Clinical Anatomy Flashcards
Hip pathology may produce pain in the knee. What nerve is responsible for this?
Obturator nerve
Which three locations for pathology can cause buttock pain
Hip, Lumbar spine, Sacroiliac joint
Which 5 conditions can cause shortened limb stature
OA, Perthes, SUFE, AVN & fractures
Groin pain can be caused by conditions not related to the hip itself. Name 4 of these.
Inguinal or femoral hernia
Pubic symphysis dysfunction
High lumbar disc prolapse with L1/2 radiculopathy
Which 3 bones fuse to form the ‘hip bone’.
Ilium, ischium, pubis
What is the name of the foramen formed by the ischium & pubis
Obturator foramen
What is the acetabular labrum & what is its function
A fibrocartilaginous rim along the margin of the acetabulum
Deepens and cushions the hip join, increases hip stability
Describe the position of the hip prior to a posterior hip dislocation
CLUE: Think car crash!
Flexed, adducted, internally rotated
Where does the sciatic nerve leave the pelvis
Through the great sciatic foramen inferior to the piriformis.
Travel posterior to the acetabulum.
What muscles are involved in trendelenburg’s sign
Hip abductor muscles - gluteus minimus & medius
What is the main arterial supply to the femoral head & neck
Medial circumflex artery
(branch of profunda femoris
which is a branch of the femoral artery)
What other arteries provide blood supply to the femoral head/ neck (other than medial circumflex artery)
Lateral circumflex artery (branch of profunda femoris)
- mainly along the intertrochanteric line
Artery to the head of the femur (branch of obturator nerve)
- small portion of femoral head
Name the 2 extra-capsular ligaments, 2 intra-articular ligaments & 2 fibrocartilaginous menisci
2 extra-capsular - Medial & lateral collateral ligaments
2 intra-articular - Anterior & posterior cruciate ligaments
2 fibrocartilaginous menisci - Medial & lateral menisci
What are the 4 ligaments that make up the deltoid ligament (from anterior to posterior)
- Anterior tibiotalar ligament
- Tibionavicular ligament
- Tibiocalcaneal ligament
- Posterior tibiotalar ligament
What happens in a maisonneuve fracture
- Fracture of proximal fibula ->
- Separation of distal tibia and fibula ->
- Rupture of tibiofibular ligament