Clinical Conditions II Final Flashcards
BPV cupulolithiasis
debris attached to the cupula - sitting on top of the cupula
no delay
BPV canalithiasis
otoconia are inside the canal and moves the endolymph
debris within long arm
there is a delay
BPV vestibulithiasis
debris within the short arm (type 2)
what maneuver will help with nystagmus
Epley maneuver/canalith repositioning procedure, rotating in four different directions
Vestibular Neuritis
no hearing loss
right-beating nystagmus/ intensity increased w/gaze to the right
caused by viral infection of CN VIII
nausea/vomiting, severe vertigo
treatment of vestibular neuritis
medications and vestibular rehab
viral or bacterial infection of the inner ear
COMPLETE HEARING LOSS - unilateral profound sensorineural
severe vertigo, nausea/vomiting
symptoms of unilateral vestibular deficit
increased tone of the contralateral extensor muscles due to inadequate postural muscles
possible oscillopsia
unidirectional nystagmus
chronic= 5 days to 8 years
head impulse test (HIT)
rotate the head quickly to one side and the catch up saccade is towards the side of the lesion
use for BPV, unilateral peripheral vestibular deficit
dynamic visual acuity test/dynamic illegible E Test
reading while rotating, if they can’t read during rotation but they can when static then it could be BILATERAL but it would be alongside oscillopsia
tests for vestibular tone imbalance
spontaneous nystagmus and head shaking nystagmus
postural imbalance tests
dynamic gait index
modified clinical test of sensory interaction and balance
Bithermic Caloric Testing
test of lateral SCC and superior vestibular nerve cold/warm air or water (more accurate) unilateral weakness >25% difference b/w sides measures of movements
video head impulse test (vHIT)
test of lateral and vertical SSCs (all of the canals)
measure movements 5-6 Hz
Cervical Vestibular Evoked Myogenic Potential (cVEMP)
test for saccule and inferior vestibular nerve function
(oVEMP) ocular vestibular evoked myogenic potential
test for utricle and superior vestibular nerve
stimulus on C/L side
acoustic stimulus elicits eye movements