What condition are people left with when they’ve had a heart attack??
People are left with heart failure after they have had a heart attack as muscle dies and hearts function deteriorates
___% of people die within their first year of having heart failure/ congestive cardiac failure (CCF)
What does prevalence of heart failure increase with??
1 in 15 have it aged 75-84
1 in 7 have it aged over 85
What is the NYHA (New York heart association) classification of heart failure CLASS 1?
Class 1: No limitations on physical activity
What is the NYHA (New York heart association) classification of heart failure CLASS 2?
Class 2: slight limitation: comfort at rest but ordinary physical activity leads to symptoms
What is the NYHA (New York heart association) classification of heart failure CLASS 3?
Class 3: marked limitation of activity. Comfort at rest but less than ordinary activity will cause symptoms e.g. Walking from one room to another
What is the NYHA (New York heart association) classification of heart failure CLASS 4?
Symptoms even at rest. Unable to carry out any physical activity at all without discomfort.
What’s the problem with loosing heart muscle e.g. After a heart attack where some of the heart muscle dies??
Heart muscle is responsible for the pumping mechanism of the heart. If we loose this, the heart struggles to pump blood to all areas of the body that need it, so oxygen isn’t carried round the body which is why we feel tired and breathless with Heart failure.
The thing we need to remember with Heart failure is that it is NOT a disease by itself, it often occurs as a CONSEQUENCE of some other disease process. What heart related diseases can it be caused by??
Coronary Heart Disease (coronary artery disease)- most common cause!!
Acute Coronary syndromes (angina, STEMI, NSTEMI) but these can also be caused by HF themselves.
Atrial fibrillation
Cardiomyopathy (viral infection)
What none-heart related risk factors can cause HF?
SMOKING- most common factor
Diabetes (as it’s associated with obesity)
Drugs/ toxins (alcohol, cocaine, cytotoxics)
Cholesterol- but fine if they’re put on a Statin
Endocrine e.g. Thyroid, adrenal sufficiency, cushings
ECG is one of the diagnostic tools used in heart disease, what does it show?
It can show the rate and rhythm of the heart
Most common cause of abnormal rhythm = atrial fibrillation
It can also help to show us signs of a previous heart attack
Echocardiography is a KEY diagnostic tool used to look at the heart, what is it?
It’s an ultrasound exam of the heart
Ultrasound machine combined with Doppler
Used to look specifically at heart function
We can look at a 2D image of the heart in real time using this tool: it allows us to look at particular valves and heart muscle
What is cardiac catheterisation?
Takes x ray pictures of the hearts arteries using coronary angiography. Considered to be the best method to diagnose coronary heart disease.
A tube called a catheter is inserted into a blood vessel in groin or arm, and x ray images guide the tip of the catheter to the heart and coronary arteries. INVASIVE
What is a CXR?
Chest X ray
Can be used to look at size of heart compared to the lungs, can show PE in lungs, but it’s very inaccurate for heart diagnostics!
Can we use a stethoscope to help diagnose diseases of the heart?
No! It won’t work as it’s not accurate
What four things can an echocardiogram show to diagnose heart failure?
Ejection fraction (volume of the left ventricle that gets extracted when the heart beats)
Size of the chambers especially the left ventricle
(If the left ventricle starts to fail it gets bigger and bigger as it’s lost it’s elasticity: think of a balloon being blown up several times)
Regional wall abnormalities
Mild, moderate or severe left ventricular systolic dysfunction: this tends to get graded by the person doing the echocardiogram
What is specialist nurse intervention?
Aims to improve patient outcomes for patients with chronic heart failure
It can improve patient compliance with their medicines
It can keep patients out of hospital
It can improve quality of life
Why do high dose ACE inhibitors work in heart failure??
They block the action of angiotensin which is a powerful vasoconstrictor in the body. This means they result in vasodilation, improving blood flow, this helps to decrease the work the heart has to do. Not only do they open blood vessels, but they also reduce blood pressure.
They relieve symptoms such as fluid build up and swelling
Who should not take ACE inhibitors?
Those intolerant: dry cough
Those with high potassium levels: ACEi’s can raise this
Those with v low blood pressure
Renovascular disease: ACEi’s can make renal function worse
Beta blockers are indicated in heart disease. Which beta blocker is cardio selective? Can you think when they would be contra-indicated?
In diabetics: mask hypos