B in figure on (3 - p.6); What do they show?
Why do we grow both control vector and pcepA in antibiotics?
By putting SpyCEP gene into SpyCEP mutant (doesn’t have gene) and also into another species (doesn’t have gene), IL-8 degradation ability is present and it looks like the WT
These plasmids will contain an antibiotic resistance gene so it is essential for the bacteria to keep these to survive