Clinical Approach to Stupor and Coma (Hon) Flashcards
What generally causes coma?
Bilateral hemispheric dysfunction, brainstem dysfunction or both
What are the requirements of consciousness?
1) Arousal
2) Awareness
Consciousness depends on arousal of cerebral cortex by?
The brainstem ascending reticular activating system
Coma and stupor are caused by?
1) Diffuse or bilateral impairment of both cerebral hemispheres
2) Failure of brainstem ARAS
3) Both the above
What are broad categories of lesions that produce coma?
1) Supratentorial mass lesions that involve ARAS
2) Infratentorial mass lesions that involve the brainstem
3) Diffuse or multifocal brain disease
What are some examples of supratentorial causes of stupor and coma that affect the unilateral hemisphere (mass effect)?
1) Intracerebral hemorrhage
2) Large MCA infarct
3) Subdural hematoma
4) Epidural hematoma
What are some examples of supratentorial causes of stupor and coma that affect bilateral hemisphere?
1) Subarachnoid hemorrhage
2) Cerebral edema
3) Acute hydrocephalus
What are some examples of subtentorial causes of stupor and coma?
1) Pontine hemorrhage
2) Basilar artery occlusion
3) Central pontine myelinolysis
What causes the pupil to be enlarged on one side?
Parasympathetic dysfunction (usually CN III)
What causes pinpoint pupils?
1) Pontine lesions
2) Opiates
3) Pilocarpine
What extraocular movement is common to see in comatose patients?
Roving eye movements
If the roving eye movements are moving together (conjugate) this implies?
If they are dysconjugate this implies?
1) Brainstem intact
2) Brainstem lesion
Which direction do the eyes move with a destructive hemispheric lesion?
With an irritative hemispheric lesion?
With a destructive brainstem lesion?
1) Toward lesion
2) Away from lesion
3) Away from lesion
Oculocephalic maneuver (Doll’s Eyes) is used to assess which CNs?
III, IV, and VI
When performing the Oculocephalic maneuver, what direction do the eyes move with passive horizontal head rotation?
What direction do the eyes move with passive vertical head rotation?
1) Horizontally opposite
2) Vertically opposite