Clinical Decision Making Flashcards
influences on clinical decisions
Clinical knowledge Communication skills Clinical skills Knowledge of current guidelines ICE - patient Available resources Team influence
Challenges in early development of clinical skills
Sticking rigidly to rules
less able to stand back to see bigger picture
Pattern recognition model
Practice and experience, doctors recognise patterns and can begin to store clinical knowledge as patterns rather than random facts
Analytical Model
Learning the differential diagnoses of a PC
Requires good history taking, thorough examination and the ability to interpret clinical findings.
Info gathering makes diagnosis more clear; based on probability
Khaneman’s theory (2011) on system 1 and system 2 thinking
System 1: fast, unconscious, automatic, everyday decisions, error prone
System 2: slow, conscious, effort needed, complex decisions, reliable
Biases and Heuristics
Similar does not always mean the same.
Tendency to look for and remember information that fits with pre existing expectations and ignore evidence which contradicts this.
Checking after making a decision
Verbalise checking document it ask someone else to check use checklists engage patients in checking process
Clinical Handover
Transfer of professional responsibility and accountability for some or all aspects of care for a patient, or group of patients, to another person or professional group on a temporary or permanent basis’