Clinical Classification Systems Flashcards
The following organizations is responsible for updating the procedure classifications of ICD 10 PCS
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid services CMS
Schraffenberger 2015,31
Coding accuracy is anticipated to improved due to which ICD 10 CM enhancement?
Expanded codes that capture more detail, in several sections such as injury, diabetes, and postoperative complications. (Sayles 2013, 190)
Which character ICD 10 CM diagnosis code provides information regarding encounter care
Seventh character
The seventh character provides information about encounter of care, such as initial encounter,subsequenst encounter, or sequelae
(Sayles 2013, 190)
What does the fourth character ICD 10 CM diagnosis code capture?
Sayles 2013, 192
Define etiology
The cause for manner of causation of a disease or condition
ICD 10 CM codes must be a minimum how many characters
(Codes must be at lest 3 characters)
with a decimal point used after the 3rd character. XXX.XXX
(Sayles 2013,192)
To which of the following notes appearing under three character code apply
To all codes within category
definition= ICD 10 CM has the same organization thank you notes can instructions as the Icd 9 cm when a note appears under three character code it applies to all codes within that category
(Sayles 2013 p193)
Which ICD 10 codes are used for diagnosis only
ICD 10 CM includes diagnoses only
(ICD 10 PCS is for procedure codes) (Sayles 2013,193)
Which ICD 10 codes are used for procedures only
ICD 10 PCS inpatient (PCS= procedure code system)
Which of the following is a standard terminology used code medical procedures and services
CPT codes Out patient (CPT= out patient diagnostic and therapeutic procedures and medical services)
(Sayles 2013,202)
If The patient has an excision I’m a malignant lesion of the skin, the CPT code is determined by the body area from which excision occurs and which of the following
Diameter of the lesion has well As the most narrow margin required to adequately exercise lesion lesion described in The operative report
Define excision
The act or procedure of removing by or as if cutting out; especially: surgical removal or resection
According to CPT, the repair of the laceration that include retention sutures would be considered what type of closure
Complex closure includes the repair of wounds requiring more than layered closure, namely, scar revision, debridement, extensive undermining, stents, or retention sutures.
Define complex closure in regards to medical procedure wound closure
Complex closure includes the repair of wounds requiring more than layered closure, namely, scar revision, debridement, extensive undermining stints, for retention sutures (AMA,2015,75)
A patient is admitted to spotting. She has been treated two weeks previously for miscarriage with sepsis. The sepsis had resolved, and she’s afebrile at this time. She is treated with an aspiration dilution curettage and products of conception are found. What should be the principal diagnosis.
schraffenberger 2015,345
Define afebrile
Not feverish
Define curettage
he use of a curette, especially on the lining of the uterus.
Define curette,
a surgical instrument used to remove material by a scraping action, especially from the uterus.
Define Products of conception
abbreviated POC, is a medical term used for the tissue derived from the union of an egg and a sperm. It encompasses anembryonic gestation (blighted ovum) which does not have a viable embryo.
an 80-year-old female is admitted with fever, lethargy, hypotension, tachycardia, oliguria, and elevated WBC. The patient has more than 100,000 organisms of E. coli per CC urine. The attending physician documents “urosepsis”. Township decoder proceeds code this case
a. Code urinary track infection with sepsis as the principal diagnosis
b. code urinary tract infection with with sepsis as the principal diagnosis
c. Query the physician to determine if the patient has sepsis due to the symtomatology
d. query the physician to determine if the patient has septic shock so that this may be used as the principal diagnosis.
Query the physician to determine if the patient has sepsis due to the symptomology
( Schraffenberger 2015, 119)
Define oliguria
the production of abnormally small amounts of urine.
Define urosepsis
Urosepsis is the acute condition of a systemic infection in the blood that develops secondary to a urinary tract infection (UTI), and then circulates throughout the entire body. A lay term for this critical condition is blood poisoning because an infection is in the bloodstream.
A 65-year-old patient, with a history of lung cancer, is admitted to a healthcare facility with ataxia and syncope and a fractured arm as a result of falling. The patient undergoes a close reduction of the fracture in the emergency department and undergoes a complete workout for metastatic sarcoma of the brain the patient is found to have metastatic sarcoma of the loan to and it goes radiation therapy to the brain. What should be the diagnosis.
Metastatic carcinoma of the brain
Schraffenberger 2015,119
Define ataxia
the loss of full control of bodily movements.
The patient was admitted for abdominal pain with diarrhea and was diagnosed with infectious gastroenteritis. The patient also angina and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. What would be the correct coding sequence for this case?
Infectious gastroenteritis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, angina
Explanation: gastroenteritis is characterized by diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting, and abdominal cramps, codes for symptoms, signs, and ill defined conditions from chapter 18 of the ICD 10 CM codebook are not to be used as principal diagnosis when related definitive diagnosis has been established. Patients can have several chronic conditions coexist at the time of their hospital admission and qualify as additional diagnosis such as COPD and angina
(schraffenberger 2015, 411)
Patient is admitted with a history of prostate cancer and with mental confusion. The patient completed radiation therapy for prosthetic carcinoma three years ago and it is status post a radical resection of the prostate. A CT scan of the brain during the current admission reveals metastasis. What would be the correct coding sequence for the current hospital stay?
Metastatic carcinoma of the brain, Hx of carcinoma of the prostate
Explanation guideline I.C.2d primary malignancy has been previously excised or eradicated from insight and there is no further treatment directed to that site and there is no evidence of any existing primary malignancy, the code for category Z85, personal history of malignant neoplasm, should be used to indicate the former site of the malignancy. Any mention of extension, invasion, or metastatic to another site is coded as a secondary malignant neoplasm to that site. The secondary sites may be the principal or first listed, with the Z 85 code used as a secondary code
(Schraffenbenerger 2015, 154)
Define neoplasm
a new and abnormal growth of tissue in some part of the body, especially as a characteristic of cancer.
Define excised
To cut out entirely. For example, a scalpel or laser beam may be used to excise a tumor. The terms excise and resect are not synonymous. Excise implies total removal, whereas resect does not
What is the Definition of Etiology?
The cause, or manner of causation of a disease or condition.
What does the fifth character ICD 10 CM diagnosis code capture?
Atomic site
What does the Sixth character ICD 10 CM diagnosis code capture?
According to the UHDDS, which of the following is the definition of “other diagnoses”?
Receives clinical evaluation or therapeutic treatment or diagnostic procedures or extends the length of stay or increases nursing care and monitoring.
( Schraffenberger 2015, 271)
A 7 year old patient was admitted to the emergency department for treatment of SHORTNESS OF BREATH. The patient is given EPINEPHRINE AND NEBULIZER treatments. The shortness of breath and wheezing are unabated following treatment. What diagnosis should be suspected?
(Asthma with status asthmatics)
A patient in status asthmatics fails to respond to therapy administered during an asthmatic attack. This is a life threatening condition that requires emergency care and likely hospitalization (schraffenberger 2015, 271)
A patient is seen in the emergency department for chest pain. After evaluation of the patent it is suspected that the patient may have gastroesphageal reflux disease (GERD). The final diagnosis was “Rule out chest pain versus GERD” the correct ICD 10 CM code is:
(R07.9 Chest pain, unspecified Scharaffenberger 2015,112)
which purpose and use goals dose not apply to ICD 10 PCS
(Improved collection of data about nursing care)
Sayles 2013,193
Which way is not a way that ICD 10 CM improves coding accuracy?
Increases cross referencing (Sayles 2013, 190)
To help clarify terms that currently have overlapping meaning, ICD 10 PCS has defined root operations. What is an example of the root operation of Excision?
(Partial nephrectomy)
Partial nephrectomy is an example of the root procedure Excision. A portion of the body part is cut out or off, without replacement (Sayles 2013, 193)
Given the following information, which of the following statements is correct?
Geometric mean Arithmetic mean
- 1 5.0
- 3 4.0
- 4 6.7
- 4 5.3
- 5 4.1
(A. in each MS-DRG the geometric mean is lower than the arithmetic mean)
The geometric mean LOS is defined as the total days of service, excluding any outliers or transfers, divided by the total number of patients. (Sayles 2013,268)
If another status T procedure were preformed, how much would the facility receive for the second status T procedure. (Billing # 998324) (CPT/HCPCS 25500) (APC 0044)
Multiple surgical procedures with payment status indicator T preformed during the same operative session are discounted. The highest weighted produce is fully reimbursed. All other procedures with payment status indicator T are reimbursed at 50%
(Casto and Forrestal 2015, 182)
A health information technician is processing payment for hospital outpatient services to be reimbursed by Medicare for a patient who had two physician visits, underwent radiology examinations, clinical laboratory tests, and who received take-home surgical dressings. Which of the following services is reimbursed under the outpatient prospective payment system?
(Radiology examinations)
Radiology procedures are identified under the outpatient perspective payment system with a status indicator X. Status indicator X identifies ancillary services that are separately paid
(Sayles 2013, 275-276)
what setting is the term patient record used in
acute patients (inpatients) Sayles 2013 P.32
What setting is the term medical recored used in
Clinics, offices outpatient
What is the primary purpose of the health recored
Patient care delivery,Patient care management, patient care support process, financial and other administrative processes, patient self management
In what year was health and homeland security added to the secondary purposes of health records
how many characters dose procedure codes have PCS
How many sections is PCS divided into
Sixteen sections
What dose the first character in a pcs code stand for
1 the section of the ICD 10 PCS system where the code resides
What dose the second character in a PCS code stand for
2# The body system
What dose the 3rd character in a PCS code stand for
3# Root operation (such as excision, incision)
What dose the 4rth character stand for in PCS coding
4 Specific body part
What dose the 5th character stand for in PCS coding
5 Approach used, such as intraluminal or open
What dose the 6th Character stand for in PCS coding
6 Devices used to perform the procedure
What dose the 7th Character stand for in PCS coding
7 Qualifier to provide additional information about the procedure (for example, diagnostic versus therapeutic)
How would the PCS code 097F7DZ be broken down by individual character.
Section Medical and Surgical 0
Body System Ear,Nose, Sinus 9
Root Operation Dilation 7
Body Part Eustachian tube, right F
Approach Via natural or artificial opening 7
Qualifier No Qualifier Z
Identify the correct ICD-10-CM diagnosis codes and sequencing for a patient who was admitted for outpatient chemotherapy for treatment of acute lymphocytic leukemia. During the procedure, the patient developed severe nausea with vomiting and was treated with medications.
a. C91.00, R11.2, Z51.11
b. Z51.11, C91.00, R11.2
c. Z51.11, C91.00
d. C91.Z2, R11.2
b. Z51.11, C91.00, R11.2
Correct Answer: B
When a patient is admitted for the purpose of radiotherapy, chemotherapy, or immunotherapy and develops a complication, such as uncontrolled nausea and vomiting or dehydration, the principal diagnosis is the admission for radiotherapy (Z51.0), the admission for the antineoplastic chemotherapy (Z51.11), or the admission for the antineoplastic immunotherapy (Z51.12). Additional codes would include the cancer and the complication(s) (Hazelwood and Venable 2014, 4, 35–36).
Identify the correct ICD-10-CM diagnosis code for a male patient with stress urinary incontinence.
a. N39.46
b. R32
c. N39.3
d. N39.498
Correct Answer: C
Urinary incontinence is a loss of urine without warning and may be associated with many conditions. ICD-10-CM classifies stress incontinence to N39.3 for both male and female types. Index Incontinence, stress (female) (male), N39.3. Subcategory N39.4, Other specified urinary incontinence, provides additional specificity that is not documented in this case.
Code N39.46 Mixed incontinence is not correct because it includes urge incontinence in addition to stress. The patient only had stress incontinence. Codes R32 Unspecified urinary incontinence is not correct due to Excludes 1 note which excludes N39.3, Code N39.498 Other specified urinary incontinence is not correct because the type (stress) has a specific code (Hazelwood and Venable 2014, 130).
The patient is a 45-year-old female who fell while walking her dog. She was walking on the sidewalk in her neighborhood and accidently tripped and subsequently fell. She sustained a comminuted fracture of the shaft of her right tibia confirmed by x-ray done in the emergency room. She also hit her head on a fire hydrant and suffered a slight concussion but no loss of consciousness. The patient also had a splinter of wood in her elbow from the fall. The patient was admitted and taken to surgery, where an open reduction with internal fixation was accomplished with good alignment of fracture fragments. Post-op course was uneventful and the patient was discharged with daily physical therapy at home. Which of the following would be coded?
a. S82.251A, S06.0XA, S50.359A, W01.198A, Y92.480, Y93.K1, Y99.8, 0QSG04Z
b. S82.252A, S06.0x0A, W01.198A, Y92.481, Y93.K1, Y99.8, 0QSG06Z
c. S82.253A, S06.0x0A, S50.359A, W01.198A, Y92.480, Y93.K1, Y99.8, 0QSGX4Z
d. S82.254A, S06.0x0A, W01.190A, Y92.482, Y93.K1, Y99.8, 0QSH04Z
Correct Answer: A
For S82.251A, the Alphabetic Index main term is Fracture, traumatic, subterms tibia (shaft), comminuted. The Tabular List is consulted to assign the sixth character “1” for displaced right” and seventh character “A” for initial encounter for closed fracture. A fracture not indicated as open or closed is coded closed and a fracture not indicated as displaced or not displaced is coded to displaced (CMS 2016a, I.C.19.c). For S06.0X0A, the Alphabetic Index main term is Concussion. The Tabular List is reviewed to assign sixth character “0” representing without loss of consciousness and seventh character “A” for initial encounter. For S50.359A the Alphabetic Index main term is Splinter, see Foreign body, superficial, by site. For W01.198A, the External Cause Alphabetic Index main term is subterms Fall, due to, slipping, with subsequent striking against object, specified NEC. The Tabular List is consulted to assign seventh character “A” for initial encounter. For Y92.480, the Alphabetic Index main term is Place of occurrence, subterm street or highway, sidewalk. For Y93.K1, the External Cause Alphabetic Index main term is Activity, subterm walking an animal. For Y99.8, the External Cause Alphabetic Index main term is External cause status, subterm specified NEC. Code Y92.480, Y93.K1 and Y99.8 are POA exempt. The other conditions were present on admission. The Alphabetic Index main term is Reposition, subterms tibia, right. Table 0QS is reviewed to assign approach value “0” for open and device value “4” for internal fixation device (AHIMA 2016, 514; CMS 2016b, 58).