clinical assessment Flashcards
What guests say about their condition
Their perception of the condition since the last treatment
Obvious differences you notice before, during and after the massage
Which techniques or modalities were used
Which areas were the focus of treatment
Results of the current massage session
Prioritized functional limitations
Long and short term goals
Plan for future massage treatments
Techniques to use or avoid, duration and frequency of future sessions
Self-care recommendations
Any specific products needed
Bath Salts, Thera-bands, Wobbleboards etc.
Referrals to other health care practitioners
Combined Subjective and Objective information
Observation, Palpation, Movement Assessments
More condensed and brief then SOAP charting
Similar to SOAP charting except more condensed and shorter
What is the final outcome of the treatment session
Plan for future sessions
Similar to “PLAN” in SOAP charting but more condensed
pain tension cycle
What happens with stress?
Stress is the physical reaction you have to a stressor.
• A stressor is anything that you perceive or feel causes stress.
Stressors may be from our environment – eg. Conditions on the worksite, loud noises, demanding schedules etc.
They may be from our own bodies – eg. Physical illness
They may be from our own perceptions of things – eg. Being stressed.
Some responses can add to the stress and become stressors –eg. Alcohol consumed/drugs to relieve stress
Intake Form
A form that documents the guests contact information, health history, or informed consent for care
Information that is to be kept private unless the guest expressly permits you to share it
massage treatment record
The document containing your subjective and objective regarding the guest’s condition as well as the results of the treatment session and plans for future sessions
ADL activity of daily living
Normal activities performed during an average day
functional limitation
A normal ADL that is limited by muscular or connective tissue conditions
treatment goal
A specific goal that is determined after therapeutic massage treatment to clarify progress toward restoring functional limitations
case history question 1-4
1) Lifestyle Questions
(age, gender, activity level, occupation, fitness, etc)
2) Pain/Complaint Based Questions
(intensity, duration, pathway, makes it better/worse, any other pain I should know about?, etc.)
3) Affected Activities of Daily Living (ADL’s) Questions
(e.g. what can’t you do that you could do before? How are you compensating for this loss/pain/other? Etc)
4) Other
(medications, stress levels, other medical issues I should know about?, support system at home, etc)
orthopedic format of assessment
HOPMNRS History Observation Palpation Movement Neurological Referred/Radiating Pain Special Tests
reflective listening
A method with which you reiterate the guest’s words to convey your comprehension or to clarify a misunderstanding
A mutual trust in a relationship
treatment goal
A specific goal that is determined after therapeutic massage treatment to clarify progress toward restoring functional limitations
Lifestyle Questions
(age, gender, activity level, occupation, fitness, etc)
2) Complaint/Pain Based Questions
(intensity, duration, pathway, makes it better/worse, any other pain I should know about?, etc.)
3) Affected Activities of Daily Living (ADL’s) Questions
(e.g. what can’t you do that you could do before? How are you compensating for this loss/pain/other? Etc)
4) Other
(medications, stress levels, other medical issues I should know about?, support system at home, etc
Has this happened in the past?
Determine ‘when’ did the complaint started – referred to as the ‘onset’ of the problem?
Was trauma involved, or it just started, or is it due to degeneration of the joints, age related or previous injury
Do you take any medications?
Any family with similar complaints?
Have you seen a physician for this concern, or any other practitioner?
What was the results of the visit
How has this condition affected their ADL
Was there any specific ‘mechanism of injury’ - describe it
Is there any pain involved