Clinical anatomy-lower limb Flashcards
What are the 4 pelvic bones?
Ilium, ischium, pubic bone and sacrum
What are the pudendal and pelvic splanchnic nerve important for
bladder and bowel control
Sciatic nerve is formed from?
L4,S1,S2,S3 nerve roots
What can be injured in major pelvic trauma?
Urethra,rectum and bladder
What supplies the femoral head?
ring anastomosis
An intracapsule hip fracture-treatment
If an extracapcular hip fracture - treatment
fixed with dynamic hip screw
There s tennis blood supply yo the superior head which is susceptible to blockage e.g. by fat. What is the result of this
avascular necrosis
What action is the gluteus maxis responsible for?
extension and external rotation
What do the adbuctors do when standing on one leg?
tilt the pelvis
What is the most powerful flexor?
illiopsoas (made up of posts major and illiacus)
What are the quads supplied by?
femoral nerve
What does a straight leg raise test?
extensor mechanism
Hams are supplied by
sciatic nerve
Semitendinosus can be used as a _______ _____
tendon graft ( used for ACL reconstruction)
Adductors supplied by
obturator nerve ( can refer hip pathology to the knee)
Adductor hiatus
transmits the femoral artery and vein from Hunters canal into popliteal fossa
What are the two types of cartilage in the knee?
Hyaline fibrocartilaginous menisci ( c shaped discs of cartilage that transmit force from the more rounded femoral condyles to the plateau)
Medial colateral ligament resists
valgus stress ( stop it more excessively knock kneed)
ACL resists
internal rotation and anterior translation tibia
PCL resists
posterior translation or anterior translation tibia e.g. descending stira
LCL resists
valgus stress and helps to resists external rotation
What is the tibiofemoral angle on average
6 degree valgus
result in symmetric distribution of load between medial and lateral compartments
Genu valgum have an increased of
lateral OA
Genu varum have an increased risk of
medial OA
What are bursae
filmy tissue
prevents friction between may things
but can become inflamed
In the anterior compartment of leg- what is supply
dorsiflexors and long toe extensors
deep peroneal (fibular) nerve
lateral compartment of leg supply
peroneus longs and brevis
superficial peroneal n
posterior compartment of leg supply
tibial n
Whats the treatment of compartment syndrome
deltoid ligament
How many ligaments do you need to injure to have an instability issue
2 out of the 3 lateral ligaments
What is tarsal coalition
abnormal connection between tarsal bones
What bones are in the hind foot
talus and calcaneus
What bones are in the mid foot
cuneiform ( 1,2,3) , cuboid and navicular
What bones are in the forefoot
Metatarsal, phalanxes and tarsometatarsal
Composite movements involving ankle joint,subtalar joint and mid foot
pronation and supination
What contributes the the medial arch
tibial posterior and plantar fascia ( if it degenerates can get micro tears and pain)
What do lumbricals assist in
flexion of MTPJ and extension of interphalanageal joints (PIP and DIP)
Imbalance of the flexor and extensor tendons can lead to…
claw and hammer toe deformities