Clinical aspects of adhesion Flashcards
How do we know how much tooth tissue to remove?
- Caries risk of patient
- Quality of tissues remaining (infected or affected)
- The restorative material we are going to use (amalgam needs a bigger cavity)
What material options do we have to restore with?
- Composites
- Biodentine
- Amalgam
Why do we use acid etch?
- Create micro-porosities for resin to infiltrate into
- Removal of smear layer
- To give a high energy surface
Why do we want a material that is not putting lateral stress on enamel?
When we cut enamel, the prisms tend to be parallel to the cavity wall.
Therefore, lateral pressure can cause the enamel prisms to be separated easily.
How can composites cause tooth cracking?
- They shrink by up to 3%
- This puts pressure on the enamel-composite interface
- Can lead to fracture of enamel
What bur can reduce the risk of fracture at the interface?
541 diamond bur
What are the 4 types of dba?
Type 1 = 3 bottle adhesive, etch prime and bond separately
Type 2 = etching and then primer&bond together as a solvent
Type 3 = etch&primer and then bond (bond seals surface)
Type 4 = all 3 mixed together e.g. Scotchbond
Why do we not want to excessively dry the collagen after adding etching?
This leads to the collapse of the collagen network to form an impenetrable mass.
This means the primer will not penetrate into the dentine.
Why do we use a rubber dam?
To prevent contamination, prevent inhalation of any equipment, moisture control.
How long do we etch, wash and dry for?
Etch: 20s enamel, 10s dentine
Wash: 10s
Dry: 10s
Why should we not touch resins when placing them?
- Gloves dont protect operator
- Less contamination of the resin
- Better cross infection control
What is the difference that occurs in the smear layer with type 1&2 DBA compared to type 3&4 DBA?
1&2 = removes smear layer
3&4 = dissolves smear layer
What does the hybrid layer form between?
Between the dentine collagen tubules and the primer.
Type 4 systems are more simple.
What is the main problem?
Breakdown in the bond showing blistering due to water in the adhesive interface.
What bifunctional monomer is found in Scothbond?
MDP monomer
Where are resin tags forming?
Between dentinal tubules and bond
Where does the oxygen inhibition layer form?
Between the bond and the overlying composite.
Why does the adhesive layer degrade over time?
- The MMPs are secreted by bacteria which break down the collagen interface and hence the hybrid layer
How can we measure the bond strength in the hybrid layer?
Take a tooth, sectioning it and removing the crown.
Flat surface of the tooth is conditioned, etched and primed.
Composite crown is built up on the tooth surface.
Surface is then left 24h in distilled water and a slow speed diamond saw is used to section the tooth into slabs.
The tooth is sectioned again at 90 degrees to make matchstick shapes.
The matchsticks are attached a device and pulled apart to measure the bond strength in the small area.
How do we perform atraumatic restorative treatment?
- Remove the reservoir of bacteria to provide a cleansable tooth surface
- Transitional restorations
What type of bonding does GIC have?
Chemical bonding between carboxyl ions in GIC and calcium phosphate in enamel and dentine.
What is the reaction with biodentine?
What does the water contain and why?
Tricalcium silicate + water to make calcium silicate hydrate and calcium hydroxide.
Water contains calcium chloride which accelerates the reaction.
Why is high pH stimulate in biodentine?
Stimulates the laying down of reparative dentine (formed by pre-odontoblast cells after lots of trauma).